Anyone want to run Trials or NF?
Yeah that works, just make sure you account for error like I said 11-12 times just in case.
Correct. ( it's square for me )You're basically saying to hold down X until the circle gets to the "just before completion" point 12ish times, and completing the circle the last time will net you the rare material, right?
Just want to make sure I fully understand it so I can test properly.
So I realized looking at Derek Carroll's bio (he helped make Shadowrun on 360) that we're essentially playing Shadowrun in the Crucible.
I mean, check it out this trailer for the flavor.
(This is actually one of my favorite game trailers).
In the trailer you'll see a tree that buffs people, swords, blink teleporting with the same hand animation, floofing about (sorry, warlocks, I mean gliding), resurrections, etc.
Sorry guys.
I will buy the book.
I can't hold my hands already.
Sorry guys.
I will buy the book.
I can't hold my hands already.
Sorry guys.
I will buy the book.
I can't hold my hands already.
If you buy the book, you'll get the sheet version of Destiny's swan song
So I watched Datto's new vid and he confirms a lot of things.
Helmets and class items have light levels and are able to be infused. The other armor does not and cannot be infused. You start out getting your C license. Once you hit the highest license, the helmet and class item can drop up to 320.
The book does get you exclusive armor but it only looks different cosmetically.
The speed gates on the map get smaller the more you pickup, letting the casuals who miss have a chance to catch up to you.
I take it exotic leg engrams still aren't going to be a thing? Which means i'll have to go back to hoping for a raid/nightfall drop for the Bones/RDM (no blueprint) ;_;
Hopefully, I need my MIDA.
Hard to say. We're getting 3 exotic boots with tomorrows patch, so it's possible. They might not do it until all 3 classes have a potential item, though.
Was this confirmed? I knew about the new (old) exotics in December but never heard anything about a confirmed date. Also if so why is it just legs and not the weapons?
The material farming trick posted earlier didn't seem to work for me. I tried for about half an hour. Maybe I wasn't getting close to the timer enough, but I felt like I was shaving it as best I could.
Let me make video unless KOR made one.Yea I'm not seeing it work for me![]()
Tried the material farming trick, got 3/21. Either I had amazing RNG or I was doing it wrong, then thought, why am I playing this?
So then it's not confirmed that the actual weapon/subclass balance stuff is taking place tomorrow?
Haven't left work yet.Let me make video unless KOR made one.
Tomorrow (Friday, December 4th), we'll have a new preview article on the Updates portion of the blog. There, you’ll find Senior Design Lead Sage Merrill holding court and delivering developer commentary about what will befall every Titan next week. Expects stats and insights for each subclass.
Expect full Patch Notes for Update 2.1.0 to land alongside the update itself, early next week.
Im getting really fucking tired of this shit
This is what's gonna make me quit pvp again. Jade rabbit had made it fun but this is not fun.
Let me make video unless KOR made one.
Im glad it worked for someone...
Nami I'm still good for 7-7:30pm your time for a run. If Todd is out maybe we can get someone else for a flawless attempt? If not it's cool. I'll always been down again for next weekend!
K.Privatize the video![]()
Nami I'm still good for 7-7:30pm your time for a run. If Todd is out maybe we can get someone else for a flawless attempt? If not it's cool. I'll always been down again for next weekend!
I'd be down. How many hours from now is that?
I got a ticket in progress if you're up. My only ticket though since I'm poor
For all you Sparrow lovers out there, Amanda Holliday has always been your dealer. Sparrow Racing League will be her event. She'll grant access to all players of Destiny: The Taken King, who will earn rewards as they cross the finish line again and again:
Obtain your SRL Licence Quest and SRL Bounties
Earn a new Sparrow as part of the SRL Quest
Upgrade your reputation by completing SRL Bounties
Each Race is a chance to earn SRL gear and Shaders
The higher your reputation, the better the post-game drops
Helmets and Class Items can drop with up to 320 Light
Helmets and Class Items with Light can be used for Infusion
All other SRL gear has no Light, but features racing perks
The mission of the Eververse Trading Company is make the game of Destiny a little more fun, equipping you with more options for customization and creative expression. Sparrow Racing League will be no exception. Check in with Tess in the Tower to peruse the following:
New emotes to celebrate the thrill of speed and competition
ToolKits that include stylish (but equally fast) Sparrows
ToolKits that include Horns to let you signal your approach
A new Record Book to provide more challenge and reward
- Complete challenges to earn vanity gear with 3 Light
- Collect an exclusive emblem and a shader
- Commemorate your SRL stats after the event is over
- SRL Helmets and Class Items acquired via the Record Book can be Infused to immortalize your status as a racing champion!
Exclusive shader and emblem from the book rewards? There goes $10 to Tess from a lot of players![]()
I need to run it one more time. I got one other with me, so just need three more.Anyone doing Amy last minute challenge mode runs? I'd like to run it on my titan. Psn is greyblade.
I need to run it one more time. I got one other with me, so just need three more.
Can you still help out with a NF tonight? I can shoot you a message when my RAF coworker is on.
SRL Helmets and Class Items acquired via the Record Book can be Infused to immortalize your status as a racing champion!
We know the coolest gear is behind Microtransactions, kappa
This is a big step, microtrans content is now offering loot that affects light levels, how soon before that becomes a norm for other "free" content?
Sure, we can get the same loot from playing the event, which is free. But I feel we're seeing a move towards the dark side over here.