How long ago did Call of Duty Modern Warfare come out, like a decade ago? CoD is still running on the same engine, though modified and improved.
Destiny 2 will use this same engine for 10 years too....betting on it.
2007, so 9 years ago.
How long ago did Call of Duty Modern Warfare come out, like a decade ago? CoD is still running on the same engine, though modified and improved.
Destiny 2 will use this same engine for 10 years too....betting on it.
Dammit. Can't find the article. I know I read it somewhere. Not sure if it was in one of Jason's articles or in that reddit leak that had most of it turn out to be true (the exception being the Destiny 2 stuff since we know jackshit about it)
I still have my Fatebringer, Black Hammer, VoC, and Corrective Measure in my vault. I might try using Fatebringer for arc burn NFs
HoW system with the etheric light was perfect. I want that back.
Anyone know any skilled/competitive fusion rifle/shotgun players? I've seen some guy doing magic with shadestep and a Party Crasher +1 the other day and that looked like a thing of beauty.
I'm just REALLY getting bored of everyone on Twitch using that same old tired combination of Mida/TLW + 1k stare haha.
As I've said a million times before, etheric light was the perfect thing for Destiny. All legendary armor and weapons were relevant. People could play exactly how they wanted! What's funny now is that I only use certain weapons and armor. Variety is no where close to how it was in a Year 1. Hell, my Hunter doesn't even have any exotic armor on.
That's just sad.
ah, the glory days of Destiny. Back when it was almost perfect, except the thorn and final round meta, that shit sucked donkey balls.
Give me back the etheric system
Rerolling weapons
add-in Transmorg, tired of having to look a certain way.
On another topic, anyone interested in some old school raiding tonight? VoG followed up with a little CE on PS4? (need to try and unlock some year 1 stuff)
It's because of Fatebringer, Gjallarhorn, vision and all elemental primaries, Bungie doesn't want over powered weapons in their game. Yet the Sword broke 80% of the game.
Edit: Oh and Homeboyd's favorite, Icebreaker.
I am down for CE depending on the time. I won't be on until after midnight central time.
Feel bad for Homey because the IB will never be back - Bungie hates it more than the Gjallarhorn lol.
That said, I am expecting a resurgence of strong PVE weapons for Year 3. Bungie went too far.
1am my time, I'll be fast asleep by then. If not tonight, maybe a weekend run.
The parallels were uncanny; Diablo III had launched to commercial success in 2012 but saw a great deal of criticism from fans thanks to randomized loot, frustrating online DRM, and a lack of endgame content. Both games shared a publisher, Activision, that thought Destiny could redeem itself in fans eyes the way Diablo III eventually had after its release.
They basically came in and said, Look, heres our story of developing Diablo III and then bringing in [the expansion] Reaper of Souls, said one person who was at the Blizzard talk. They were saying, like, Hey, random numbers are not fundice rolls are not fun. You can give the illusion of randomness, but you want to weight it towards the player The only point you have to deliver on is that when people leave your gamebecause they willwhen they leave your game, they need to be happy.
man... .bungie already forgot the lesson they "learned" from the Diablo III dev team.... *smh*
Hey, random numbers are not fundice rolls are not fun
1am my time, I'll be fast asleep by then. If not tonight, maybe a weekend run.
Of all the people to quit destiny I would have thought he would be the last person that would have jumped ship. Speaks volumes on how far Bungie bungled the loot and infusion system. I mean this guy wanted to almost do skolas 3 x a week and that shit was cancer.
Destiny 2 will use this same engine for 10 years too....betting on it.
One last TTK Ya'll.
That said, I'm very happy that Destiny is just about maintaining characters. I can get away with playing a couple hours a week and not feel like I'm missing anything. Have enough resources saved up for Year 3. Little low on the strange coins (1200) but getting more is too inconsistent.
I really hope the big reveal is an announcement that Bungie will remix old raids and PoE... Destiny has content- it just isn't supported.
I've gotten my money's worth. And I still love this game. But I'd pay for a downgrade. I'd pay as much as I've paid so far - the whole thing put together - to go back to HoW.
Would you want a fatebringer or vision without the elemental burn? They need to go back and make all armor and weapons from year 1 raids viable again.
It's because of Fatebringer, Gjallarhorn, vision and all elemental primaries, Bungie doesn't want over powered weapons in their game. Yet the Sword broke 80% of the game.
Edit: Oh and Homeboyd's favorite, Icebreaker.
Feel bad for Homey because the IB will never be back - Bungie hates it more than the Gjallarhorn lol.
That said, I am expecting a resurgence of strong PVE weapons for Year 3. Bungie went too far.
Managed to get the raid hunter cloak last night from the daughters and it's beautiful - felt no guilt infusing my solar flayer's mantle into it even though I lost a level in the process. Feels nice not having to wear that any more (it was my only clock with decent stats and a high level).
The One True King
yeah, I remember when I got my first icebreaker... *sigh*
Would you want a fatebringer or vision without the elemental burn? They need to go back and make all armor and weapons from year 1 raids viable again.
yeah, I remember when I got my first icebreaker... *sigh*
I had arc and solar both drop when running countless strikes (both for 3oC and because I didn't have a group to raid with back then) on my titan. Not even heroic either, they dropped from the level 36 vanguard playlist.I still have not gotten one of those flayer's cloak. I feel like I will never get one.
Yup, just like legendary Black Hammer --> Exotic Black Spindle, they should do Exotic versions of Fatebringer and Vision of Confluence.
Don't forget Found Verdict, miss that more than anything. Shotguns were king in PVE during HoW.
An exotic HoC would be a good compromise for not bringing back Gjallarhorn.
Hezen's Vengeance. 9 Rockets. Big explosion followed by a ripple of smaller ones. HZ>HoC.
FV was mvp all throughout PoE during the shotgun buff. One-shotting major knights and captains never felt so good.
Icebreaker never dropped for me, I remember running to Xur and buying 3 of the damn things. Vision, Icebreaker and HoC was my favorite solo solar loadout.
Why does Bungie had to go to far with Nerfs,
My fear isn't about the engine or 60fps or whatever. My fear is that we'll be locked into the same progression system for Year 3.
When I talk about Diablo, I talk about having a badass Hammer of the Ancients build with legendaries that let me smash 2x as fast and one that gives me every rune for a skill so that my Supersaiyan mode is essentially permanent. That's what endgame is. Finding builds. Improving them.
I don't say, oh yeah, I hit endgame in Destiny, all my gear is iLvl 70. Because that's all Light is.
The new light system is really bad and I don't want it again. But how many times can Bungie re-invent progression?
It's great that they're willing to change things, but how many more times are they comfortable changing things? Because the doing the Refer-A-Friend with newbies to this game is exhausting how complicated this game is. Do they want to keep changing things on players? My RAF newbie said it's impossible to google things for this game because everything becomes outdated, especially progression stuff.
- Vanilla: Light was 10 character levels, requires energy & shards to level.
- Crota's End: Light was an additional 2 levels, requires another set of energy & shards, but you can exchange energy & shards. Also commendations because Bungie doesn't want players progressing.
- House of Wolves: No more shards. Finally. Etheric light for endgame.
- Taken King: Light is gear score. And gear score is used to calculate player damage & health.
I don't want to chase light again next year, but will they continue to make the changes they need to?
I am very confident that they will improve the light system. First step might be making infusion a 1:1 transfer. That would be a huge step forward.
As I've said a million times before, etheric light was the perfect thing for Destiny. All legendary armor and weapons were relevant. People could play exactly how they wanted! What's funny now is that I only use certain weapons and armor. Variety is no where close to how it was in a Year 1. Hell, my Hunter doesn't even have any exotic armor on.
That's just sad.
Why does Bungie have to go too far with Nerfs,
No, just no, they need to go back to solid numbers for LL, Should have been 310 for Normal and 320 for Hard, none of this 311-319 Crap. As for Infusion, if you pump a 320 into a 310 it should go to 320, as you say 1:1 ratio. This alone would probably bring homeslice back, well won't go that far but it would be a great start.