Alright so we're about to start our up to sisters runs. I think we need one or two.
I'm up for a run or two of you need one more.Alright so we're about to start our up to sisters runs. I think we need one or two.
It's tough because that foes against the loot aspect of the game. As much as I'd like Destiny to be more competitively balanced I think a mode like that would make it a different game. As for 60fps I wouldn't hold your breath. Bungie has historically chose 30fps for their games. As long as it's solid like it is right now I won't be disappointed, but I would definitely prefer 60.
You gotta look at games nowadays though. Battlefeild/front, cod, halo, uncharted everything is heading twords 60 and Destiny is still at 30. When I switch from H5 to Destiny it feels bad. With dropping 360/ps3 and 2 years of optimizations they might be able to pull it off.
Looks like TY is doing something. Anyone want the spot?
The Warlock one is exactly the same. I noticed that after doing Warpriest CM, and just said fuck it and infused it into my 310 one
I got this on Tuesday. It dropped showing maxed Intellect not this Intellect/Strength crap. I demand a refund dammit!The Warlock one is exactly the same. I noticed that after doing Warpriest CM, and just said fuck it and infused it into my 310 one![]()
Made this quick to compare the PS exclusive set to the current IB set
Current set on top
Exclusive on bottom
Again, no one is saying the state of the sniper rifles is turning players into top level players. Krafty will always be better, no matter the change. He's a highly skilled player. don't use the top percentile of the skill distribution as a comparison to how this would affect the average player. Hell, watch crafty stream. He constantly comments how stupidly broken the 1000 yard stare is, giving him kills he has no business making.
Yes, Destiny is fun in its own way. It is also incredibly frustrating to deal with the crap in pvp until it's fixed. Hammer of Sol was amazingly fun for people playing sunbreaker before it was addressed. It wasn't very fun for everyone else in the game. Again, your fun is often at the expense of the fun of others. That's why pvp modes actually need to be balanced.
Also, stop using halo as a comparison for extremely competitive play. Your using "this isn't halo" in the same why people would use "this isn't CoD", albeit for criticism of competitively focused multiplayer instead of purely casual.
Any challenge mode groups forming? PSN Cybrwzrd
PS exclusive IB gear
I need to do another run if you want to start forming a group. PSN: j2theizzay
Can challenge mode be done only in one mode, i.e. Normal mode completed so HM is no longer an option?
We're all green bar which is weird.
Anyone else? Need 4 for Challenge mode
Me and one other if you're starting fresh on HM.
I have oryx CP, could we start there and loop back?
Anyone else? Need 4 for Challenge mode
have you done the HM CM for Oryx once before CYBR?
if so, send me an invite..plz...
Anyone else? Need 4 for Challenge mode
I'll join if you still need 1
That Hunter cloak looks significantly less cool. It doesn't look like chain mail. It looks like it's knit wool. The scarf along the neck does help. Of course, how can you beat the current wolf's head cloak?
The Titan helmet is also bad in my opinion. I don't want to be wearing a little grill. :-/
The only thing I want is the Titan class mark which is an improvement over the one we have now which looks like a faded t-shirt.
I know the fight, groups haven't been able to pull it off though
Holy shit getting to SRL Rank 3 is a grind.
I miss clash.![]()