Is SRL a gated event? Do I need to unlock it?
Lol. Hell yeah, man, I'm down to run whenever.
Is SRL a gated event? Do I need to unlock it?
You can bring your console save!?I was supposed to build a PC in the fall last year but stuff happened and u couldn't anymore. I need a gaming PC so badly it's not even funny. I follow the PC OT and apparently you can bring your console save over. My level 192 Magick Archer calls for me.
No one knows sweaty until they play with me, F1cken, and The_id. #realsweat
The gun takes time to get adjusted to, but I'm having fun with it.My First Curse Phantom medal is my most personally perplexing one.
It wasn't during heavy, it wasn't with super kills. But I hate the gun.
I've played with id in IB. Only thing sweaty is Neo in the background doing god knows what.
Thanks for the runs F1CKEN and Subtervotion. It was great playing with you guys. The last few rounds were funny.
Sorry, I was getting mentally tired on our second run. LOL.
Sub nearly lost a bet playing against scrubs....
Yea man. Someone in the OT posted a screenshot having 3300 health which u know only happens when you're 190+. He said he brought his console save over. The dream is alive man.You can bring your console save!?
That increases temptation to max...
The gun takes time to get adjusted to, but I'm having fun with it.
I've played with id in IB. Only thing sweaty is Neo in the background doing god knows what.
No worries about mercury on my hunter and warlock. They are the less superior classes so I never worry about them.
Congrats on your last Fragment!Would any kind and generous gaffers help me out on court of oryx tier 3?
Will only take a few min! It's my last 50th fragment piece!
Psn: Tex117 Send a message!
We only need one more!
Iron Banner Sword...pleaseIf IB is the scout and launcher next go around, I suspect I'm going to hit it hard.
What else is left? Fusion?
Awesome thanks! I'll send invite
This window still open? I'm really just looking to hit bounties, but I can try to get sweaty if you really need me to.
PSN: GibbShift.
EDIT: Joined on you, Bicep.
GGs Biceps and Gibb! That 5-4 clutch to pull off the 7 wins for the weapon was super legit. Nearly every game was classic laggy Trials nonsense but playing with you fine gentlemen made it fun. Well done everyone!
Also, sorry for disappearing at the end. I forgot we were just in game chat when I left the fireteam, lol...
No problem, fella. Thanks for helping us out, it was much appreciated. Nothing like a good point guard to add synergy and bring up the rest of the team. Very good Trials games (even with the crazy lag, honestly). Gonna level up this Reflection Sum now.GGs Biceps and Gibb! That 5-4 clutch to pull off the 7 wins for the weapon was super legit. Nearly every game was classic laggy Trials nonsense but playing with you fine gentlemen made it fun. Well done everyone!
Also, sorry for disappearing at the end. I forgot we were just in game chat when I left the fireteam, lol...
I actually have a 313 Iron Banner Fusion Rifle with a good roll. I like it a lot. The launcher I got is garbage though. And the Scout firesso slow I don't think it's worth it from my experience.If IB is the scout and launcher next go around, I suspect I'm going to hit it hard.
What else is left? Fusion?
Gotta love playing with you Kadey in IB and watch that crazy K/D that you get with your Grasp of Molok. I think at one point you never died and had a K/D of 13.0I've played with id in IB. Only thing sweaty is Neo in the background doing god knows what.
No worries about mercury on my hunter and warlock. They are the less superior classes so I never worry about them.
I've been playing on a laggy panel for about six months and finally got one of these...
Dude, I am so stoked.Welcome to the gaming monitor master race. Enjoy your stay.
I'll join you! lemme finish this painful riftNeed 1 for bounties Trials
So I just got a PS4 and Destiny and been playing for a bit, got to Level 8, first mission of the moon. I don't really 'get' the online aspects though, could someone help a noob with that, haha? I thought it'd be more like setting up a party with randos but so far I've only been able to do stuff with other people online on the one/two 'waves' that appear from time to time from a ship.
So I just got a PS4 and Destiny and been playing for a bit, got to Level 8, first mission of the moon. I don't really 'get' the online aspects though, could someone help a noob with that, haha? I thought it'd be more like setting up a party with randos but so far I've only been able to do stuff with other people online on the one/two 'waves' that appear from time to time from a ship.
Story missions don't feature matchmaking but you can play them with friends in a fire team. As you work through the campaign you'll unlock a mountain of missions, quests and more activity types - you can usually find folks here to run things with or answer questions. Hope that helped, and have fun.
Most people here are really helpful in jumping in and giving a hand, and there's always some sort of LFG going on for the weekly reset of content. We also have folks like Hawkien who sherpa new/inexperienced folks through Raids and other post-game content.
I have a friend who just started the game again on PS4 (already did XBO) and might be lending a hand when I have the time to in getting him back up to snuff for post game stuff. So if you need a hand when I'm on, you'll likely be welcome to the third slot on the fireteam.
I would focus on making art for a two or three man indie game team. I already do it for work, but I want to do it for myself.
If you want to collaborate, holler.
I'd quite my current job for sure. Being financially secure also means you can do a job you enjoy, instead of a job where you're just getting money
I'd probably spend a crapton of time travelling in the beginning, buy a house, definitely start going to the gym.
*sigh* At least dreams are free...
Dude, I am so stoked.
Hm, alright, that sounds great! I'm on the first moon mission if I need to catch up or wait a little bit. How should I go about adding/stuff to make things easier?
Once again, thanks a lot to you two! Destiny's definitely not what I expected at first but I'm having lots of fun so I hope I can get used to the multiplayer and the group making quickly.
Everything should be easier when I get caught up on levels (since I just joined and everyone I see is level 40) but if I could find teams before then it'd be great! Thanks a lot! =D
The progress from level 1-40 should be pretty smooth running. Make sure to grab bounties each day before getting going, as they will speed your progress greatly. Another tip is to be sure to have your best gear equipped when turning in engrams at the Cryptarch. They decrypt to a light level that is based on your current light, and most will nudge higher than the gear you have on. In that way engrams are a major driver of your gear until you near the endgame (light level 280-290) and have to start running certain activities that drop higher level gear.
The good news is you get engrams from every activity, so you can progress doing literally anything you want. Missions, strikes, patrols, crucible - all will move you forward until pretty late. If you want to focus on the story, the campaign itself is designed to get you to level 40 by the time it's over. Bounties, quests and any other activities you do on the side will help you get there quicker. Personally, I loved taking a character through all the missions. You'll go through the first two expansions as part of it, and at the end, the Taken King. They get better and better as you go. You'll really know when you hit TTK.
So I just got a PS4 and Destiny and been playing for a bit, got to Level 8, first mission of the moon. I don't really 'get' the online aspects though, could someone help a noob with that, haha? I thought it'd be more like setting up a party with randos but so far I've only been able to do stuff with other people online on the one/two 'waves' that appear from time to time from a ship.