What time you thinking about playing?I just want to scream when someone says that the current state of PVP is amazing.
Also, I need one more Flawless card if anyone wants to play tonight.
What time you thinking about playing?I just want to scream when someone says that the current state of PVP is amazing.
Also, I need one more Flawless card if anyone wants to play tonight.
Need to do spindle as well. I know what to do just never done it.
Want to join longhorn and myself?
This is the fewest online GAFers I've seen on my friends list since I first joined DGAF.
Any spindle groups going?
This is the fewest online GAFers I've seen on my friends list since I first joined DGAF.
What time you thinking about playing?
Yeah I'll join. I've never done it so I'm not that experienced. Psn shabadoo_69
I'm down for it.Any spindle groups going?
Maybe too early to ask, but is anyone interested in running Oryx NM checkpoint tonight, maybe 9 EST or thereabouts? Just want to squeeze it in before the reset, and never got round to it this weekend. On PS4 (feels like I shouldn't have to specify that, but <shrugs>)
1) shiv2099
2) Pandora012
3) casmith7509
4) iRAWRasaurus
5) futbol_dude77
If its normal mode I can do it PSN futbol_dude77Posting for the new page again.
This is the fewest online GAFers I've seen on my friends list since I first joined DGAF.
If its normal mode I can do it PSN futbol_dude77
it's probably not fair for me to ask but what kind of line do you have? I'm trying to preemptively correctly PM you for a certain time bracket...
also, are you exclusively taking GAFers? I have a friend who would love to tag along but I'm not sure how your sherpa'ing laws work. c:
I jumped on today for the first time in a while (wed I think?), did a nightfall, got a 294 chest and turned that shit off immediately. Just terrible.This is the fewest online GAFers I've seen on my friends list since I first joined DGAF.
Any spindle groups going?
It can be both long and short. Depends how many people who signed up for the Waiting List actually show up when it's their turn. Most people don't so I skip them and move to the next available person, but have to go back when the finally do show up.
It can be both long and short. Depends how many people who signed up for the Waiting List actually show up when it's their turn. Most people don't so I skip them and move to the next available person, but have to go back when the finally do show up.
I jumped on today for the first time in a while (wed I think?), did a nightfall, got a 294 chest and turned that shit off immediately. Just terrible.
This is the fewest online GAFers I've seen on my friends list since I first joined DGAF.
If I told you how my last ~3-4 raids and ~5-6 NFs have gone, you wouldn't believe me. I swear my account is #lootlocked.It's like Bungie setup the loot drip feed to keep people playing longer due to less content rolling out and preventing players from quitting early, but people end up quitting early anyway due to shit drops.
Meh I have not finish 2 HM raids don't feel like doing them. No idea if I finish all my nightfalls as well.This is the fewest online GAFers I've seen on my friends list since I first joined DGAF.
PVP and PVE drops are just depressing now. I've been playing Rocket League and MGO more often now.
MGO is preeeetty good. I have a level 15 Infiltrator and Enforcer.
It can be both long and short. Depends how many people who signed up for the Waiting List actually show up when it's their turn. Most people don't so I skip them and move to the next available person, but have to go back when they finally do show up.
I'm a level 10 enforcer, I just started playing a week ago.
Anyone want to play trials?
Anyone want to play trials?
I could try for a flawless on my hunter.
If you're still around in a couple hours I'd be down.
I'm not sure how long I'll be playing. Probably just one card.
That would have been infuriating. Join in progress needs to be re-thunk. Bungie has to do better.I still maintain that the worst part of PvP is hopping into matchmaking and being put into a game that's almost over.
The other day before we played Trials, I hopped into the Daily playlist to warm up. It put me in a game where we had 700 points and the other team had 2900. I was the only player on the losing team. Not even 30 seconds passed - literally 30 seconds guys - and they killed me and triggered mercy.
Why even put me in the game?
Somewhere around House of Wolves, I had a 100% win ratio in Rumble across 100+ games. Guess how I lost it?
Motherfucking joining a match that was almost over.
I still maintain that the worst part of PvP is hopping into matchmaking and being put into a game that's almost over.
The other day before we played Trials, I hopped into the Daily playlist to warm up. It put me in a game where we had 700 points and the other team had 2900. I was the only player on the losing team. Not even 30 seconds passed - literally 30 seconds guys - and they killed me and triggered mercy.
Why even put me in the game?
Somewhere around House of Wolves, I had a 100% win ratio in Rumble across 100+ games. Guess how I lost it?
Fallout 4 is going to hit DGAF hard. I'll still circle back to Destiny in the wake of it for the odd daily and weekly strikes, but I'll probably be on that game for 90% of my playtime for a while. Bethesda games tend to be all-consuming, especially considering my limited playtime these days.
Still need 1? GunawiAnyone want to play trials?
I still maintain that the worst part of PvP is hopping into matchmaking and being put into a game that's almost over.
The other day before we played Trials, I hopped into the Daily playlist to warm up. It put me in a game where we had 700 points and the other team had 2900. I was the only player on the losing team. Not even 30 seconds passed - literally 30 seconds guys - and they killed me and triggered mercy.
It'll be after I get out of class, so maybe 9:00-9:30pm central time.
Still need 1? Gunawi
That would have been infuriating. Join in progress needs to be re-thunk. Bungie has to do better.
I'm in the mood for Chinese so I ordered Chinese. After I eat, aim assist will be -999999999.
I didn't think it would, but then I preordered a set that included a Fallout Pop Vinyl and Art Book, and now that it's looming I'm feeling that I'll be out for pretty much everything except maybe one Raid a week.Fallout 4 is going to hit DGAF hard. I'll still circle back to Destiny in the wake of it for the odd daily and weekly strikes, but I'll probably be on that game for 90% of my playtime for a while. Bethesda games tend to be all-consuming, especially considering my limited playtime these days.
Happens almost every time I've played Crucible in the last few months. First game of the day - Join in Progress. Switch playlists - first game is join in progress. Go to tower, pick up bounty, return to orbit - join in progress. Quit the game you just joined and queue again - next game you join in progress.
Please let me turn it off.