What happened to the patch again? Was it suppose to e 9% and did it turn into .9% or .09% for the auto nerf?
It was a buff. But it was about a fraction of a percent so not really noticeable.
What happened to the patch again? Was it suppose to e 9% and did it turn into .9% or .09% for the auto nerf?
Great image
Destiny |OT♦38| Now This is Podracing
Ya iv been using TLW because really there's only 2 guns to use, Thorn and TLW everything else doesn't compare in my eyes. Pair any of those 2 with a sniper and I rocket launcher and thats the meta.How are you feeling about the meta this week? What guns have you been rocking? TLW?
Anyone have the weapon stats spreadsheet handy?
Destiny |OT38| The nerf is strong in this one
Destiny |OT38| The Nerf Wars
Destiny |OT38| These are not the nerfs you're looking for
Destiny |OT38| These are not the nerfs you're looking for
Snipers have already ruined the Crucible since the birth of Trial of Osiris.Starting to think that snipers are ruining the meta. They've been super unbalanced since 2.0 but now they are worse than ever. They really need to make some changes to snipers quick.
This thread is dad.
Won't top last year.
Starting to think that snipers are ruining the meta. They've been super unbalanced since 2.0 but now they are worse than ever. They really need to make some changes to snipers quick.
Last year was fun, but the holidays always bring the "second uncles" back around.
Yes, let's nerf more weapons, that'll solve everything!
Nerfing has to stop! If I am elected I promise to fight for the people and promote a better Destiny!
Vote for me, number 31 in the booth.
Snipers have already ruined the Crucible since the birth of Trial of Osiris.
When you play Skirmish and you got two members on your team who decide to camp, you know that the round is ruined
I miss the good old days of Auto Rifle and Fusion Rifles
I really miss fusion rifles. I've been thinking about forcing my Plan C down some people's throats lately, just because.
No idea if it'll actually work, but I really want it to.
Anyone interested in totems to sisters x3 3 hours or so from now? We'll have to make totems CP when we get there with the first run.
if there is one weapon class that needs nerfing in the Crucible, it's Snipersé
Spawn in Pantheon, run down the fall for, run down the hall, sniped.
Spawn in Pantheon, run down the fall for, run down the hall, sniped.
Spawn in Pantheon, run down the fall for, run down the hall, sniped.
Spawn in Pantheon, run down the fall for, run down the hall, sniped.
Spawn in Pantheon, run down the fall for, run down the hall, sniped.
slow TTK.
The reason why I play this game over twitch shooters.
Destiny |OT♦38| Now This is Podracing
|OT 38| "What We've Got Here Is Failure To Communicate"
I actually really like this, but i'm not sure it meets the "nothing too negative" criteria.
Nope they actually work this time.Are leg exotic engrams still all f'ed up?
I actually really like this, but i'm not sure it meets the "nothing too negative" criteria.
Snipers absolutely need addressed. The aim assist system (all the components of aim assist in play) is just ridiculous on snipers. They are just far too forgiving. Snipers should have the lowest aim assist of any weapon class (outside of rockets I guess). I'm thinking something around the halo 3 sniper would be acceptable. In a game like destiny when you can constantly have special ammo, a power weapon such as a sniper should not be so damn easy to use.I am strongly against all nerfs from this point on. Snipers are fine, it's the other weapons that need loving. Crucible is already very boring and stale due to slow TTK.
Me, T-44, and Dorssum need 3 more vets for oryx cm tonight around 9:30/45 eastern tonight.
Snipers absolutely need addressed. The aim assist system (all the components of aim assist in play) is just ridiculous on snipers. They are just far too forgiving. Snipers should have the lowest aim assist of any weapon class (outside of rockets I guess). I'm thinking something around the halo 3 sniper would be acceptable. In a game like destiny when you can constantly have special ammo, a power weapon such as a sniper should not be so damn easy to use.
Honestly, they should just push the inferno game type settings to the rest of crucible, outside of mayhem. If everyone is not familiar, in the inferno game types you do not spawn with special ammo, and heavy ammo is simply not a thing. The other settings (no radar, simplified scoring) don't need to be applied. But the changes to special and heavy would really benefit this game in my opinion. If heavy has to be a thing (ugh) the ammo should be further reduced to keep it from being the absolute shit show it currently is. I'd say 2 rockets maximum and one magazine (or less, who knows) of machine gun should be all that's allowed.
I digress, though. The point is, sniping is much too easy. Tone it down and we may see snipers other than 1000 yard stare again. Give fusion rifles their balls back and then all the special weapons will have a place again.
Put me down as tentative