I need to vent.
Bungle's 10 year vision for this game will not be achievable with the current way they're treating the game with the lack of fresh new content to keep the community going or with the way they're treating the community which now is decreasing in size.
I'm sure the community will come back when Desitny 2 rolls around, but then the expectation would be that the end game will only last them a 3-4 months and everything else will be padded with MACROTRANSACTIONS.
There are only few technical issues with this game. Its probably one of the more polished ones compared to other console FPS out currently. However, there are major issues related to how Bungle has been managing the content of their game to dealing with the community.
Some of the major ones i can think of are:
- The lack of a communicated vision for this game. I'm not sure what they're trying to achieve. Its got some of the workings of a MMORPG which aren't working so well and a FPS which is working beautifully. If they were to at least outline their vision of what they want to create, then I wouldn't have a problem. But since launch of this game, Bungle seems to be reactively fixing the game rather than proactively designing a great game.
- The microtransactions...initally they said it was only for cosmetics, but now they have these level and subclass boosts as well. Whose to say they're not going to sell other things that would have a direct impact on the gameplay.
- A great PVP gameplay with a broken P2P connection and matchmaking. Red bars in iron banner, the hard skill based matchmaking aimed at making sure you'll only get a 50% chance of winning most of the time.
Why do I keep coming back to this game really?
I don't expect anything useful to come out from DeeJ's BWU.