Me, T-44, and Dorssum need 3 more vets for oryx cm tonight around 9:30/45 eastern tonight.
Don't think I classify as a vet but I am interested.
Me, T-44, and Dorssum need 3 more vets for oryx cm tonight around 9:30/45 eastern tonight.
Anyone interested in totems to sisters x3 3 hours or so from now? We'll have to make totems CP when we get there with the first run.
Me, T-44, and Dorssum need 3 more vitas for oryx cm tonight around 9:30/45 eastern tonight.
Don't think I classify as a vet but I am interested.
I can't start any of my digital games. I think the servers are getting hammered with all the 360 downloadsAnyone else not able to connect to Destiny servers (on Xbox One)?
Stupid "We're having trouble connecting to Xbox" meanwhile my dashboard is still filled with ads and friendlist notifications...
That's absolutely not what I'm saying. Nothing I mentioned is to make destiny "super serious" and to appeal to esports. Why do you think balancing a weapon sandbox makes the game less fun? Why does that make it too serious and over competitive? I get it, you want to feel really powerful and do well in games. It's more fun when you play well and win. That's fine for PvE; no one should care that we can easily beat the crap out of some programmed aliens. I start to care when people can beat me in PvP with no effort. Sure, I can do the same because the sniper aims for me. Sure, it's really satisfying to get sniper kills. The problem is the other side: you feel really good getting a kill, while another human player feels absolutely cheated because despite his best effort, your sniper rifle fucking locks on. As anecdotal evidence, I got headshot sniped a couple of days ago in the middle of shade step. Seriously what the fuck. If I'm going to die to a one hit kill weapon in this game, I at least want the other player to have to try. I want them to actually have to try to beat me.I don't think Destiny needs to be super serious and balanced. I am rather happy that Destiny is just silly fun. Really tired of every shooter trying to be esports.
Yes, let's nerf more weapons, that'll solve everything!
I won't begin to start becoming content with balance in PvP until special weapons are curbed, no one should be able to run around with snipers and shotguns all game long. If you are going to allow them to run around all match with them, then make them harder to use, like adding sway on snipers and having snipers get knocked out of ADS whenever they get shot.
Oh, they know.Nows the time to go full negative, let Bungie know Gaf is riled up
I need your full stats
Me, T-44, and Dorssum need 3 more vets for oryx cm tonight around 9:30/45 eastern tonight.
That's absolutely not what I'm saying. Nothing I mentioned is to make destiny "super serious" and to appeal to esports. Why do you think balancing a weapon sandbox makes the game less fun? Why does that make it too serious and over competitive? I get it, you want to feel really powerful and do well in games. It's more fun when you play well and win. That's fine for PvE; no one should care that we can easily beat the crap out of some programmed aliens. I start to care when people can beat me in PvP with no effort. Sure, I can do the same because the sniper aims for me. Sure, it's really satisfying to get sniper kills. The problem is the other side: you feel really good getting a kill, while another human player feels absolutely cheated because despite his best effort, your sniper rifle fucking locks on. As anecdotal evidence, I got headshot sniped a couple of days ago in the middle of shade step. Seriously what the fuck. If I'm going to die to a one hit kill weapon in this game, I at least want the other player to have to try. I want them to actually have to try to beat me.
The weapons still have super quick kill times, it's just not TLW two frames kill times anymore.
Spawning with sniper ammo and not getting knocked out of ADS when shot were mindblowing when I played the beta. I can't believe it hasn't changed.
Sorry!You keep running this while I'm at work. We'll never team up.Kappa.
BWU isn't up yet? And to think I even forgot about it completely.
Me, T-44, and Dorssum need 3 more vets for oryx cm tonight around 9:30/45 eastern tonight.
Looks like I spoke too soon, thanks!
Why does the titan helmet have 8 slits
what do they think we are, spyders?
PS exclusive IB gear
PS exclusive IB gear
PS Exclusive IB warlock helmet looks terrible.
Honestly, I prefer the designs of the non-exclusive helmets more.
The exclusive class items on the other hand look great.
Gotta go fast!why do you hate being sanic
the warlock helmet will let me live out my sanic fantasies, now I can gain that extra speed boost with their jump thanks to #gottagofast
Yeah, the hunter one looks good.The only piece of the exclusive gear that looks good to me is the hunter helm. I can barely tell the difference between the regular and exclusive Titan helm.
Between the spyder emblem and this helmet, I am happy to see Bungie is finally honoring the greatest Guardian.
Drizzay you will be our runner mmkay?
You don't know how appropriate this comment is, haha.
Sure I can be a runner. Is it just Oryx?
I'm in if you're looking LT
Not a ton in that update.
Again, no one is saying the state of the sniper rifles is turning players into top level players. Krafty will always be better, no matter the change. He's a highly skilled player. don't use the top percentile of the skill distribution as a comparison to how this would affect the average player. Hell, watch crafty stream. He constantly comments how stupidly broken the 1000 yard stare is, giving him kills he has no business making.9 of 10 people will not be sniping like Krafty or other greats. It's grossly overstated and just becomes a silly narrative. Furthermore, I've gotten killed by thorn and shotguns many times. Just shrugged it off. Halo 5 exists for super serious players that want to feel good killing. Destiny is unique and I think it's in a good place right now.
As far as I know, Trials of Osiris is the most fun mode and still very competitive in its own way.
Most likely you and I agree on a fundamental level.
Destiny isn't Halo, though. Bungie is smart by making the PVP feel unique.
I agree,The Bones of Eao are so much fun, I might have to do the unthinkable and give up Graviton Forfeit on my Nightstalker! Rift especially is such a laugh with them.
Glad IB is returning to control, Clash was way too messy.
So what do you guys think of a competitve (not counting trials, or maybe turning this into trials?) playlist were people have set guns/abilities they can use so its actually slightly balanced? Just thinking ahead to Destiny 2 and sweet 60fps (hopefully?) being ruined by bad MP.
So what do you guys think of a competitve (not counting trials, or maybe turning this into trials?) playlist were people have set guns/abilities they can use so its actually slightly balanced? Just thinking ahead to Destiny 2 and sweet 60fps (hopefully?) being ruined by bad MP.