No one for Spindle ship farming? Also, I don't know the mechanics so there's that 
Come on!
Hahah Hahahaha ha ha...yeah good times
No one for Spindle ship farming? Also, I don't know the mechanics so there's that![]()
Lol you can't farm the ship Hoss. Total waste of time. You'll never get it.
No one for Spindle ship farming? Also, I don't know the mechanics so there's that![]()
Undying Mind is a fine strike besides that one stairway of Hell.
The NFs are the Taken version so that stairway is fine since there's no stupid walls Bungie put in to slow down strikes.
Bought Fallout 4 on Bestbuy.com. I get socks, game and season pass for 72 shipped. Great stinking deal I say!
Aparently you cant get it. One shot per char.
No one for Spindle ship farming? Also, I don't know the mechanics so there's that![]()
Storm grenade, brah. Especially good for Control maps, or getting people camping in doorways like in Bannerfall.Stormcallers.
What grenade did you use for 20 Crucible kills? They all kind of suck. Best thing I can come up with is do damage with primary and then poach my own kill with a pulse grenade.
Light the signal in the sky and I shall appear. Get those PMs in to get on the waiting list for Black Spindle sherpa'ing.
PSA: Include a Title/Subject line if sending PMs via mobile otherwise they won't get sent for some reason
God, there's just no hope with Reddit. A hand cannon buff thread rises to the front page and the top comment for Bungie to see suggests that users are fine with their current state--except for that pesky reserve ammo!
Interesting in doing Spindle mission. Need the ship.
Don't know mechanics though.
Light the signal in the sky and I shall appear. Get those PMs in to get on the waiting list for Black Spindle sherpa'ing.
PSA: Include a Title/Subject line if sending PMs via mobile otherwise they won't get sent for some reason
God, there's just no hope with Reddit. A hand cannon buff thread rises to the front page and the top comment for Bungie to see suggests that users are fine with their current state--except for that pesky reserve ammo!
Maybe too early to ask, but is anyone interested in running Oryx NM checkpoint tonight, maybe 9 EST or thereabouts? Just want to squeeze it in before the reset, and never got round to it this weekend. On PS4 (feels like I shouldn't have to specify that, but <shrugs>)
1) shiv2099
2) Pandora012
3) casmith7509
4) iRAWRasaurus
I'll help out
Thanks! Re-posting for new page.
God, there's just no hope with Reddit. A hand cannon buff thread rises to the front page and the top comment for Bungie to see suggests that users are fine with their current state--except for that pesky reserve ammo!
Show's over, see you all some other time! *Heads to Black Ops 3 OT*
Leave the door open!!
Seems to be the post dujour this eve, but.. anyone willing to help a buddy and I run through the spindle quest? We're 0 for 2 so far on this, so wanna try and get it knocked out today. Getting stressful!
Can anyone help with spindle quest? Never done it.
Im on ps4
Thanks! Re-posting for new page.
I should be on unless I get out of work late. casmith7509
If I am around, I should be....most likely..we will see..
anyone running trials? I'm bored and still need to do my bounties.
You guys need to light the Bogeypop signal. See higher up the page.
Can anyone help with spindle quest? Never done it.
Im on ps4
If you need a third, I'll help. I haven't done Trials at all since the relaunch so I don't know if I am any good at this point. 302 Hunter
PSN: gk1225
Light the signal in the sky and I shall appear. Get those PMs in to get on the waiting list for Black Spindle sherpa'ing.
PSA: Include a Title/Subject line if sending PMs via mobile otherwise they won't get sent for some reason
Lol you can't farm the ship Hoss. Total waste of time. You'll never get it.
I need 2 people, actually lol. I suck too it's okay. 295 Titan
Still looking? I need to do the Spindle Run as well.
PSN- Longhornbevo
I need 2 people, actually lol. I suck too it's okay. 295 Titan
I need to do it on my titan as well.I just want to scream when someone says that the current state of PVP is amazing.
Also, I need one more Flawless card if anyone wants to play tonight.
Sounds good. If anyone else responds to your post I'll be around, just shoot me a FR.
I'm in for bounties/non-Lighthouse runs. I'll need to take a quick 5 minute break to grab my laundry in about 30 minutes, but I'm good until then and after that!
Edit: PSN: SoullessSHOES