Sorry about the lack of details hehe.
Basically we discovered after attempt 10 was that as soon as the runner is down, Oryx shoots the first platform killing anyone there. Since the runner was fast, we were in the middle of killing the third ogre, so getting down to the center made us bait to the 2 remaining ogres.
On my team everyone was 314+ except from one, that was a Titan with me floating killing ogres, one of our group said the strategy was to put his bubble with blessing in the middle once the runner had the relic, never understood why myself and now I'm beginning to think he should have used it while floating to kill ogres / recharge his ToM.
When you guys put general advice, you speak of the need for 2 titans (blessing and weapons), can you elaborate on that need?
The more I think about this Raid, the more I hate the no-revives rule on Hard, the most exciting time I've had on Destiny was recovering from an almost wipe on PoE. I miss the recovery feeling.
A very common strategy for cm goes as follows:
1 runner (any class)
3 platform holders (any class, each designated 1, 2, and 3)
2 mid (titans)
Start the encounter, make orbs with tethers, keep the orbs centrilized if possible. This keeps the titans supers full.
Oryx slams. Runner and #1 go to that platform. #2 to next platform, #3 to next platform. Titans pop blessing and weapons in mid.
Runner grabs relic asap. #1 throws grenade on their ogre/shoots it. Titans help melt ogre with dual ToM fire, going back and forth in bubbles to reset ToM self damage. (Using sniper on 2nd and 4th ogre also helps regeneration health, if an issue).
#2 and #3 do the same for their ogres. Titans help with all 4 ogres.
Once a platform holders ogre is dead they watch knight spawn. Kill with sniper or heavy. Once runner has relic, call it out. All platform holders go to mid right away for safety of bubble.
Runner gets to mid, kill warden, kill 4th knight, dps oryx, kill adds. Tether if orbs are an issue.
Get teleported. Tether and/or blessing help if you can spare them.
There's a lot that can go wrong but normally things go well. Unfortunately if one person dies it's basically a wipe. I've seen teams 5 man it with little problem before (Holy Divers).
Did I miss anything? Lol.