Everyone is missing the point
Winterborn emblem is on sale today. Finally!
I like the complaining going on, because its true, all of it.
I just wish Bungie cared enough to listen, and change. Light level sucks now, and itas more RNG than it has ever been. We get robbed on infusion, and I dont use a variety of weapons,
its always:
Hung Jury
1000 yard
and 320 machine gun or 320 Dragon. That's all I have equipped in the last 2 months.
While I don't like watching him anymore that's not for you to decide. Thank you.
Does anyone leave Destiny happy? I know Bungie talked a big game about this in the lead up to Taken King, but it doesn't feel like it. People leave frustrated still.
Maybe a vague promise of more to come. Sigh.
I did. I still hop on and do a mission now and then, but I'm taking a break and will be doing a lot of catch up on my backlog over the next few months.
I loved the Taken King. The new campaign, the new and remixed strikes. The Taken War. The patrol improvements, the player triggerable events in the Dreadnaught (and the ship itself). I even love the new Iron Banner (I did the last two after skipping all previous entries). I really enjoyed King's Fall.
There's this gulf between what Destiny could be and what it is, and TTK closed a very big chunk of it. I'm happy to take a step back and wait for further updates.
The endgame is too sparse, the rewards too inconsistent, the horizontal progression too slow. But I'm expecting these things to get better over time.
This thread has taken a turn for the worse. The 0.04% of the 4% is real.
Do you think Bungie designed TTK raid weapons to be nothing more than infusion fodder?
What do you expect when the weapons are pure hot garbage!
Remember that feeling when you got the Fate bringer? I want that feeling again. Raid weapons have been shit for so long....................
Do you think Bungie designed TTK raid weapons to be nothing more than infusion fodder?
What do you expect when the weapons are pure hot garbage!
Remember that feeling when you got the Fate bringer? I want that feeling again. Raid weapons have been shit for so long....................
I did. I still hop on and do a mission now and then, but I'm taking a break and will be doing a lot of catch up on my backlog over the next few months.
I loved the Taken King. The new campaign, the new and remixed strikes. The Taken War. The patrol improvements, the player triggerable events in the Dreadnaught (and the ship itself). I even love the new Iron Banner (I did the last two after skipping all previous entries). I really enjoyed King's Fall.
There's this gulf between what Destiny could be and what it is, and TTK closed a very big chunk of it. I'm happy to take a step back and wait for further updates.
The endgame is too sparse, the rewards too inconsistent, the horizontal progression too slow. But I'm expecting these things to get better over time.
I dont use a variety of weapons,
its always:
Hung Jury
1000 yard
and 320 machine gun or 320 Dragon. That's all I have equipped in the last 2 months.
I'm with you here, although I occasionally use TLW or Chaperone or No Land Beyond in PvP.
Just waiting on a Harrowed QTerminus to drop. Any light would be fine to dump my two rockets into. I've never had one drop.
I am 100% convinced Bungie designed it for a clean 100%->1% , 16 bomb detonation.I'd love to know if Oryx was always meant to be 1 shot and if we'd all been doing it wrong for months.
Why not just dump them into the terminus you have now? The only difference between the two is aesthetics.
Just got out of the laggiest matches I've ever seen or been a part of. This is insane. I think I'm going to step away from MP -- when you're playing a match where you and everyone else is red/yellow bar, there's a serious, systemic issue going on.
Plz bungie, fix your goddamn videogame.
Agreed with this. I'm honestly still enjoying Destiny a lot. My play time has slowed down quite a bit, but every so often I jump back on and have a lot of fun, just because shooting stuff feels really satisfying to pull off. I kind of wish it was easier to get back into raids and stuff, but I got to experience just about everything in the game at least once and had a great time.I did. I still hop on and do a mission now and then, but I'm taking a break and will be doing a lot of catch up on my backlog over the next few months.
I loved the Taken King. The new campaign, the new and remixed strikes. The Taken War. The patrol improvements, the player triggerable events in the Dreadnaught (and the ship itself). I even love the new Iron Banner (I did the last two after skipping all previous entries). I really enjoyed King's Fall.
There's this gulf between what Destiny could be and what it is, and TTK closed a very big chunk of it. I'm happy to take a step back and wait for further updates.
The endgame is too sparse, the rewards too inconsistent, the horizontal progression too slow. But I'm expecting these things to get better over time.
I can help. PSN: DarknyssNeed 1 for Daughters CP HM. Interested?
Anybody got them totems?
Jk, what's up dgaf. My goal is to make it to mercury tomorrow. Nothing will stop me!
Bruh doubles is insane sometimes. Putting the fucking sweat headband on right now.
Nah, doubles is up. Played some yesterday with Ocean.How are you playing doubles?
I thought the weekly playlists were Infero Clash and Inferno Salvage?
Jk, what's up dgaf. My goal is to make it to mercury tomorrow. Nothing will stop me!
Nah, doubles is up. Played some yesterday with Ocean.
I have yet to make it to Mercury year 2. Most wins I've gotten so far is 7, would have been 8 if remembered to buy the buffs.
If you ever need someone to play with, I'll do my best!
Do you think Bungie designed TTK raid weapons to be nothing more than infusion fodder?
What do you expect when the weapons are pure hot garbage!
Remember that feeling when you got the Fate bringer? I want that feeling again. Raid weapons have been shit for so long....................
Hey DGaf, I haven't raided much since TTK launched. Only did Oryx NM once, never tried HM or the challenges. I'm currently at 311. Is that enough to try the challenges?
Also, I'm trying to get the Crux of Crota. And would like to learn how to use the sword against Crota. Would any of you help me learn the sword mechanics? Would love to do the raid later today, in about 3 or 4 hours.
Well, I've given up on ToCs. Used 15 today and got nothing. Haven't seen an engram drop since the last day of SRL using them. I have used over 40 ToCs since then and nothing.
You guys are understandably salty and mad and [insert negative feeling] given how much you've done in the game.
Never did Draksys. I farmed the Gatelord and then later on Sardok.Remember the Draksys days? 1 every 5 kills..good times.
So whats really sad to me is that they showed a half assed attempt at doing "something", but it just poured salt in the wound instead.
The strike specific gear would have been great had they actually been Year-One-Great in performance, but bungie wanted to make them extra crappy, so anything that could be related to VoG is pretty much trash because of nerfs.
House of Wolves was far from perfect, but it didn't completely devalue all your hard earned equipment.
Prison of Elders was a sore spot for me personally, as I found skolas cheap, and the whole of PoE boring.
The loot from it was also rather lacking in flair, but Trials of Osiris was a nice move to give gear that was actually closer to raid gear.
The Taken King said: "You know what, you spent all that time collecting gear, and progressing factions just to get specific items, but none of that matters any more, because you wont be using that stuff anymore!"
Fine, I could live with it if they made stuff to replace the stuff we leave behind for even more interesting gear.
Infact, this is how I steeled myself into continuing to play. After the initial gear from strikes and factions, I finally got my hands on some raid gear.
They sucked.
They suck still.
The gear you get from factions sucks.
The exotics are good, to a degree.
People now use special weapons as if they are primaries in crucible.
The game has become a huge joke because of the loot/lag/story.
There is no defence, and that makes me salty as fuck.