And the ToO isn't even worthwhile this time around. It is by far, the most aesthetically pleasing armor, but the weapons are nothing to rave about. I forgot I got the adept HC on my Titan. I used it this morning in the Daily story for about 10 seconds.
Well that's cause all HCs are in a bad spot. Trials weapons last time around vs now:
- HC? Jewel was beautiful. New one is lower impact = better TTK. Great roll and stats, meh bc HC nerf
- Scout? Last year's was max impact, this one is high RoF full auto. Very different but both pretty good
- Shotgun? Nobody used it
- Fusion? Nobody uses any of them
- Sniper? Super good roll and stats but low impact. Still great for 6v6 (like Y2)
- RL? Super popular. Y2 probably will be too.
- MG? it was good, but BTRD owned the field and few people used them anyways. Expect the same from Y2 (outclassed by Quill's but still good)
Other than the Pulse dropping from the God-tier Messenger archetype, everything is at least as good as it was. And the armor now gets cool perks we didn't get before like Second Wind (I fucking love this perk). Plus there's the whole aesthetic aspect. I'd rather stop playing than settle on a loadout that uses KF gear, it looks absolutely gross.
Now Trials drops are easier to get than ever, and it's all as good and good looking as ever, and Lighthouse runs are more competitive than ever. Great times. Just sucks it's laggier now.