EDIT: To add more salt to the pile of salt that is DGAF, lag has no place in Trials. I swear the laggy banana was more stable than Trials for me.
Yep, with double the amount of players too.
EDIT: To add more salt to the pile of salt that is DGAF, lag has no place in Trials. I swear the laggy banana was more stable than Trials for me.
Is it just me, or are some of the exotic quests have more interesting mechanics than the raid? I particularly like the Anger meter from the No Time to Explain quest, the Black Spindle rush, and the Sleeper Stimulant code being formed by the Hive and Taken Knights.
Those three things are more fascinating than 75% of the raid.
I have an Oryx HM checkpoint and need 3 to join us PSN: joshcbrugby
Still looking for anyone to do HM raid, 311 warlock, have done raid before
PSN TheLintendo
I'll try a card if you're up for it.. And could get a 3rd..
Shrug :/
Damn i wish this was earlier.
You get the scout?
Sadly it's 4AM here. I need to sleep. Good luck if you're trying to get it before reset.
Hopefully it'll be available next week.
Now increase their difficulty, do them every week with an established delegation of roles and hope that you get loot which may or may not be an upgrade. Then how will you feel?
My gloves are HC reload.
The magazine rolled 11, so small bore doesn't actually change mag size. Would you still take RB over SB in that case?
You guys remember March when Bloodborne killed this thread and then everyone came back to Destiny 3 weeks later?
Hi, I'd like to report a bug
In all seriousness, it's kinda ridiculous now. I was hoping they'd tone down AA from HoW after they saw everyone abusing it. I'm also shamed at missing that shot.
Oh, yeah, for sure. Snipers are just so easy to use that it's no problem punishing them for that.They were asking for it having 3 people up there. What did they think was gonna happen?
Holy fuck, I'm never getting the Black Spindle. Anyone wanna carry this piece of shit through? I can never clear out the final room in time.
PSN: Pics_nao_plz
Throw me down.Anyone up for a Spindle run?
Myself and a friend are going for it. Ive done it already but he needs one.
So your point is that regardless of what Bungie picks for mechanics in their raids, that people will find them stale because strats will be made and perfected to overcome them?
Given the fact all of the encounters of KF require you to stand under an aura all the time, there's honestly not that much variety in what folks need to do to DPS.
I'll give VoG props for having a bit of variety.
To clarify, Rifled Barrel is the best HC middle tree perk. You won the lottery.
I'll help anyone for their Spindle...I dont mind gettin one for my hunter or a ship at least..
PSN Godless_Pagan
To answer your first question, basically yes that's how I feel. That's how every MMO is. If you introduce too much randomness, the casual players wont be able to cope, and Destiny is an everyman's game.
Standing under an aura to DPS isn't inherently bad. I personally like the "unload everything you've got" burst damage DPS phases. It's not the only way to design things but I don't feel it detracts from the raid. Next time we'll probably get something well different.
The most important things are challenge, reward, and how fun the mechanics are, I feel like only the rewards are lacking (not many people like the look of the gear, sometimes you get absolutely nothing, and the weapons aren't really good).
Trials anyone
5 different errors in the past 20 mins
Sorry everyone, just not my day
Thanks got joining though.
I'd like to get some gear on my Titan if you're not hoping to go 9-0.
5 different errors in the past 20 mins
Sorry everyone, just not my day
Thanks for joining though.
5 different errors in the past 20 mins
Sorry everyone, just not my day
Thanks for joining though.
Sure. Just for fun.
sounds like me earlier.
hated how when i got an error and came back to the game, i had no more special ammo
Lag too strong
If it makes you feel any better I got a string of errors just trying to join a PVP match. It was lame.
When are you back home?
Shit like this has to be mentioned in this weeks BWU as something that will be looked at, to be toned down.Hi, I'd like to report a bug
In all seriousness, it's kinda ridiculous now. I was hoping they'd tone down AA from HoW after they saw everyone abusing it. I'm also shamed at missing that shot.
I can help out in about 10 minutes
Anyone have an Atheon checkpoint by any chance? Need to do this NTTE stuff for a friend.
Given that Trials and Hard Modes exist, Bungie is fine with making stuff that requires the 'everyman' to try a bit harder than what's in normal stuff, so I think your claim is incorrect. Casual players are pretty much stuck on KF NM at the moment and are sub 300. Remember, GAF is in a bubble.
As for the aura stuff, DPS phases are fine but all the raid encounters require folks to stand in some aura or spot. It's not too harmful, but kinda boring if you're not a runner in the last two encounters.
Oh, yeah, for sure. Snipers are just so easy to use that it's no problem punishing them for that.
I have the checkpoint, but haven't done that part of the quest yet. I can kill Atheon with you if you want to get a group together....just give me like 5 minutes and we will all go.
EDIT: PSN border199x