Has this been discussed here?
This is going down 7pm CST right? Just making sure I don't show up an hour early on EST time. Lol
I'll join for run 2, first run was too early
I have the CP.
I can run it a few times.
Welp misread either way let me know. I should be around during that time.
Has this been discussed here?
- Jon clarifies the changes to auto rifles - not every change is visible on screen.
- Bungie is aware about the problems with matchmaking. No confirmation about changes.
- Bungie is capable of replicating lag to ensure their playtests mirror what happens in the live game.
- You can't just tweak one thing - imagine if JUST your favorite weapon was nerfed. That wouldn't feel good for players, and that's why it's important that every aspect gets looked at each patch.
- High impact pulses can still two-burst low armor Guardians. The percentage listed to players was a byproduct of the actual change. The initial change was bullets-to-kill being reduced by one.
- According to Jon, fusion rifles have yet to be "discovered".
- Bungie often looks at the success and weapon usage from the top 10% of players and bottom 90% (among other variations) to ensure that changes make sense for all skill levels.
- The resurgence of The Last Word is so far a positive thing, as far as Jon is concerned. It's a fun exotic and it's a good thing that people are enjoying it.
- Just because a gun sees a lot of use, doesn't mean it's overpowered or giving players an advantage. 1000 Yard Stare sees a lot of usage, but player performance is right in the middle (1.o k/d). It's simply easy to get that's why it sees usage. The "aim assist debacle" has been overblown regarding that particular sniper.
- Many debates occur at Bungie headquarters regarding rez-snipes and revive mechanics.
- The range stat on fusion rifles directly affects bolt speed. Higher range, higher bolt speed.
Edit: In other news I tried using my Plan C for the first time since before Dark Below yesterday. It was a god damn nightmare... I've never had a weapon have that much pull on it. 1HKO range is closer than shotgun range unless you get lucky and the enemy jumps as you shot them.
I can't listen to Crucible Radio. They're just a PR mouth piece for Bungie now.
Also, the idea that one guy in their test group wrecks with Fusions is such a silly statement. He said the EXACT same thing about HCs the last time he was on and that was TTK release.
I don't think I understand the requirements for the Shindig in the Crucible quest. It says that I need to get kills with The Last Work in the Crucible, and I understand that if I get killed with a The Last Word then the percentage resets. Last night, however, I was never killed by anyone using The Last Word, but the percentage just fluctuated at between 25% - 28%.
After the first match with the gun, the percentage shot up to 25%, but the following matches just saw it rise and fall a few points.
Am I doing something wrong?
Fun Run group also looking for cm cp tonight if anyone has it![]()
Your percentage will rise for any kills you get while The Last Word is equipped - even if you get the kill with your special, heavy, super or whatever.I don't think I understand the requirements for the Shindig in the Crucible quest. It says that I need to get kills with The Last Work in the Crucible, and I understand that if I get killed with a The Last Word then the percentage resets. Last night, however, I was never killed by anyone using The Last Word, but the percentage just fluctuated at between 25% - 28%.
After the first match with the gun, the percentage shot up to 25%, but the following matches just saw it rise and fall a few points.
Am I doing something wrong?
"Yet to be discovered" is a pretty good quote if that's his actual line. Not "working as intended" good, but still pretty good. "Aim assist debacle" ain't half bad either.
I don't think I understand the requirements for the Shindig in the Crucible quest. It says that I need to get kills with The Last Work in the Crucible, and I understand that if I get killed with a The Last Word then the percentage resets. Last night, however, I was never killed by anyone using The Last Word, but the percentage just fluctuated at between 25% - 28%.
After the first match with the gun, the percentage shot up to 25%, but the following matches just saw it rise and fall a few points.
Am I doing something wrong?
Fun Run group also looking for cm cp tonight if anyone has it![]()
I guess Sidearms have yet to be discovered.
Probably MK 44 Stand asides have yet to be discovered as well.
Hell, maybe "Circle of Life" has yet to be discovered...
"Yet to be discovered" is a pretty good quote if that's his actual line. Not "working as intended" good, but still pretty good. "Aim assist debacle" ain't half bad either.
You lose points anytime you die in Cucible w TLW equipped, doesn't have to be someone killing you w TLW. The actual percentage allocation is super weird, getting multi kills w my super would give me like 10% progress.
Remember you can just do sparrow races w TLW equipped to finish that quest.
"Yet to be discovered" is a pretty good quote if that's his actual line. Not "working as intended" good, but still pretty good. "Aim assist debacle" ain't half bad either.
You lose points anytime you die in Cucible w TLW equipped, doesn't have to be someone killing you w TLW. The actual percentage allocation is super weird, getting multi kills w my super would give me like 10% progress.
Remember you can just do sparrow races w TLW equipped to finish that quest.
What? Kings Fall HM CM Oryx
When? 7PM CST first run, 2nd run will immediately follow (1 spot left for 2nd run)
Where? PS4
1) xplicitone
2) TechMemphis
3) rasengan1337
4) Saint9806
5) shiv2099
6) kreepmode
*Bolded for 2x runs
Run #2 afterwards:
1) xplicitone
2) iRawr/Grave (alt for #1)
3) Shiv2099
4) ichabod00
5) rasengan1337
Yea 7pm CST. I'll start sending out party invites around 10 minutes before.
It just filled up fastWe'll have room for you in run #2 for sure!
Tick221 is down for run number 2
It's because it's not actually a percentage.
Someone found out if you look at the quest on the app, it actually is a score out of like 1200 or something. Kills and deaths are worth so many points, but because of the awkward total number, sometimes a kill will be 2%, sometimes 3%, because you're actually crossing threshold numbers, not gaining actual percentages.
Yep. There's some good info on CR, but it's devolved into a circle jerk.
It's because it's not actually a percentage.
Someone found out if you look at the quest on the app, it actually is a score out of like 1200 or something. Kills and deaths are worth so many points, but because of the awkward total number, sometimes a kill will be 2%, sometimes 3%, because you're actually crossing threshold numbers, not gaining actual percentages.
What? Kings Fall HM CM Oryx
When? 7PM CST first run, 2nd run will immediately follow
Where? PS4
1) xplicitone
2) TechMemphis
3) rasengan1337
4) Saint9806
5) shiv2099
6) kreepmode
*Bolded for 2x runs
Run #2 afterwards:
1) xplicitone
2) iRawr/Grave (alt for #1)
3) Shiv2099
4) ichabod00
5) rasengan1337
6) Tick221
- I'd agree on the whole AA thing, Krafty put it perfectly that sniping is 90% muscle memory
And much like the last patch the hosts say, "I think it's perfect right now"
Sorry for the salt this morning, but the meta is a stale joke right now.
I would love to see this happen as well.I'd love to see AA get knocked to zero and see how good some of these streamers are at sniping.
Due to some craziness at work run #2 may work better for me now. Does anyone want to switch with me on run #1? I'm kreepmode. If not I may be out.
I'd love to see AA get knocked to zero and see how good some of these streamers are at sniping.
Just come watch a fun stream, not promising flawless anymore....
Crucible Playbook deletes any posts with negative opinions on the current meta as a rant and Crucible Radio is basically an extension of Bungie at this point. Reddit continues to be a joke.
Eirene only has 21 and is perfectly viable. I honestly think it is overblown how its become the new "thing" to moan about
Snipers inherently have more aim assist than other weapon types due to their longer range stat. On top of that, just like impact is different for each weapon type, I believe range is as well.
I think I found the perfect gif to sum up SRL on reddit.
The main Destiny subreddit isn't actually all that bad, sure they can be a bit of an echo chamber at times, but they've been giving Bungie alot of stick recently for stuff they've done and even in that thread that Kor linked many are calling BS on some of Bungie's claims, especially the Fusion Rifle part. I'm struggling to understands what the fuck "Yet to be discovered" even means.
CruciblePlayBook on the other had is a lost cause, the guys running it are way too close to Bungie now. It's nowhere near as big as the main Destiny subreddit though so the influence it can have is rather small in comparison, Bungie will always choose to listen to what peeps on the main subreddit say over it.
I think I found the perfect gif to sum up SRL on reddit.
Kings Fall HM CM Oryx (Anybody got checkpoint?)
7PM (can start a little later if somebody needs to start a little later)
I'd love to see AA get knocked to zero and see how good some of these streamers are at sniping.
Very frustating when you get stuck in a floating spin.
The main Destiny subreddit isn't actually all that bad, sure they can be a bit of an echo chamber at times, but they've been giving Bungie alot of stick recently for stuff they've done and even in the thread that Kor linked many are calling BS on some of Bungie's claims, especially the Fusion Rifle part. I'm struggling to understands what the fuck "Yet to be discovered" even means.
CruciblePlayBook on the other had is a lost cause, the guys running it are way too close to Bungie now. It's nowhere near as big as the main Destiny subreddit though so the influence it can have on the game rather small in comparison, Bungie will always choose to listen to what peeps on the main subreddit say over it.
I pray there will be a run tonight after 10 PM EST, as I REALLY would like to get this done.
I have the CP as well, so if anyone would like to add me to their 2nd run list, please let me know.
I love you, DGAF.
EDIT: I see that both are full. I may have missed out. Damn my need to work to live.
When criticized for this being an incredibly soft interview, swain said this:
I will say this, maybe what you were looking for isnt in the first half of this interview. It ran a total of 3 hours of recording and we just cant put out a full episode that long unfortunately. I think you should enjoy that and try and enjoy this first half for what we were able to pull out of them and bring to the public.
Can't do a 3 hour podcast? I guess the technology's just not there yet.
I also love that he pivots and says "be grateful that we gave you, the public, anything."
I get that it's gotta be stressful as a fan to interview a developer, but what a sucky attitude to have to your community.
Just press Square to dismount and blow yourself up, that's faster than watching your sparrow flip around wasting precious seconds.
You can't just tweak one thing - imagine if JUST your favorite weapon was nerfed. That wouldn't feel good for players, and that's why it's important that every aspect gets looked at each patch.