Hahahaha, you finally posted it, huh? Too bad we couldn't win that one.Sniper rifles are fine
Sniper rifles are fine
Anyone still need to do Nightfall?
That's how I feel about my LDR
Good times were had
Hahahaha, you finally posted it, huh? Too bad we couldn't win that one.
Definity thanks for the run, great run!
we appreciate it a lot. had a string of bad players from LFG
That's how I feel about my LDR
Good times were had
Need 1 for NM Raid, Oryx, 300+.
PSN: Raadius
wish actually quit Destiny and is streaming Halo 5 full time. He's doing pretty well apparently. Despite the attitude issues and all that the dude is unquestionably an amazing player.
Anyone need one for non-serious Trials action? I don't have the skill to get to the lighthouse, so I'd be looking to do bounties and whatever happens happens. PSN shiv2099
I gave it range. I don't ever use ARs, ever, but I found this gun and kinda fell in love. When I'm doing low level PvE it's super fun. I wouldn't use it in Crucible or high level PvE (not that it's not viable, just not my thing).Recs for perks for Zhalo Supercell? Debating if I should spend an Exotic Shard on a reprint. Didn't like the gun when it dropped for me at 310.
I'm down for four or five rounds to work on bounties, PSN: SoullessSHOES.
Anyone need one for non-serious Trials action? I don't have the skill to get to the lighthouse, so I'd be looking to do bounties and whatever happens happens. PSN shiv2099
Any nm raids going on?
Still need 1? I can help with a weapons bubble but light 299. I've done it plenty of times so I should be ok. Plus warpriest drop will make me above 300 easily.
Anyone still need NF?
Need this on my hunter.
Cool, room for one more. And I can save the checkpoint for whomever needs itI do.
Seen a few interested in a NM raid. I need to do two characters.
Let's get one going.
1. wild_whiskey
Cool, room for one more. And I can save the checkpoint for whomever needs it
I'll join psn is crunchy_barrel
Sure, PSN same as my gaf. Just join the party. Be back in 5 minsI'm in if you have room
Party Crasher +1 Year 2 dropped with AggBallistics, Rifled Barrel & Army of One.
SO much better than the Conspiracy-D. Ever so slightly higher range, same impact, but higher rate of fire, stability, and reload.
Because of the lag?I may just be sour, I don't know, but I really don't like the new trials system.
When I lose I feel miserable, and when I win, I don't feel accomlpished. So the good isn't outweighing the bad, and it just makes me want to not keep playing.
I know it sounds silly, but it just doesn't feel "fun" anymore.
Also, I miss my white sniper![]()
Seen a few interested in a NM raid. I need to do two characters.
Let's get one going.
1. wild_whiskey
I just haven't done jumping puzzles with my warlock yet. Worst comes to worst I will log in and out.
I have two friends with me that it would be their first time. I've done it. So I have three total.Seen a few interested in a NM raid. I need to do two characters.
Let's get one going.
1. wild_whiskey
We have 4 now.
Just added wild_whiskey
It drops from regular crucibleDamn! It dropped in regular crucible? That sounds delightful. Or was it Trials?
Seen a few interested in a NM raid. I need to do two characters.
Let's get one going.
1. wild_whiskey
2 crunchybarrel
3 princeakuma
4 pandora012
Need 2 more!
I managed to go from 304 to 307 from beating Warpriest. Dude is a pain.
Sorry dude only seen your post. We beat him and left Golgoroth until tomorrow night but if your around and want in I can send an invite.
I'm sad the Cryptarch doesn't sell white engrams anymore. Having a full fireteam buy 3 mag HCs and white snipers regular Crucible trains was some of the most fun I had in year 1 PvP.