Awesomeness now to relive every moment new againMy new gaming monitor is here. I dig it. My old monitor was a very laggy POS. Yay!
Awesomeness now to relive every moment new again
Is this the week we get a BWU? Or the fine communications folks still on holiday?
Is this the week we get a BWU? Or the fine communications folks still on holiday?
Is this the week we get a BWU? Or the fine communications folks still on holiday?
I'll be on a bit kinda late. Gonna watch the cavs-warriors game at 8 estI may be down as well. I think us 3 are competent enough to make it to the lighthouse, as long as the lag isn't as bad as it was on PS4 last night.
They've been back for a while. Just because there's no weekly update doesn't mean they're still off work.Is this the week we get a BWU? Or the fine communications folks still on holiday?
Last match matched us with a guy from one of Destiny's best teams. -___-
Knew I have seen that clan tag before.
It was the hunter. Name was Sir Raito or something like that. Clan is teamSIX (formerly known as Team Six). I've seen some of their crucible montages.Who was it?
Sounds like I should skip Trials tonight and double down on that Witcha
I try to help people sometimes. Haven't been very successful lately though. I need Nami or Ape to come with me or else my team usually gets destroyed on the final boss.
My PSN is the same as my GAF if interested. I have a guy that I usually do bounties with who is consistently good if you want to give some runs a go.
Checked his teammates from that match and they're even better than him.Let us all skip trials and play something else. I'm gonna play some more trails in the sky on vita. 12 hours in. So many hours to go.
I've had my fill of destiny this weekend/holiday. Maybe some other time.
Checked his teammates from that match and they're even better than him.
Alright, Sir_Nato is the guy. Just checked destinytracker and yeah, we stood no chance.
Yeah with that attitude! In Destiny, anything can happen in the crucible.
Floating bodies need to return!Even floating bodies. This man speaks the truth.
It was the hunter. Name was Sir Raito or something like that. Clan is teamSIX (formerly known as Team Six). I've seen some of their crucible montages.
If anyone runs HM tonight on PS4 and needs one, I'd love to join.
PSN: Noobacuse
311 Hunter with Touch of Malice + 310 Black Spindle
Never run HM, but I've run NM a decent amount
Maybe Nami should make it......
Let us all skip trials and play something else. I'm gonna play some more trails in the sky on vita. 12 hours in. So many hours to go.
I can join, give me 10 minutes if you don't have anyoneNeed 1 for a quickish raid. Come help a new guardian. Don't pretend you have anything better to do.
LolHahaha I love it.
Finish MGSV, you muppet.
Dat ELO difference, RIP.
Hahaha I love it.
Finish MGSV, you muppet.
I can join, give me 10 minutes if you don't have anyone
They were the only true legit good team I've faced this week. They rushed us down hard. They beat us without any BS sniping from a hiding spot, etc. All the other teams we lost to were campers and we just fell into their game plan. Map is clearly not suited for trials. C spawn has to work harder.
Hey guys I haven't played destiny in a while. Is anyone kind enough to help a brotha out?
who are you, and what have you done with the furry slippers?*snip*
I know we can't trade or give gifts or anything in Destiny - so while playing D3
I found it very interesting that little gift boxes for people on my friends list popped up when I beat bosses. Apparently I sent gifts so far to Narcissistic Jay, Nasty, X Frame, Unstable, and I think someone else. The game pops them up - thought that was really cool.
Pretty interesting addition.
Dat ELO difference, RIP.
Who I am is non of your concern.who are you, and what have you done with the furry slippers?