everyday math
Its a belated Christmas miracle.Hot damn! This thread is alive now, people are posting every two minutes!
Its a belated Christmas miracle.Hot damn! This thread is alive now, people are posting every two minutes!
BWU will probably tell us that for the next IB we will be able to get the PS exclusive gauntlets/chests/boots.
And then when IB rolls in we'll see the exclusive class items for sale, and no one else but Ruthless and Kadey will have gotten the exclusive armor pieces from drops.
In all seriousness I hope they'll announce unlocking of the remaining exotics, because god knows they need to give us something.
RUDE. Actually, I'm not sure that this is going to be a good change from a hardcore player's perspective? But I hate this sort of vague teasing shit so I'm gonna try to confirm what I've heard and find out more before I say anything else.
Do you still need people? Our group lost 2, but only 2 of us need to do it.
RUDE. Actually, I'm not sure that this is going to be a good change from a hardcore player's perspective? But I hate this sort of vague teasing shit so I'm gonna try to confirm what I've heard and find out more before I say anything else.
It's okay. I understand the desire.
Nami would still find a way.
Like I said Dead men tell no tales.
Talking about Mayhem and Destruction, guess I'll be in the Division Beta after all. So I'll see you...there.
Let's be even realer here. We could all use a good chance to blow off steam once in awhile. Why not use it on a good cause? Nothing like a good Destiny shitstorm to clear the cobwebs.😓
Let's be real here. This is probably bad news for us since Jason said it might not be good news for hardcore players. Which means he has an idea of what it might be, but no concrete details yet. He knew some story details for fallout 4 years before the game was even annouced. Chances are this is gonna be bad. Thread will go from dead to outrage as soon as he confirms his suspicions.
"The greatest threat we currently face? Breezy and his vengeance."WHAT HAS BUNGIE TOLD YOU UNSTABLE
You stay the hell away from me in the dark zone. I'll have nami shoot you and take your loot.
"The greatest threat we currently face? Breezy and his vengeance."
Game's going full F2P. $3 per new story mission, $8 per new strike, $15 per new raid.Let's be even realer here. We could all use a good chance to blow off steam once in awhile. Why not use it on a good cause? Nothing like a good Destiny shitstorm to clear the cobwebs.
Game's going full F2P.
Destiny isn't dad, but the hardcore player base is.
Let's be even realer here. We could all use a good chance to blow off steam once in awhile. Why not use it on a good cause? Nothing like a good Destiny shitstorm to clear the cobwebs.
Let's be real here. This is probably bad news for us since Jason said it might not be good news for hardcore players. Which means he has an idea of what it might be, but no concrete details yet. He knew some story details for fallout 4 years before the game was even annouced. Chances are this is gonna be bad. Thread will go from dead to outrage as soon as he confirms his suspicions.
Is this real life gif.
We're literally the only people playing Destiny. Quick! Go buy some dances before Bungie turns the servers off!Game's going full F2P.
Destiny isn't dad, but the hardcore player base is.
RUDE. Actually, I'm not sure that this is going to be a good change from a hardcore player's perspective? But I hate this sort of vague teasing shit so I'm gonna try to confirm what I've heard and find out more before I say anything else.
I already have plans to somehow infiltrate you and namies game and shoot you both @_@ I hope that's a feature.
Hezens Vengeance exotic hype!
Real talk, if it's bad news, I won't even be mad. I'll just be disappointed.
when was the last time there was a destiny shitstorm thread on gaming side
we can use one of those. I haven't gone in one of my rants lately. It's building up
Yeah. But like I said, I haven't been able to confirm anything, and I don't want to spread misinformation in case what I heard is wrong. (As much as I love DGAF, I know that if I post anything here, it'll get found and picked up by Reddit/other gaming sites/etc.)So would your response to my tweet be different today?
There are no PS exclusive IB gauntlets, boots or chest. Just the helmet and class item.
Or just fantasy...caught in a landslide,Is this real life gif.
Yeah. But like I said, I haven't been able to confirm anything, and I don't want to spread misinformation in case what I heard is wrong. (As much as I love DGAF, I know that if I post anything here, it'll get found and picked up by Reddit/other gaming sites/etc.)
Going to bed now! Looking forward to the BWU. I'm just as eager for new information as you guys are. Hope they actually have something concrete to say.
Even worse all characters deleted. Full on system restart. Let the motherfucker burn.
Oh sweet summer child 🌞We've been conditioned to bad news or lack thereof when it comes to Destiny. With that said, we cannot possibly be more let down than what we have been ytd...
Yeah. But like I said, I haven't been able to confirm anything, and I don't want to spread misinformation in case what I heard is wrong. (As much as I love DGAF, I know that if I post anything here, it'll get found and picked up by Reddit/other gaming sites/etc.)
Going to bed now! Looking forward to the BWU. I'm just as eager for new information as you guys are. Hope they actually have something concrete to say.
Yeah. But like I said, I haven't been able to confirm anything, and I don't want to spread misinformation in case what I heard is wrong. (As much as I love DGAF, I know that if I post anything here, it'll get found and picked up by Reddit/other gaming sites/etc.)
Going to bed now! Looking forward to the BWU. I'm just as eager for new information as you guys are. Hope they actually have something concrete to say.
I feel he does it because he's much of a fan as we are. He's preparing us for dooms day.Out of curiosity, Jason - why post anything here without offering any details?
To stir the pot? Hoping a second source will arise from the 0.04%?
Or just need to let us know things are changing?
No malice intended, just genuinely interested in your thought process.
No sequel this year. Fall is basically another Taken King. Meanwhile more Mask bullshit. Hopefully it ain't that but I get the feeling we won't be getting the big grand new experience this year.
Or this^
I'm quite sure they have a whole set. Check out the pictures! The different gauntlets are the most obvious:
From https://www.bungie.net/7_Bungie-Weekly-Update---12172015/en/News/News?aid=14210
What's with all the real talk today? Its almost as if we were all being fake most of the time haha.
Yeah, his latest post pretty much answers my question.I feel he does it because he's much of a fan as we are. He's preparing us for dooms day.
Oh sweet summer child ��
Mind fuck. Figs actually just a figment of all our imaginations.Maybe I've been real this whole time, but I'm being fake right now. It's a mystery.
Please don't tell me your lower back strength was a lie. I wouldn't be able to cope.Maybe I've been real this whole time, but I'm being fake right now. It's a mystery.
Maybe I've been real this whole time, but I'm being fake right now. It's a mystery.
Unless they've been secretly developing for a really long time I just don't see how they can live up to our expectations of a true sequel by Fall. 1 year between TTK (which presumably gobbled up a large part of their devs) and a major sequel has always seemed like a hard target to reach.
This isn't COD with multiple studios releasing and developing stuff in a staggered chain. It's a single studio, and I can't imagine them having a sequel ready when up until little ago they were busy making content for this iteration.
Giving the beta a shot. Looks like the bullet sponges are even worse then Destiny. Well see.So how about the Division, eh?
I feel like Destiny is going to be even dadder soon
Please don't tell me your lower back strength was a lie. I wouldn't be able to cope.