on ps4.
Send a fr to DreadfulOmen. I'm grabbing weapons right now.
on ps4.
Thank you sir!Congrats! Great accomplishment. May your future endeavors deliver great drops.
FinanceCongrats. What is your field of study if you don't mind me asking.
Got two spaces for HM raid if anyone is interested. We are at the totems ready to go so just message me.
id is Nothus.
I know it's a little early, but would anyone be interested in a newbie raid on Thursday night? It can be any of the three. Thinking about doing this every Thursday night, gauging interest.
Thank you sir!
Are you still looking? PS4 or xbone?
I know it's a little early, but would anyone be interested in a newbie raid on Thursday night? It can be any of the three. Thinking about doing this every Thursday night, gauging interest.
Looking for 1, for trials. Join me. Psn is same as gaf.
Yup, PS4.
I know it's a little early, but would anyone be interested in a newbie raid on Thursday night? It can be any of the three. Thinking about doing this every Thursday night, gauging interest.
Need 1 more for a Spindle Sherpa run. Send me a PM if you'd like to get your shiny new Black Spindle.
Bring a second player ☺Great, I'll join. Psn is ruthlesbarbarian
May have a second player too if you're still short one..
Could I join? I want to try my hand at getting boots. PSN theFLYINGPIGEON.
I'd be interested in a King's Fall newbie raid. Still haven't done it![]()
"Help". Let me know if I should bring the version of myself that went 14-1 or the version that went 1-6 in the very next game.
I should be around but I might not be your ticket to where you wanna go.
Same here!
Bring a second player ☺
OkLogging on, gimme 5 mins.
I just want at least a shot at getting to 7 for the Scout.
Want to join me and fox? We need 1.
Edit: it's full
We've basically had 5 meta's now - 6 if you count the meta in the alpha and beta.
June - July 2014: Auto Rifles + whatever you wanted on the side
September - October 2014: Auto Rifles + Fusion Rifles (including Mythoclast)
October - November 2014: Brief period where Scouts and Legendary HCs were in demand
December 2014 - April 2015: Exotic Hand Cannons + Shotguns
May 2015 - August 2015: Exotic Hand Cannons, Pulse Rifles, Final Rounds Snipers and Felwinter Shotguns
September 2015 - Now Pulse Rifles, Felwinter Shotguns, high aim assist Snipers
So everything except Sidearms has had a spot in the limelight at this point. We went through all of the primaries, and from specials we went from OP fusions to OP shotguns to OP snipers with OP shotguns on the side.
For Heavies, Machine Guns ruled in the Alpha and Beta and House of Wolves is when Rockets completely took over the spot because of Grenades and Horsehoes rerolling, but there was a good balance without it.
We've basically had 5 meta's now - 6 if you count the meta in the alpha and beta.
June - July 2014: Auto Rifles + whatever you wanted on the side
September - October 2014: Auto Rifles + Fusion Rifles (including Mythoclast)
October - November 2014: Brief period where Scouts and Legendary HCs were in demand
December 2014 - April 2015: Exotic Hand Cannons + Shotguns
May 2015 - August 2015: Exotic Hand Cannons, Pulse Rifles, Final Rounds Snipers and Felwinter Shotguns
September 2015 - Now Pulse Rifles, Felwinter Shotguns, high aim assist Snipers
So everything except Sidearms has had a spot in the limelight at this point. We went through all of the primaries, and from specials we went from OP fusions to OP shotguns to OP snipers with OP shotguns on the side.
For Heavies, Machine Guns ruled in the Alpha and Beta and House of Wolves is when Rockets completely took over the spot because of Grenades and Horsehoes rerolling, but there was a good balance without it.
Sooooo how easy would it be for end to get a £100,000,000,000 loan of which I can take out multiple other loans to pay for said loan using fake ID's and then runaway to my secret island without paying a penny back and scamming a whole load of people until the financial market collapsed?
October - November: Hand Cannons were beautiful but Thorn wasn't buffed and SUROS/Vex had calmed the fuck down. Ayy those were the days.Which meta was your favorite?
The legendary items from the gold package drop 300-310. Only the exotics out of the silver and gold can drop higher, or the primaries (and exotics) from the lighthouse. Of course, all three of my items out of the gold package were 300 anyway, and they were garbage: artifact, ghost, and auto.Is it not possible to get one from the Gold tier trials bounty?
Which meta was your favorite?
1. November 2014
2. A G E O F S U R O S
3. Alpha/Beta
4. Week before TTK came out when 2.0 hit
1. November 2014
2. A G E O F S U R O S
3. Alpha/Beta
4. Week before TTK came out when 2.0 hit
Someone on Reddit is claiming they got the Beetle emblem past nine wins (EJRobinson said he got his at 10.) That emblem might actually be better than the flawless emblem!
Since everyone is posting about personal stuff today, we got the results from our anatomy ultrasound and my baby is a boy! I'm going to have a son! Now to figure out a name...
Man, people on Reddit are dumb.
I don't like asking, but if some of you wouldn't mind tossing an upvote here: https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyThe...u_will_never_be_max_light_level_and_ill_show/
I go through this whole thing about how impossible it is to reach 320 via the raid, and people just answer "Well obviously you didn't take Trials into consideration, and that makes it way easier..."