Here's that clutch heavy from last night
I'll be around this morning if you want to run another or try for the scarab
I saw your earlier post! It's beautiful!
I should be around whenever you're good to go. I don't mind doing either.
Here's that clutch heavy from last night
I'll be around this morning if you want to run another or try for the scarab
Need 1 more golgy kill. Not sure if worth dealing with LFR though.
You find one?
Hoping to get the spindle before it resets. Does anyone else want to join?
PSN: frailimb
Got a chance to group and get black spindle plus the ship so that's cool. One day I'll be able to find a group for VOG and get that quest done too.
Thanks for joining up d-psipher and chur for those two quick and easy daughters/oryx runs. T-44 stole my 320 class item, but other than that it was fun!
Finally got my DO exotic cloak. I'll start working on the New Monarchy one after I get the rest of the DO shaders.
Can't sherpa, but I can run it with you. PSN: GibbShiftUgh I hate to be spamming: Anyone down to sherpa through Black Spindle on PS4? PSN: sturgboski
Can't sherpa, but I can run it with you. PSN: GibbShift
Cool, guess we need 1 more.
The only faction shader I'm missing is a FWC shader. Ironically, FWC is my highest faction at rank 43.....
I'm mostly DO and am only missing one FWC shader, one FWC ship, and one New Monarchy emblem.I did most of my FWC leveling after ttk so by the time I hit 25 I got each of their awful shaders, but DO which I've been with since launch has only given me Revenant.
I'm down to run VoG now.
I'm mostly DO and am only missing one FWC shader, one FWC ship, and one New Monarchy emblem.
The NM space ferrari is the only year 2 faction ship that I'm missing.All I have for ships is the FWC one that is the same model as the newest IB ship. I hope to get the newest New Monarchy ship. It looks quite nice.
On another note I just saw mercy triggered in a match of zone control. I didn't even think it was possible.
We should...we should get Afro into these Crimson Doubles...
He's busy learning how to create video games!
Whoo boy asylum is terrible.
Whoo boy asylum is terrible.
Once you workout the flow/where to go its not to bad, we got rekt our first 3 games trying to work it out but then went flawless. C side definitely has a slight advantage though
That's crazy, sounds like a madhouse. I guess you should be strapped in before you attempt trials though, maybe pad out your seat so you're comfortable.
I'm a horrible person
Congrats on the BS and ship, sturgboski.
np. first couple of wipes had me frustrated. took my mic out and watched the rest of that datto video and went ham with the Sunbreaker. Got a lot easier after that.Thanks! Thanks so much for the help!
I saw your earlier post! It's beautiful!
I should be around whenever you're good to go. I don't mind doing either.
Can Red Death Y2 be dropped from exotic engrams? I don't have the Y1 version.
somethings come up so have to head out for a bit, i'll be on around 12 (2 1/2hrs from now)
I somehow managed to get both Trials shaders over the span of two cards today, so that was hype.
I have close to 300 ether seeds. Is there anything useful I can convert them to? Ideally something that helps grind faction rep. I've tried using one before every fallen related encounter and for every one I use I tend to get 1-2 back.
I still don't have any shaders
Trade with Variks for Heavy ammo
One of my raid had it drop from NM Oryx earlier in the week.Can Red Death Y2 be dropped from exotic engrams? I don't have the Y1 version.
@Igor: you still around? How long you gonna be up tonight? I've been distracted by real life and haven't hooked up the Cronus yet but I'm still down for more games tonight. Although I'm guessing it might be pushing your bedtime...
Don't you love it...Blizzard is here, oh boy.