Do glad I still have 1,000+ on my hunter. My Titan though is barely hanging onto the 100 and that quickly drops with each infusion..Weapon Parts nerf doesn't bother me oh my god I only have 10 left
Do glad I still have 1,000+ on my hunter. My Titan though is barely hanging onto the 100 and that quickly drops with each infusion..Weapon Parts nerf doesn't bother me oh my god I only have 10 left
They stopped reading a long time ago. These past couple of weeks have been brutal.
Yeah, we scared off Luke.
Based on past experience Bungie's mantra is, "Let's just see how it plays out" and then when they nerf/balance they just go too far.
Suros Regime is overpowered? No problem. *nerfs all Auto Rifles*
Thorn/Hawkmoon/TLW overpowered? No problem. *nerfs all Hand Cannons*
They shouldn't stop reading this just because the feedback from hardmode was pretty bad.
That's the feedback that's the most important, so they can improve upon it. Some very good suggestions for both KF and Nightfall rewards have been said. Even some PvP / Trials changes. The RNG on top of RNG should go away or be more refined.
You know it's a problem when the majority of us are upset or unhappy, when we're the ones who stuck with them throughout everything. Not saying we deserve something, but mainly that we can tolerate a lot usually so if something is bad for most, then you know it's bad.
If they did guild wars lvl world bosses I would cry tears of joy.
They are reading it, it's someones job to sit there and read all the different feedback from all the communities. Whether they listen is another question.
They stopped reading a long time ago. These past couple of weeks have been brutal.
Yeah, we scared off Luke.
1%ers of the 1%ers are pretty scary
If I were Bungie, I'd be really happy there are people that get so angry and passionate about my game. The moment everyone stops caring is when they should be scared.
I feel like if it's not front page reddit then whatever we say or suggest here won't make any difference. There are plenty of valid suggestions and complaints around here, they just never get seen it seems.
Bungie loves reddit.
If I were Bungie, I'd be really happy there are people that get so angry and passionate about my game. The moment everyone stops caring is when they should be scared.
"Fucking nerds lol."
-Bungie when reading various forums about Destiny
No. Not even close. It's a small step in that direction.They kind of do that already with Public Events like Spider Tanks and the Taken invasions.
I miss being able to reliably hit the broad side of a barn with a hand cannon that isn't Ace of Spades or Hawkmoon.
"Fucking nerds lol."
-Bungie when reading various forums about Destiny
I can helpAnyone wanna group up for Black Spindle? :] PSN techn1colors
I feel like if it's not front page reddit then whatever we say or suggest here won't make any difference. There are plenty of valid suggestions and complaints around here, they just never get seen it seems.
Bungie loves reddit.
That's not really a grind. You do hard mode 3 times, okay, but WHY are you doing hard mode 3 times a week? You're not aiming for anything other than a new gun/light level which doesn't really impact anything or allow you to do anything you couldn't do w/o the grinding (let's not get into whether that's actually grinding - I don't think something that is 5 or so hours a week is really grinding).
I guess I am just comparing it to other games where there is a very real grind in order to progress. For example, in many MMOs (or mobile games, for that matter, or many other RPGs/ARPGS,etc), you have to replay the same shit over and over and over and over, for hours/days/weeks on end, just to reach level cap, and at THAT point, you can start doing other things that were previously unavailable for you.
I hear it in your voice every time we play together. I feel your pain.
Seems morning Spindle runs have died down. I'll check back periodically and see if there are anymore takers later in the afternoon. In the meantime send those PMs so I'll have a healthy list of people to do runs!
I can help
I think it's because they have more "control" with Reddit and more people see that. We are a very small minority of the most hardcore here.
No. Not even close. It's a small step in the direction.
If they start actually being hard(more mini bosses and more objectives during it) and giving deserving loot? Then yeah they might be.
You feel it, too, don't you? I'm gonna make them give back our past.I hear it in your voice every time we play together. I feel your pain.
Agreed. I def played this game a lot. I enjoy the gun play, DGAF and RL friends that play. As long as I am around the recommended level and have weapons I can work with, it's all good.I don't really get "hurt" from this game. After all it's just a game. But I just like the people I play with and *gasp* I like this game and want to see it at it's best. For both the non-hardcore and the hardcore. There has to be a balance somewhere.
DestinyGaf <3
Let's do it, man!
Just need one morePSN: techn1colors! feel free to just add me.
Getting online nowLet's do it, man!
Just need one morePSN: techn1colors! feel free to just add me.
I'll join.Brack Spinduru GET! WHO HO!
This was done faaaaaaaast. O_O
Thnx guys!
Ok, KF NM Deathsinger CP,any takers?
1. j0hnny_385
2. darkistheway
Exactly. I look forward to my weekly raid because I know hilarity will ensue. I don't expect loot to drop. I do expect to be entertained. Bungie hasn't failed me yet.I don't really get "hurt" from this game. After all it's just a game. But I just like the people I play with and *gasp* I like this game and want to see it at it's best. For both the non-hardcore and the hardcore. There has to be a balance somewhere.
DestinyGaf <3
The problem with GAF is that it's closed and there's only one (linear) thread per game.
It's easier to get more (volume wise) and varied (experience wise) feedback from Reddit because the community/membership is open and each subreddit basically functions as its own platform using the Reddit format. Moderation is also owned and maintained by the Subreddit ownership (primarily), unlike GAF where you're lucky to have community/OT-specific moderation if a MOD plays the game to keep active in the thread or is called in when needed.
GAF has community OTs that work on a single-thread basis, meaning if you don't keep up you will miss a message/question.
Point being: the Subreddit format is best. If you have feedback/suggestions or criticism, you're honestly best served in throwing it on the Destiny Subreddit for discussion. This GAF thread is good for chatting amongst GAFers and organizing sessions with one another, but not much else, really.
I work as a developer (been on GAF before I started in the industry though) and I've made these observations as game-specific Subreddits started to supersede official forums in the past few years. (I bet Bungie people still read this thread, even if they're not commenting.)
People hate on the game because they love it.
Look at our OT number. Look at the people like Zoba who write their soul out about things they want in the game.
It's our little super dedicated 1% of 1% community we got here and I am sure Luke Smith wouldn't be posting here if he wasn't happy about it.
I have HM totems if you want it.Hey rawr you got them totems checkpoint by any chance?
If I were Bungie, I'd be really happy there are people that get so angry and passionate about my game. The moment everyone stops caring is when they should be scared.
Iv been waiting for that for a long time.Still waiting for DGAF community focus feature on
I have HM totems if you want it.