Sorry Shiv. Always keen to play with you bud, maybe later. got a team now.If you still need someone, I'm looking to do Trials, but mainly bounties. I'm not going to Mercury without serious help.
Sorry Shiv. Always keen to play with you bud, maybe later. got a team now.
Trying to clear off some regular Crucible bounties to make room.Anyone for grinding out some trials bounties? Psn Bicep_Curls
I know that pain bro. Work 10hr days 5-6days a week.I can't just rest. I'm in a vicious cycle where I want to make the most of my free time, but also want to go to bed. Then I end up getting 6 hours of sleep for 10 hours of work.
Took over 5 minutes and a host change to find a match after our 5th win. -__-
I know that pain bro. Work 10hr days 5-6days a week.
Live to work, work to live.
Alright. Team disbanded. Need new trials team. Need just one win for gold on Hunter.
It'll pay off one day. I hope.It's the worst @_@; Work sucks out your soul and makes you not want to do anything.
It'll pay off one day. I hope.
Sorry for the piss poor ending.
I can help.One spot open in nightfall. Just join
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...Finally got a god roll Fakebringer to drop.
This window still open? I'm really just looking to hit bounties, but I can try to get sweaty if you really need me to.Many thanks to everyone for the Dragon's Dogma pro tips. I made a Strider and I've been loving it so far. Looks great, runs great although I've mostly been bumming around the starting village. Stealing everyones brooms and carrots.
I could still do some Trials though if people are looking.
I'm back, bitches.
Just wait until you unlock Magick Archer and Assassin. Dragons Dogma is just so good; tempted to finally build a gaming PC so I can revisit.Many thanks to everyone for the Dragon's Dogma pro tips. I made a Strider and I've been loving it so far. Looks great, runs great although I've mostly been bumming around the starting village. Stealing everyones brooms and carrots.
I could still do some Trials though if people are looking.
So I take it "DGAF Army" was made by someone here, right?
Cause I just played someone from that clan in a rift game on Frontier. :O
I was supposed to build a PC in the fall last year but stuff happened and u couldn't anymore. I need a gaming PC so badly it's not even funny. I follow the PC OT and apparently you can bring your console save over. My level 192 Magick Archer calls for me.Just wait until you unlock Magick Archer and Assassin. Dragons Dogma is just so good; tempted to finally build a gaming PC so I can revisit.
Need 1 more for trials matches. Trying to finish up bounties! Not going flawless just for fun
Psn Bicep_Curls
I can help out if you're still looking. I'll play on Grave Robber's account though if we're just going for bounties. Send a FR to GraveRobberX if you still need 1, I'll grab the bounties in the meantime.
My First Curse Phantom medal is my most personally perplexing one.Oh boy, got a phantom medal with the first curse and a sidearm.
No mercury for me.
Hence why winning the lottery is so appealing. Being able to be financially secure while being free to choose how you spend your time.It's the worst @_@; Work sucks out your soul and makes you not want to do anything.
I would focus on making art for a two or three man indie game team. I already do it for work, but I want to do it for myself.Yea, before I always said I'd still work if I won the lotto. About last week I changed my mind. I would put in my 2 weeks asap.
Then I'd focus on game programming full time and wouldn't care about income at all and that'd be heaven. Focus on what you love without worrying about bills.
I'd quite my current job for sure. Being financially secure also means you can do a job you enjoy, instead of a job where you're just getting moneyYea, before I always said I'd still work if I won the lotto. About last week I changed my mind. I would put in my 2 weeks asap.
Then I'd focus on game programming full time and wouldn't care about income at all and that'd be heaven. Focus on what you love without worrying about bills.
Yo, welcome back dude. Although I've seen you posting here and online recently so... wait a second. Well, welcome back anyway lol. I'd be down for Trials if you want.