I decided to finish off the Crucible quest line last night for the weekly bounties. That was probably one of the worst decisions I've made in recent memory. I finished up the Elimination part which led to the 20 points quest (3 points for a win, 1 point for a loss). It was basically a showcase of everything that is wrong with the Crucible.
Lag: A fair portion of the games had multiple people with red bars which was obnoxious. Once of the worst games was someone who was literally teleporting from place to place. Only way to kill him was to hope you got lucky by shotgunning him when he was in a "frozen" state, otherwise he was 20 feet away 3 seconds later.
Matchmaking: Just awful. There were multiple times I was put on a team full of randoms, yet the other team had full fireteams. My favorite match was a game that had a fireteam of 4 and a fireteam of 2, yet my team was entirely randoms. I don't care if the teams were equal in skill level; a fireteam is more than likely going to win over a full group of randoms. Oh, I didn't mention the fact that it takes forever to even get a game started.
Respawning: Thanks for respawning me right beside the stormcaller that killed me 10 seconds ago, and still has the super active. Though, in full disclosure, not many games get respawning right. Black Ops 3 isn't much better.
Players: Why do people play objective based game modes, then never go for said objective? This may be harsh, but if the game detects you never/rarely go for flags in Control then it just needs to block you from playing that game mode. Same with Salvage/Rift.
At the end of the day, I got the 20 points. It took significantly longer than it should have with all of the above happening. Now that I have access to weekly bounties, I probably won't even do them as I'm just annoyed with everything. I've stayed positive for the most part, even through the darker times of Destiny, but it's hard to do so anymore.