Nice. I've no idea what the letters mean either lol... Anyway Ideally you'd want to use whichever monitor has the lowest input lag but it's probably such a small difference in this case that I wouldn't worry about it.
But yea 24-27 inches is the best for gaming IMO. I prefer the slightly larger screen of 27' for my consoles since I'm leaned back a little more but for my PC I prefer a 24' since I'm closer to the screen and using a KB/M.
Yea I thought ideally 1ms response would be the best and 4-5ms would be bad, but 4ms works fine for me and yours is 5ms so that seems to be ok.
Maybe it'd make a difference for 60FPS games, though >_<
Actually it's too late for me to start a raid. Sorry Drizz.
Going to go for the solo?
Today... you will be mine.
Is that a piece of poo?
lol yeah, I at least want to attempt it a bit. Seems reasonable but very RNG-dependent.
Anyone running nm KF?
Psn LuckyDoobage
I can help with a NM run in 20 minutes if anyone needs another.
That was an interesting Oryx kill. My favorite part was the laggy beginning, like when all the blights disappeared for no reason. GG
Probably wishful thinking, but does anybody have NM Oryx CP?
Edit: or do NM KF, if people are interested? Anybody welcome, newbie friendly, w/e.
I'm down.
PSN name same as here.
Im inAnyone for a go at Heroic KF?
Just Bought Destiny: TTK
looks like im back...
And i got a lot of catching up to do...
I'm down for a nm run anytime if there are enough people.
I sent a fr, bro.2 spots, anyone down?
Is it a full NM KF? I'd run it on my warlock because I still can't figure out which calcified fragment I'm missing.
Room for 1-2 in hm oryx from Totems last call before I hit dlfg
Defender: I'm getting nerfed because of you!
Striker: I'm just here for the hell of it!
Sunbreaker: ugghhhhhhhhh!
I'm freaking bored alright!
I don't think, and anyone feel free to correct me, that any monitor is actually 1ms response time. Usually the 1ms time you see advertised is the GtG (Grey to Grey) which represents the speed that the crystals in the LCD can change colors. Most of the monitors I've looked up are closer to 10ms response time (in terms of controller input to on screen action).
Or maybe I'm misunderstanding the whole thing. /shrug
She finally sold Winterborn Mark!
Striker is awesome still for PVP. I love to shut down SBs with Fist of Panic. They are so surprised when I'm not just running away. And shoulder charge knee kills make me lololol
Mind taking a newbie for is 1st time? Im down if OK.Im still up for it, but not sure how many are around. Danarchy said he'd be down to help, so we'd only need 3 more.
She finally sold Winterborn Mark!
True dat. This is why I also loved playing as a Voidwalker last IB. Shut down so many overconfident Hammerbro's. Then sent it home with the slow clap emote lol.
Mind taking a newbie for is 1st time? Im down if OK.
She finally sold Winterborn Mark!
Need vog for the NTTE quest. Never did it before toughAnyone want to do a quick VoG NM/HM or CE HM run?
Mind taking a newbie for is 1st time? Im down if OK.
BTW have we ever found out what the wee ball of light that has lead us through the whole expansion is?
Actually I think someone can hop out if you still want to join. Danarchy sent you a party invite.
Pretty sure it is part of Oryx, basically making sure we got to him so he could challenge us.