Hopefully 4 more people pop up
I wonder if they will ever do a challenge or special event that gives a chance of a 320 ghost dropping. By my reckoning that's the only piece of gear that hasn't been included in the three challenges so far.
I know you can get one from the totems (and maybe IB?), but fuck those odds.
Goddammit! Another 319 class item.
Why don't you just give me my damn 320 class item already!
This is my third- *checks vault* yes, third 319 class item dammit!
Goddammit! Another 319 class item.
Why don't you just give me my damn 320 class item already!
This is my third- *checks vault* yes, third 319 class item dammit!
Hopefully 4 more people pop up
Goddammit! Another 319 class item.
Why don't you just give me my damn 320 class item already!
This is my third- *checks vault* yes, third 319 class item dammit!
Man, hitting 40 takes longer than I remember/thought it would.
I tried playing as someone who was brand new to the game, which basically meant no PvP, only quests, and very very few bounties.
I think I've completed like 5 bounties so far.
Anyway, I'm half way through 39, almost to 40, and I'm sitting at 11 hours played. I beat Regicide at level 36. I had just unlocked the Split Nova Bomb ability when I made the jump to Storm Caller.
I played 6 hours of Trials on Friday night. It was a lot of fun. I'll be back next week.
Had some great loot drops as well. Got INT/DISC gloves with Grenade Throw Dist/Scout Rifle reloader & from my gold package boots with INT/DISC with Sniper ammo. I rerolled my Alpha Lupi to get INT/DISC, Arc Armor and Sniper Reloader. Combined with my new Helmet from SRL and I'm now at T5 Int and T5 Disc. I have the perfect load out at this point.
I ran Striker with Scout/Sniper all of Friday night and did well. But at the same time, that loadout is doubling down on Mid-Long range engagements and I frequently felt vulernable in CQC. Shoulder Charge is for pushing mostly, so it's not helpful if I get pushed. And while the buffs to melee help, I was still getting out-melee'd be Warlocks from half the map away. I will say having T5 INT means I can get 2-3 Fist of Havocs in a match, which is nuts. I've had it as early as mid-round 2 and hot damn it's fun to smash some fools.
All that said, I'm still a bit uncertain about my play. I'm such a passive player. I like maintaining positional control, mostly because I have to when my thumb skill isn't great. Passive play doesn't feel like it's a good match for Striker. I'm rationalizing it to myself by saying Striker is still best in class for speed and thus best choice for positioning. And nothing beats smashing a Warlock resurrection as soon as he stands up. I do suppose the Striker super as I play, a Super counter, also plays into a passive style.
Part of me wonders if I'd do better as a Sunbreaker. Even, after the nerf, Hammers can be either great for aggression or support. I love, love, love my scout rifle. It's full-auto max stability with perfect balance. It fires faster than MIDA with the same impact. I don't have that direct comparison, but look how much better it is than Inward Lamp.
But I need something for close range. I feel like sniper is required for Trials, especially larger maps, not just because I trade too often with shotguns. So maybe I do have to give up my beloved Scout.
I'm more of an agressive player myself and Destiny has turned out into one passive mess. With everyone and their mom having a 1000 Yard Stare (the sniper which possess one of the highest aim assists in the game) people like me who are into fusions and shotties are completely lost. You can't turn around a corner without getting sniped by some camping asshole or people sniping you from fusion rifle ranges, and let's not talk about trials which is basically "let's snipe till we kill one opponent and then let's rush" gamemode, even more so than what it used to be back then.Personally I think it's ok right now. I wish auto rifles were better and I haven't tried hand cannons since the buff. Ever since The Taken King came out I've been using Scouts, Fusions, and what ever heavy.
Still miss the old SUROS Regime days though.
I played 6 hours of Trials on Friday night. It was a lot of fun. I'll be back next week.
Had some great loot drops as well. Got INT/DISC gloves with Grenade Throw Dist/Scout Rifle reloader & from my gold package boots with INT/DISC with Sniper ammo. I rerolled my Alpha Lupi to get INT/DISC, Arc Armor and Sniper Reloader. Combined with my new Helmet from SRL and I'm now at T5 Int and T5 Disc. I have the perfect load out at this point.
I ran Striker with Scout/Sniper all of Friday night and did well. But at the same time, that loadout is doubling down on Mid-Long range engagements and I frequently felt vulernable in CQC. Shoulder Charge is for pushing mostly, so it's not helpful if I get pushed. And while the buffs to melee help, I was still getting out-melee'd be Warlocks from half the map away. I will say having T5 INT means I can get 2-3 Fist of Havocs in a match, which is nuts. I've had it as early as mid-round 2 and hot damn it's fun to smash some fools.
All that said, I'm still a bit uncertain about my play. I'm such a passive player. I like maintaining positional control, mostly because I have to when my thumb skill isn't great. Passive play doesn't feel like it's a good match for Striker. I'm rationalizing it to myself by saying Striker is still best in class for speed and thus best choice for positioning. And nothing beats smashing a Warlock resurrection as soon as he stands up. I do suppose the Striker super as I play, a Super counter, also plays into a passive style.
Part of me wonders if I'd do better as a Sunbreaker. Even, after the nerf, Hammers can be either great for aggression or support. I love, love, love my scout rifle. It's full-auto max stability with perfect balance. It fires faster than MIDA with the same impact. I don't have that direct comparison, but look how much better it is than Inward Lamp.
But I need something for close range. I feel like sniper is required for Trials, especially larger maps, not just because I trade too often with shotguns. So maybe I do have to give up my beloved Scout.
Need to finish up a couple things on PS4 tonight if anyone is willing to help. Need Fresh Run Normal up to Oryx. Also Could use some help on the daily getting the ghosts.
Anybody gonna be running this tonight around 7pm cst?
I'll see if what I can run tonight. I haven't been able to attempt Cm Oryx yet nor do trials but I'll have to at least get 1 cm Oryx in tonight.
I need to
Anybody gonna be running this tonight around 7pm cst?
Or I'll host if 5 want to me join me at this time tonight?
Kings Fall HM CM Oryx (Anybody got checkpoint?)
7PM (can start a little later if somebody needs to start a little later)
1) xplicitone
2) TechMemphis
3) rasengan1337
Why no bounties? I remember first leveling up my hunter at launch and going to the tower all the time looking for new bounties.
On mobile right now, but just wanted to say you played really well John. You had some great snipes and good communication. We faced some really tough teams at the end. I'm no Drizz, Rubenov, Wicked, Gunnerz, etc...but you are way better than you think. I'd run with you anytime!
You too Sentinal![]()
Thanks so much for spending time Friday night trying to help me get the Doctrine. We fell short (due to getting matched against teams w/ much higher ELO from the very first match on), but it was fun.
Something for close range you say?
(image of bullet hose)
Kings Fall HM CM Oryx (Anybody got checkpoint?)
7PM (can start a little later if somebody needs to start a little later)
1) xplicitone
2) TechMemphis
3) rasengan1337
4) shiv2099
Kings Fall HM CM Oryx (Anybody got checkpoint?)
7PM (can start a little later if somebody needs to start a little later)
1) xplicitone
2) TechMemphis
3) rasengan1337
4) kreepmode
if graverobber's Titan or warlock can do it, I am down..need to check..Kings Fall HM CM Oryx (Anybody got checkpoint?)
7PM (can start a little later if somebody needs to start a little later)
1) xplicitone
2) TechMemphis
3) rasengan1337
Count me in!
Yeah, I need to run it.
I'm down. Have to run it on my Warlock still.
psn: kreepmode
if graverobber's Titan or warlock can do it, I am down..need to check..
Edit: drizzay knows the answer..
Edit2: his Titan is ready accounting to his text.
Edit3: been awhile so mistakes mightbe made what is the CM?will
Kings Fall HM CM Oryx (Anybody got checkpoint?)
7PM (can start a little later if somebody needs to start a little later)
1) xplicitone
2) TechMemphis
3) rasengan1337
4) Saint9806
5) shiv2099
6) kreepmode
Run #2 afterwards)
1) xplicitone
2) iRawr/Grave (alt for #1)
Updated. Any CPs?
"Your Titan is ready." It filled up but I'll most likely run it 2x (if the 1st goes well) so we can start another list for that!
Kings Fall HM CM Oryx (Anybody got checkpoint?)
7PM (can start a little later if somebody needs to start a little later)
1) xplicitone
2) TechMemphis
3) rasengan1337
4) Saint9806
5) shiv2099
6) kreepmode
Run #2 afterwards)
1) xplicitone
2) iRawr/Grave (alt for #1)
Updated. Any CPs?
I'm more of an agressive player myself and Destiny has turned out into one passive mess. With everyone and their mom having a 1000 Yard Stare (the sniper which possess one of the highest aim assists in the game) people like me who are into fusions and shotties are completely lost. You can't turn around a corner without getting sniped by some camping asshole or people sniping you from fusion rifle ranges, and let's not talk about trials which is basically "let's snipe till we kill one opponent and then let's rush" gamemode, even more so than what it used to be back then.
I've been nagging a lot about this situation, and I'm sorry for that but it's just me who is disappointed that I can't really enjoy playing this game anymore and that's a shame.
I have nothing against people who prefer snipers, some people over here at DGAf have shown some amazing stuff while using those weapons. But this is taking it too far in my opinion, blinking shotgunners were a pain but rushing ahotgunners could at least be stopped. Having to deal with 4 people sniping on a straight pathway or while they're hardscoping a corner without using a sniper yourself is almost imposible.
And then there's the Qullims Terminus which kills at pulse rifle ranges...
The SUROS Regime days were better to be honest, not by much though. Let's not pretend they were the glory days of pvp lol. Remember the Mythoclast and other fusions?
What can Bungie do to fix this? Just lower the AA on certain snipers? And most importantly, what can people like me do without having to use any sniper?
You know, it seems like this game will never be balanced and perhaps I'll just have to deal with that. I only play 6v6 (mostly clash) and I've heard people consider that to be a chaotic mess.
if graverobber's Titan or warlock can do it, I am down..need to check..
Edit: drizzay knows the answer..
Edit2: his Titan is ready accounting to his text.
Edit3: been awhile so mistakes mightbe made what is the CM?will
I have the CP.
I should have the CP. will do a second run as well if we can.
Decided to go full IB armor across all 3. Hate the raid armor design. My alts will be dropping a light level or two. Only problem I have is that my Hunter will have very low Intellect with the gear on.
Sounds good
Kings Fall HM CM Oryx (Anybody got checkpoint?)
7PM (can start a little later if somebody needs to start a little later)
1) xplicitone
2) TechMemphis
3) rasengan1337
4) Saint9806
5) shiv2099
6) kreepmode
Run #2 afterwards:
1) xplicitone
2) iRawr/Grave (alt for #1)
3) Shiv2099
4) ichabod00
Kings Fall HM CM Oryx (Anybody got checkpoint?)
7PM (can start a little later if somebody needs to start a little later)
1) xplicitone
2) TechMemphis
3) rasengan1337
Welp misread either way let me know. I should be around during that time.Run #2 afterwards:
1) xplicitone
2) iRawr/Grave (alt for #1)
3) Shiv2099
Updated. Any CPs?
"Your Titan is ready." It filled up but I'll most likely run it 2x (if the 1st goes well) so we can start another list for that!
CM is getting all 16 blights at once. One shotting Oryx! Either that or just not missing a blight but I'm not sure. I just know the 16-blights at once method haha