I'm going to bed. Going to dream of doing a raid in the European Dead Zone.
Sweet Dreams LT, don't let the Hive bugs bite.
The Nightfall is dark and full of terrors.That feeling when you sit down to solo the Nightfall, and find it's Rasputin with Epic on.
*turns PS4 off*
I still think that pre-nerf Red Death was better than the SUROS, maybe I've forgotten how good it was. Last patch Red Death was one of my favorite guns in any game recently, the thing just dominated. There isn't any feeling like coming on top in a gunfight and being ready for the next guy.
That feeling when you sit down to solo the Nightfall, and find it's Rasputin with Epic on.
*turns PS4 off*
Yeah. Trickle and Grounded are the two worst modifiers though, oof. I ran it twice yesterday. Small arms makes it bearable. I got Ghost shells both times and never bothered to do the third.Well nightfall is always Epic, it's a permanent modifier no matter the strike.
Dear defender bros,
Is this a good perk selection (both on the shotty and the Titan)? I've always been a TLW snipe dude, but I'd like to give this a shot in PvP.
I use the same setup with slight differences:
I run Invective, the fast RoF helps if I choke the first shot. I've run into some dudes who use the New Monarchy shotty with great effect too.
I prioritize armor, followed by recovery with agility in last place. I also use relentless instead of bastion. The logic is that I will be using Force Barrier much more than the Ward of Dawn. I also run T5 Int/Str. I use suppression grenades only for countering supers, so T0 is fine. All other perks are identical to what you're using.
I use the same setup with slight differences:
I run Invective, the fast RoF helps if I choke the first shot. I've run into some dudes who use the New Monarchy shotty with great effect too.
I prioritize armor, followed by recovery with agility in last place. I also use relentless instead of bastion. The logic is that I will be using Force Barrier much more than the Ward of Dawn. I also run T5 Int/Str. I use suppression grenades only for countering supers, so T0 is fine. All other perks are identical to what you're using.
If by perfect you mean broken, then sure. Red Death was OP too, though, before its recent nerf.I was watching an old Destiny youtube video and Suros was in it hitting 45 point crits. Idk what it's at currently but that seems pretty damn good. Red Death is great too but Suros was just perfect back in the day. Idk if it was just the player base being bad or what but I was 1.5 kd for both titan and hunter!
NBP only increases duration and not strength of the force barrier, so it's not exactly the relentless perk. I'm not sure how much stronger does force barrier get with relentless though. I suppose it can be easily tested if NBP and relentless stack as well.He uses no backup plans which gives him relentless for free so bastion is the right call. Otherwise that is a perk wasted.
And Omnigul.
Well Omni and Flayers are pretty odd tbh. They're the only Ultras I'm aware of who you can blind with Striker grenades or a Saint-14 bubble.And Scrota. Apparently Ultras w/ shields mess up 3oC.
Well Omni and Flayers are pretty odd tbh. They're the only Ultras I'm aware of who you can blind with Striker grenades or a Saint-14 bubble.
Re: Scrotes - does *anything* in VoG/CE work with 3oC? Templar, GK, DS? I feel it might be related to old Raids being loot-constrained (no XP, no bounty progress, no glimmer, no engrams IIRC).
Hmm yeah that's a good question about the old raids. CE doesn't matter since Scrotes MaGotes is the only Ultra plus his shield means we wouldn't expect it to work regardless. I've done CE a few times in year 2 but honestly don't think I've touched VoG so it's worth checking out sometime.
Just got my second last week ish. Terrible. So many repeats. At least smartly randomize the hopper.Ugh playing strikes for my second exotic cloak is infuriating. Why the hell aren't all strikes in the heroic hopper? What a joke.
Ugh playing strikes for my second exotic cloak is infuriating. Why the hell aren't all strikes in the heroic hopper? What a joke.
Well Omni and Flayers are pretty odd tbh. They're the only Ultras I'm aware of who you can blind with Striker grenades or a Saint-14 bubble.
Re: Scrotes - does *anything* in VoG/CE work with 3oC? Templar, GK, DS? I feel it might be related to old Raids being loot-constrained (no XP, no bounty progress, no glimmer, no engrams IIRC).
It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't 10 strikes. 10 is a lot, especially if you don't get super good randoms. The amount of time it takes to run the 10 strikes is way too much for a 280 class item.
but but that extra 10% faction rep though
which is pointless until you have all 3 factions at or over 25 ranks, cause after getting one class item you'll switch to another faction to get that class item.
It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't 10 strikes. 10 is a lot, especially if you don't get super good randoms. The amount of time it takes to run the 10 strikes is way too much for a 280 class item.
I tend to pass out literally when running consecutive strikes.
I can't bring myself to do the other cloaks because my FWC cloak is my best cloak, at 319.
Level 316 Warlock, I get 292 and 293 ghost shells for Nighfall and Crucible bounties. It's been a shell of a week.
If you just need to run strikes and you're in no hurry (I have no idea, it's going to be a LONG time before I get to faction level 25 with one let alone three) why not just spread it across a few weeks while doing the three weekly heroics?It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't 10 strikes. 10 is a lot, especially if you don't get super good randoms. The amount of time it takes to run the 10 strikes is way too much for a 280 class item.
If you just need to run strikes and you're in no hurry (I have no idea, it's going to be a LONG time before I get to faction level 25 with one let alone three) why not just spread it across a few weeks while doing the three weekly heroics?
Yeah, I'd love this as well.I mean it's a good idea! ...but the terrible strike rotation and useless rewards have killed any interest for me. They could easily fix both problems by including ALL strikes in the playlist and allowing exotic engrams to decrypt up to 320 once you hit ~315+ Light.
Welcome to the familyDear defender bros,
Is this a good perk selection (both on the shotty and the Titan)? I've always been a TLW snipe dude, but I'd like to give this a shot in PvP.
If you just need to run strikes and you're in no hurry (I have no idea, it's going to be a LONG time before I get to faction level 25 with one let alone three) why not just spread it across a few weeks while doing the three weekly heroics?
Yeah, I'd love this as well.
I'm still working on subclass levelling, so virtually any content is useful to me. I tend to run my three heroics each week on whichever character needs levelling the most (or is closest to max).
But for the exotic cloaks it seems to me that you're not getting much return (aside from them looking good and allowing another exotic to be equipped, do they offer anything a good legendary can't?) so it's one of those things I'd just leave in the quest log and consider it a pleasant surprise when the "new step" dialogue pops up unexpectedly.
If by perfect you mean broken, then sure. Red Death was OP too, though, before its recent nerf.
Every time I try to do this that damned court contrives to give me more runes. Usually a stolen run when I've only got a single reciprocal rune left. :'(Getting rid of my runes @ court of oryx, 2 spots open on fireteam if anyone is interested.
Have some randoms here helping out, which is strange.
PSN: ruthlesbarbarian
Getting rid of my runes @ court of oryx, 2 spots open on fireteam if anyone is interested.
Have some randoms here helping out, which is strange.
PSN: ruthlesbarbarian
I'm gonna be vague until I can confirm this -- sorry! -- but I hear Bungie has made some big changes to what they previously had planned for this year. Very curious as to what they'll say in the next update.
I won't be surprised if they actually made a lot more content for TTK and cut out a whole bunch of it for another expansion.
Idk if it was that broken. There were plenty of auto rifles that also did well during that time. Shadow Price rings a bell. Maybe I'm just biased but I don't think Suros was as broken as Thorn.
Suros was very broken at its peak. Only the highest impact AR archetype could compete, which means your options were Suros, Shadow Price and Vanquisher. There have been so many nerfs to ARs as a class, high impact ARs specifically and Suros especially, that's it's hard to remember exactly how OP they were. The base damage, range, crit multiplier, and Suros exotic perk have all been hit hard, plus more stuff I'm probably forgetting (stability?).
It's hard to compare OPness with Thorn because so much time as passed since Age of Suros and I didn't play much PvP back then. That said, my ranking for OP exotics at their peak is something like:
1.) Vex
2.) Vex
3.) Vex
4.) Thorn
5.) S U R O S R E G I M E
6.) TLW
7.) Pocket Infinity
8.) Red Death
9.) MIDA
Suros was very broken at its peak. Only the highest impact AR archetype could compete, which means your options were Suros, Shadow Price and Vanquisher. There have been so many nerfs to ARs as a class, high impact ARs specifically and Suros especially, that's it's hard to remember exactly how OP they were. The base damage, range, crit multiplier, and Suros exotic perk have all been hit hard, plus more stuff I'm probably forgetting (stability?).
It's hard to compare OPness with Thorn because so much time as passed since Age of Suros and I didn't play much PvP back then. That said, my ranking for OP exotics at their peak is something like:
1.) Vex
2.) Vex
3.) Vex
4.) Thorn
5.) S U R O S R E G I M E
6.) TLW
7.) Pocket Infinity
8.) Red Death
9.) MIDA
Suros was very broken at its peak. Only the highest impact AR archetype could compete, which means your options were Suros, Shadow Price and Vanquisher. There have been so many nerfs to ARs as a class, high impact ARs specifically and Suros especially, that's it's hard to remember exactly how OP they were. The base damage, range, crit multiplier, and Suros exotic perk have all been hit hard, plus more stuff I'm probably forgetting (stability?).
It's hard to compare OPness with Thorn because so much time as passed since Age of Suros and I didn't play much PvP back then. That said, my ranking for OP exotics at their peak is something like:
1.) Vex
2.) Vex
3.) Vex
4.) Thorn
5.) S U R O S R E G I M E
6.) TLW
7.) Pocket Infinity
8.) Red Death
9.) MIDA