Not Bloodborne. That's the PS3 message UI. And that character doesn't look like anything from a Souls game. I could be wrong but I don't recall a cloak like that in dark/demon souls.
Oh I just noticed the cloak in the background lol.
Not Bloodborne. That's the PS3 message UI. And that character doesn't look like anything from a Souls game. I could be wrong but I don't recall a cloak like that in dark/demon souls.
Deej responds to growing displeasure over Banner Rift in the Bungie forums:
TL;DR--we know it sucks, but too bad.
I wasn't trying to call you out, sorry if it came across that way. I was responding to the raft of salt that was piling up again.Tone of the Deej post is fine. I wasn't making a statement one way or the other in that regard. Just posting it for the content.
Darryl let me win!!!
Langoit let us win!
I'm really looking forward to Rift in Iron Banner. Partly because I really like the game type, and partly because I like the variety.
I say this knowing full well that I'm going to get utterly demolished, as I play with randoms. Wins in Control were hard to come by in the last IB for that reason (much harder than with randoms in Clash). Coordination is just really difficult without a set party. I just like the variety, since I don't play Crucible outside of IB much at all.
Bloodborne? If he invaded and you weren't in a "PVP zone" it's ok lol.
It's ok anywhere you want, bar none. Making people upset by not following the community's idea of "rules" and "honor" in Souls games comprises some of the most pleasurable moments to be had in gaming.
Trials later?
Do you not play with other GAFers, Ghaleon?
I'll be ready to go in 25 minutes.Sure.
You at least know what you're getting yourself into when you go solo.I totes do in PvE.
In PvP? The short version is no, because I'm not good enough.
Outside of the last two Iron Banners I've probably played a dozen games of Crucible, total. I've never been a great PvP player, dating back to Halo, but I didn't start playing it at all in Destiny until after TTK dropped.
In the first IB after TTK (Clash) I played a few games with a couple friends, and a few games with randoms. I'm not terrible - usually in the top 3 of my team with a bad game here and there. Then I hopped into a GAF train.
You guys are good. Really good. So good that the teams we were paired against were far above my skill level, and so I got completely destroyed by everyone who took notice of me. Rock bottom on the GAF train in every game. We lost a few games due entirely to me being in a lowly class unto myself. I felt awful for dragging the team down and didn't have any fun because I was so severely outmatched.
So, I roll with a friend or two or just solo, for the rest of the IB. I did the last one (Control) 95% solo for that reason. What frustration I ran into there was low compared to me dragging down the GAF train.
Basically, it's not you, it's me. It's also Destiny's matchmaking working as intended: even(ish) matched teams. They're just teams I have no business being on. :lol
You guys are good. Really good. So good that the teams we were paired against were far above my skill level, and so I got completely destroyed by everyone who took notice of me. Rock bottom on the GAF train in every game. We lost a few games due entirely to me being in a lowly class unto myself. I felt awful for dragging the team down and didn't have any fun because I was so severely outmatched.
Still doing it? I'd like to get the Black Spindle.Running the short version of Daily Heroic Story, unless someone needs to get a Black Spindle.
PSN: Ji66a_Man
You at least know what you're getting yourself into when you go solo.
Still doing it? I'd like to get the Black Spindle.
Thanks! I'll send you a friend request now.Yup, was gonna run short but I can still get on the ketch.
More like in 30 years. :/Drizz just got a thunderlord guys. Expect the thunderlord post in 30 minutes max.
Thanks! I'll send you a friend request now.
Weird, it's giving me an error when sending it now. Can you try sending it to me. Sil3nt_spizz87Resend it, it bugged out on my end.
Yup, was gonna run short but I can still get on the ketch.
One more for a flawless Trials run.
Big thanks to Ji66a for helping me get the Spindle.
Oh I didn't know you were on GAF as well, thanks man!Yeah , thanks for the Spindle guys!
Was it that hard to just write like a normal person?
Trials anyone?
A real heroooooo...Helped a couple guys on DestinyLFG get their first Spindles on XB1 and they were very thankful. As I said goodbye and was leaving the party chat, I hear one of them say "What a decent human be..."
No better feeling than helping people out.
I played killzone 2 a few hours after I got mine taken out and I was way younger than you are now!
I failed you senpai. The pain meds are too good.)))
Trials anyone?
A real heroooooo...
That 8 p.m. NM KF still on? Cuz I'm up for it. If not, gonna look for Trials trains.