Having been carried twice & been close several times I can say that you can make it much easier on yourself and your team if you play as a team. Teams that consistently create 2v1s win more. So play with your team, don't die and communicate effectively. T
he 7 year old who kraftyy carried to the lighthouse had call outs that were
on point! No thumb skill required for either playing with your team and talking well.
To anyone else this goes true: what I'd say is if you're serious about getting to the Lighthouse, then just be serious about playing Trials regularly. Trials MM may be an issue, but bounties are great and create incentives to play beyond the lighthouse. I try to play a card each weekend if I can. I don't have a regular crew, but hopefully people are starting to recognize my name. And you'll also learn what it's like to play 3s. It's much slower, more deliberate. 6s feel like utter chaos to me now.
Hope that helps. The Lighthouse truly is a magical place, but the real magic is playing with a team and having fun.