I cant believe we lost that game. Like really.
Found the game:
Obviously the Devs were carrying one. But their carry had almost as high an ELO as both of Lumi's team mates who I don't recognize. Looks like a 2v1 to me but I don't really know.
Would like to see a team BSK vs team Devs sweaty. Not sure if the result would be the same.
I want possibly two of those! yay!Division
Robot dinosaur lady Legolas game
Persona 5
Street Fighter V
No Man's Sky
I'm forgetting a bunch. This year won't be cheap. And then if there's a Destiny sequel of course I'll ignore everything else and just call '16 an expensive backlog year.
Finally got the Scarab! I'm cool now, guys.
We played First Light together the other dayI don't think you recognized me since my PSN name isn't Ocean.
I waved at you while we popped heavy. You waved back.
Any clean terrestrial apes in here?
Anybody want to do HM CM 1-3x? Need to do it on Grave's characters, I have Totems CP.
Could also do Trials. Maybe. Eh. Meh. Blehhhh.
Welcome to two weeks ago. Kappa
Anybody want to do HM CM 1-3x? Need to do it on Grave's characters, I have Totems CP.
Could also do Trials. Maybe. Eh. Meh. Blehhhh.
Welcome to two weeks ago. Kappa
Anybody want to do HM CM 1-3x? Need to do it on Grave's characters, I have Totems CP.
So does anyone here still do Trials carries for mediocre crucible players?
I'd like to see Mercury before the game is completely unplayable due to bugs.
I need challenge mode. PSN JafkuI'm the only one left that helps carries, afaik. Sadly I'm not good enough to double carry so it will depend on finding someone else to help. I'm always down to try, just being realistic that unless I play super duper well or we get lucky matching easy teams then a strong 3rd would be needed for Mercury.
If it was still Year 1 Trials I'd be more confident but Year 2 I've had too many runs that ended after 7-0 or 8-0 because we started matching Peruvian Red Bar All Stars.
edit: okay, looks like we might be able to get some CMs going:
HM KF CM, starting at Totems:
1.) Boguester
2.) Neoak
3.) Id
4.) Magik
5.) ????
6.) ????
I need challenge mode. PSN Jafku
1 more spot for HM KF Challenge Mode. We've got 5 sitting at Totems now, ready to start as soon as we get a 6th. Can do CM up to 3x.
Edit: Full for now.
I've been collecting hand cannons since day one. I have a vault full of old Red Hands, Devil You Knows, Ill Wills, Lashes, Revelators, Up the Antes, and mini-moons. I hardly ever played with any other primary. Their nerf hit me hard. Their rebuff left me with hope. But, alas, they are too inconsistent at medium range to pick over a scout right now.
If you aren't using Last Word as shotgun defense or snipe cleanup, I have a hard time justifying any of them any longer. This is a sad day of realization for me.
I present my best year two hand cannon rolls. None are viable because of the RNG bullet registration present at more than close, or barely-mid, range.
Hammer Forged helps mitigate the poor range and random bullet effects of hand cannons post 2.0. Hidden Hand gives the extra bit of push necessary to make this gun more than merely mediocre. It's okay. It works sort of like hand cannons used to. But, at mid range, you will still miss foes despite having crosshairs directly over their heads. Not even Hidden Hand and a range perk fixes this.
This year two mini-moon drop had me excited. Until I shot it. The lack of range boosting perks means bullets seldom hit their target. You can have all the bonus damage on a round in the world and, if RNG decides it doesn't land, it might as well do no damage at all.
Eyasluna. I want to love you. Spray and play, explosive rounds, and reactive reload sounds like an amazing drop, but explosions and bonus damage also require hitting at least NEAR your opponent, which is surprisingly seldom in year two.
Hotswap and Hammer Forged give enough of an accuracy buff that, when paired with a sniper and used in the role of the Last Word to clean up bodied opponents, this gun turned out to be my most viable in year two. I went to Mercury a few times on the back of the Revelator, much to the chagrin of my teammates (cough, Colonel).
It's still not as good as a middling scout. Of all the year two hand cannons I've had to leave behind, I feel the worst about this Revelator roll. It's so close to being an amazing gun, but the small distance between mediocrity and viability is enough of a gap that losing lots of encounters you would win in year one relegates it to the bin.
I've moved on. I'll miss you, hand cannons, but these (and many other) rolls have proven to me that you're just not worth it any more. You're either the Last Word or nearly useless.
I'm seeing this saucy Tuonela now and not looking back. Unless you get buffed.
If someone needs to leave, I can fill the spot. Will be doing patrols in the meantime. PSN: Nicodemic
Yeah. Finnala or Eyasluna are the only two that, with range perks, are remotely viable. But they all feel like shit now. I'll have my crosshair over someone, pull the trigger, and nada. Like, damage drop off at range I get, but nothing? Pffffft.
I haven't played Destiny in a long time, has the XB1 version caught up to the PS4 version in content?
Y1 content, yeah.
Y2 content, no.
I won't even be able to play them. After buying them I'll be living on the street, because I can't pay my rent.Division Maybe
Uncharted bought
Robot dinosaur lady Legolas game bought
Persona 5 bought
Street Fighter V
No Man's Sky bought
I'm forgetting a bunch. This year won't be cheap. And then if there's a Destiny sequel bought of course I'll ignore everything else and just call '16 an expensive backlog year.
Ok, one spot left for doing Challenge Mode. We can do it 1-3 times depending on what the group wants.
I'm sitting at Totems CP now, on Grave's character. PSN is GraveRobberX.
I've Done CM this week already, but can join after if you need 1-2.
Finally got the Scarab! I'm cool now, guys.
Forgive my ignorance. I still have yet to see what this actual emblem is. Keep seeing it pop up on the forums in conversations everywhere though. Got a link?
We can go.still lookin for 2 for hard mode raid (Fresh run warpriest challenge)
PSN TheLintendo
Is there anywhere I can see what I'd be missing? Alternatively, is it anything important?
It's not important.
Off the top of my head, there's a terrible multiplayer map (Sector 618), a pretty cool Strike (Echo Chamber), a pretty good exotic scout rifle (Jade Rabbit) and two sets of legendary armor for each of the three classes (One for Iron Banner, one regular gear. Looks cool depending on your aesthetic taste, nothing special otherwise).
here's a link: https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/destiny-ps4/exclusive-content/
Welcome to two weeks ago. Kappa
It's not important.
Off the top of my head, there's a terrible multiplayer map (Sector 618), a pretty cool Strike (Echo Chamber), a pretty good exotic scout rifle (Jade Rabbit) and two sets of legendary armor for each of the three classes (One for Iron Banner, one regular gear. Looks cool depending on your aesthetic taste, nothing special otherwise).
here's a link: https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/destiny-ps4/exclusive-content/
I can do a Golg to Oryx run if anything gets going.Anybody up to do Golgi - Oryx x3 later on?
Are you still going to play trials today? You were so full of enthusiasm earlier Kappa
If you dont i think i might start Fallout 4...maybe
Mrs Drizzay just made dinner so I'm gonna eat now. I'm down for Trials afterwards but it'll probably be 30 min, so totally up to you if you'll be busy w FO4 or not. Also depends on how long you'll be up tonight since I know it's already after midnight for you.
Its totally cool. Have a nice dinner with Mrs Drizzay and we can play afterwards. I should still be up in 30 min.
If you don't have a third, pssssssstttt.Mrs Drizzay just made dinner so I'm gonna eat now. I'm down for Trials afterwards but it'll probably be 30 min, so totally up to you if you'll be busy w FO4 or not. Also depends on how long you'll be up tonight since I know it's already after midnight for you.