When, I'm sure as hell not getting it on the Xbox, thirsty and trance have had 3 drop between the two of them so far, zero for me.
When, I'm sure as hell not getting it on the Xbox, thirsty and trance have had 3 drop between the two of them so far, zero for me.
Great video that speaks for alot of us, myself included.Triple put out a Destiny video I totally agree with. Choice quote:
"For me, Destiny, in it's current state, is dead."
There's a website for this exact situation.Finally got some hate msg from this head glitcher.
Triple put out a Destiny video I totally agree with. Choice quote:
"For me, Destiny, in it's current state, is dead."
Yep. There must be something wrong w the setup. The display window keeps reverting back to the flashing A-U authenticate signal. It still works for like 10 minutes though before crapping out. Like I said I've barely messed w it so not surprising it sucks right now. Haven't loaded the script for the touch pad so I can't use my Ghost, etc etc.
Looks like Kadey's roll. Good get.
lmao this emote is fuckin huge
that roll is nice too. I need it T_T
There's a website for this exact situation.
Forgot the name tho.
Advertise implies money is involved, what you're doing is equivalent to carnival barking.
Appreciated nonetheless.
Huh. Must've just been a stock image she posted, then.Kadey's has Braced Frame and Third Eye.
Been dead since November/December.Triple put out a Destiny video I totally agree with. Choice quote:
"For me, Destiny, in it's current state, is dead."
There's a website for this exact situation.
Forgot the name tho.
Advertise implies money is involved, what you're doing is equivalent to carnival barking.
Appreciated nonetheless.
Think I'll stick to clash pubs going forward. Even then, most of the maps are so bad that playing them in 6's only makes them worse
I'll be playing just for the hunter cloak and helmet then calling it a day, going to be miserable playing it.Played a few games of rift. It's super boring and laggy. This next IB is going to be atrocious.
Just had the most awesome 0-4 comeback of all times. Good fucking shit guys. And the team was good too but we fucking played like a well oiled machine to comeback. Goddamn that was hype.
The comeback involved me using an arcblade in one round and wrecking them and then getting a double headshot with a sniper and using an arcblade again to finish it off. I got 16 kills lol
That was a good video. His thoughts are exactly what most of us are feeling right now with Destiny and Bungle. In its current state, it is dead.Triple put out a Destiny video I totally agree with. Choice quote:
"For me, Destiny, in it's current state, is dead."
Wasted 9 Glass Needles trying to get Disc/Str on HoPF and forgot there are some builds you can't get -_-
Still up for it today. It's fairly easy from what I can tell and I don't I don't mind explaining it.
Yep, always check the armory or destinydb before you use Glass Needles.
Yea I'm always checking from now on!
Triple put out a Destiny video I totally agree with. Choice quote:
"For me, Destiny, in it's current state, is dead."
I feel like I see a lot of people using different colorblind options on Destiny (in their video) just so the text can be more poppy. Is there a meta for this? Lol which color options should I use?
Triple's video was fantastic. Bungie turning on skill MM was completely short-sighted. Treyarch could have easily ignored the fans, but they didn't. Unfortunately, I don't see Bungie caring.
So, having made a hunter and a titan, I've decided to finally make a warlock. Which subclass should I go with?
So, having made a hunter and a titan, I've decided to finally make a warlock. Which subclass should I go with?
Ultimately you want to have all 3 subclasses maxed out and use the one according to the type of content you're playing.