I'm trying to throw away my negative thoughts on everything, Destiny included.
At this point, I know all the flaws this game has so I shouldn't get mad or complain about anything. I mean it sucks that 4+ months later some of the bugs or bad stuff like KF raid loot which was talked about hasn't got fixed or upgraded, but it's still a choice to continue to play.
I just want some information on where they're going with this game or an expansion or Destiny 2... just anything really. Masks and SRL were both very boring for me and I'm ashamed at buying Silver for such crappy (IMO) events that did me no good.
Personally, i can't stop thinking about the negative aspects when I go and try to play Destiny. The gameplay aspects are what bum me out the most. It's like..exotics should change the game completely, but they don't. They're just flavoring. Even the classes don't really change much except for specific situations-Whether you want a grenade for PvP or PvE. The guns are in a position where even at max level, they all still kinda feel the same. Destiny should be a game about the satisfying combat and the search for loot that changes how you play the game. Right now it has the satisfying combat right, but everything else is just a drudge that holds it back, and it's mostly by design(No satisfying end-game activity that let's you repeat it for stronger gear, yes there's the raid but that's a group thing, and it's weekly.). Not only that, but the gear should change the way you play. They should let you have multiple exotic pieces on so you can really mix and max, and make broken builds. Broken for PvE, and that'd be ok. Because Bungie shouldn't be trying to strangle the amount of loot you get in a week, they should be encouraging you to play it outside of the resets.
I bring this up often, I'm sure others do too, but look at Diablo 3. You can login, do some bounties, get a chest of loot drops, maybe craft some items or run a rift, and when you log out you feel like you accomplished something. Like you progressed a bit further than you did before.
It's..interesting to see how Destiny 2 will be. Whether it will be more of the same or if they actively looked for inspiration elsewhere to make their game better. If it's more of the same, I might not come back.