I'll save you kraven:
Real talk, i would prefer paid content like HoW to the MT system we have now.
Real talk, i would prefer paid content like HoW to the MT system we have now.
I'll save you kraven:
Real talk, i would prefer paid content like HoW to the MT system we have now.
“Bungie isn't Beyoncé”
This must be the second time or more I've read someone say this. Need a shirt.
I'll save you kraven:
Real talk, i would prefer paid content like HoW to the MT system we have now.
Hey guys, I haven't played The Taken King yet and I was considering picking it up. Initially I was just going to wait until it was dirt cheap, but I'm going to need something to play after I finish Fallout 4. Is there enough content to make it worth $40 if I don't plan on raiding at all?
Yeah, paying for concrete content holds Bungie to some kind of standard, but fracturing the userbase isn't fun either.
Even after all my complaints above, absolutely yes. $40 will give you atleast 40-60 hours of fun if you plan on doing the end game stuff that isn't raiding (ie, end game missions, hunting for exotics, swords, etc).
It's all gone except VoG armor sets, FB and VoC. Nothing will make me delete those.
Hey guys, I haven't played The Taken King yet and I was considering picking it up. Initially I was just going to wait until it was dirt cheap, but I'm going to need something to play after I finish Fallout 4. Is there enough content to make it worth $40 if I don't plan on raiding at all?
Even after all my complaints above, absolutely yes. $40 will give you atleast 40-60 hours of fun if you plan on doing the end game stuff that isn't raiding (ie, end game missions, hunting for exotics, swords, etc).
Are we assuming that MIDA, Bones, Armamentarium etc. are going to be thrown into the pool for exotic engrams and also be purchasable from the kiosk? If so, I'll have them pretty quick - have a couple 25 mark bounties on each character.
do we know if stored exotic engrams can decrypt to the newly released items?
Are we assuming that MIDA, Bones, Armamentarium etc. are going to be thrown into the pool for exotic engrams and also be purchasable from the kiosk? If so, I'll have them pretty quick - have a couple 25 mark bounties on each character.
It was my main worry when I heard the news about MTs and the changes to DLC planning that came along with it. You can criticize TDB and HoW all you want, but at this time last year there was a lot of enthusiasm and activity around that DLC. I just can't shake the feeling that instead of getting content that generates that enthusiasm, what we're getting instead is content with the primary intention of monetizing the game.
Super excited for Sparrow racing tomorrow.
Also, an old coworker of mine bought Destiny last week, so we hooked up last night for the Refer a Friend stuff.
Meh IMO the game is not for you. Even tho the gun play is great, it is a pure end loot driven game. There is a lot of grinding even tho it's easier this time around. I would not recommend destiny for you. Especially if you are playing by yourself.Great, thanks. I doubt I'll be hunting for exotics, though. Grinding for shit like that just irritates me.
I found shitty images of PS4 exclusive IB armor. It looks like the hunter cloak is chainmail. Titan helmet looks even better than the original one.
If that's the new hunter IB helmet, it's a downgrade from the Hunter's Revan Helmet
Meh IMO the game is not for you. Even tho the gun play is great, it is a pure end loot driven game. There is a lot of grinding even tho it's easier this time around. I would not recommend destiny for you. Especially if you are playing by yourself.
Dgaf is already at an all time loweven for myself, don't even know when the last time I finish a raid, nightfall, etc. I still will play for fun sometimes. Hopefully the new weapon patch will restore my interest in Pvp.
If that's the new hunter IB helmet, it's a downgrade from the Hunter's Revan Helmet
What do you think that one helmet is? We can clearly see the titan and Hunter helmet and even the warlock helmet. Yet there is still another helmet picture.
I really hope armentaruim gets a cosmetic makeover. No more grenade boobs. And to stop clashing with every shader
Wait, so sparrow racing is it? Late to the party, I know, but that's all I've really been able to find online.
I had some fun over the weekend by playing Mayhem Rumble and only using grenades. It was a lot of fun.
I totally understand where you are coming from, but I have played and enjoyed the base game. It's unfortunate (for me, at least) that Destiny is so raid-centric at the endgame, but there was enough content for me to enjoy my time with it. I'm just hoping the expansion has a little more to offer.
Hello Destiny Gaf,
Wanted to finally stop in and say hello. I've been checking in on these threads since about OT6 "Lock me like on of your French Girls, Jack." I'm looking forward to hanging around a little bit!
Its a shame that Destiny is in a dire lull right now (and there looks to be little light at the end of the tunnel in terms of any significant content), but I'm sure this community will continue to push onwards and really get going once the news of more content hits.
I guess it makes sense that Destiny is in a drought. If they really intend to release "Destiny 2" in only a 2 year span from the original release of the first game, they are going to need "all hands on deck" to meet that deadline. Yes, of course, Destiny was in development before Destiny 1 shipped, but still...That's a lot.
Great, thanks. I doubt I'll be hunting for exotics, though. Grinding for shit like that just irritates me.
You fellas up for a run tonight? I did all my bounties but I'd like to at least get to Mercury once this week. It wouldn't be until 7-7:30pm EST(Todd) time.
Weapons balancing brings out some of the best discussion.Hi, Raven welcome aboard. We have a big update tomorrow, so that will definitely be something fun to discuss.
Hey man. You don't have to remind me.Who is Cloud945076 on here? He makes a guest get wrecked appearance on Kraftys run out of medals video. Dudes got mad skills
Edit found him
So I'm finally supposed to get my Chaperone tomorrow. However, i'm kind of worried that the presence of all the sparrow racing stuff will bug out the chaperone quest and Amanda won't have it for me.
I'm up for a run.You fellas up for a run tonight? I did all my bounties but I'd like to at least get to Mercury once this week. It wouldn't be until 7-7:30pm EST(Todd) time.
Did you get any hate mail?
Some good use of bubble and funny that the only other offensive move in the Drifter video was one punch in a bubble. Fun stuff.
Perfect timing with the Shotgun patch. It's a beast and should still work well at range. It's going to be in my first Striker loadout. Peregrine Greaves, Chaperone. Gotta go fast!
Are you doing Golgi challenge tomorrow?
It's the current world event.
Unless people want Bungie to start talking details about an expansion release that, by all expectations of timing, won't be out for another 10 months?
"Hey guys, here's a level from Year 3"
*giant blank texture mass out blocks*
"pretend it's a Vex fort"
Meh, that's a bit of an exaggeration.
Chances are we'll see the EDZ as a playable destination in Year 3 since it's the only bit of content we've seen in old ViDocs that hasn't been released yet.
Edit: Referring to that forrest-y place that had some almost stone castle like structures sprinkles around it.