i'd argue i'm too old to be playing videogames but eh
not having splatoon means you miss out on
We're no where near the oldest people in this thread but that wasn't really what i was getting at. Splatoon just strikes me as something uniquely aimed at kids in a way that the other Nintendo franchises aren't - at least to me personally. Maybe that's a load of bollocks - I still play Pokemon after all.
They should put one of the squid people in Smash Bros. Dunno why they're adding all these sword characters instead of their own new IP
We're no where near the oldest people in this thread but that wasn't really what i was getting at. Splatoon just strikes me as something uniquely aimed at kids in a way that the other Nintendo franchises aren't - at least to me personally. Maybe that's a load of bollocks - I still play Pokemon after all.
now you get it
but eh im partially bullshitting lol. the game is charming enough to appeal to literally everyone but different strokes
Well i kinda grew out of Pokemon too in a way. The game still appeals to me mechanically, and then there's the brand with it. But I dunno. I see you guys with all your Destiny merchandise and remember when I used to be like that with Pokemon.
Just have different tastes nowadays I suppose
I reached 40 but I still haven't finished the campaign. Is that OK? Where do I find the basic strike playlist?
WooooooW the dedication to that gun is real loolMmmmmmhmmmmmmm
I feel like the Sleeper should be more popular but I never see it.
where you get this 320 sleeper from LT?!!
I feel like the Sleeper should be more popular but I never see it.
The last time I did King's Fall was like October 6th or something.
I've never done it. Shrug.
Seriously tho, I hope Bungie announces some real content for this game this month. Why does it look like both Halo and Destiny are going to be dry throughout most of 2016
The last time I did King's Fall was like October 6th or something.
I'd rather do Vault of Glass or Skolas. Can't wait for them to be relevant to progression again. It's inevitable.
Would be cool if you could get an exotic versions of the RAF swords.
i'm too old to become invested in a game like splatoon. i don't think i would have even found it endearing 10 years ago.
not really the game's fault. the art style is just a turn off to me.
the overwatch game has the same cartoony feel but it's more up my alley.
I loved the overwatch beta, especially the characters and art. Probly gonna get that one on PC.
Not yet. Progress is slow. Starting from scratch and no level skipping. I have two disciples. One a titan, the other a hunter. Both of them are going through earlier story missions. I'm just waiting to carry them through a bunch of stuff.
Anyone want to do an all/mostly Defender Titan fun run in Control? I almost never play with shotties but want to take No Backup Plans for a spin. And bubble chaining sounds like a laugh.
Killing Xurtime.
I'm down for PvP shenanigans. I suppose I should hop on my titan too so I can do the weekly bounties on that character.
Going for it on PS4 to leverage the Destiny friends list, haha.
I'm down for PvP shenanigans. I suppose I should hop on my titan too so I can do the weekly bounties on that character.
I'm down. If you guys don't mind someone with year 1 weapons D:
No problem.I'll send you a party invite after we finish the daily.
That drunk Jade Raymond segment is gonna be talked about for a while. I feel so bad for her.