They can't score if they're dead.Me Churmon and Frenden were just playing it as Clash, Churmon was ridiculous got 37, 32, 30 and the rest +20 kills :d
I'll joinTwo spots for IB.
For a minute there protection was bad, almost as bad as Patriot's offensive line.
Im inLooking for ib. Let's start a train.
1. Subtervotion
2. Gunawi
I'm also in.Looking for ib. Let's start a train.
1. Subtervotion
Looking for ib. Let's start a train.
1. Subtervotion
Im in
I'm also in.
I'm up for it. Psn is Slammin_hammon.
Can Bungie patch the shadestep cancel. .
Just looked it up and that needs a fix ASAP. It looks pretty nasty.
Unlike your typingThe consistentcy is insane.
Can Bungie patch the shadestep cancel. .
Now I am a believer. The consistentcy is insane.
TheMichaelEatingPopcorn.gifUnlike your typing
Can Bungie patch the shadestep cancel. .
Just looked it up and that needs a fix ASAP. It looks pretty nasty.
Probably covered already
Hoping Bungie does something similar soon
We are giving players the ability to create Private Matches, which makes playing with friends even easier.
Bwahaha, oh man...we just had a lagfest on Sector.
I'll upload a clip later.
JnT_Boss 4 lyfe! o/
^^^ him and his hunter buddies
What the fuck happened in that last match? Our runner couldn't slam. We were all right there waiting for him to slam and the game just refused to play the animation out. He needed up being killed.
2 minutes later.
From a hunter who tethered him.
That's not what happened at all. There was no tether there. Our guy kept running back and forth their rift to slam nonstop for a long while while we defended him when a hunter shows up and kills him with a direct shadowshot. There was no tether there prior to that hunter showing up and when it did, the arrow OHK our runner.
I'll upload the clip to YT when I get off this train. Should be intetesting to see.![]()
It won't happen for a while as its not gaining any traction, as usual people don't see it for how game breaking it is at end game. Lumi did it to gigglemonster in Trials this morning, on giggles screen he's still shade stepping but Lumi's shooting at him
It won't happen for a while as its not gaining any traction, as usual people don't see it for how game breaking it is at end game. Lumi did it to gigglemonster in Trials this morning, on giggles screen he's still shade stepping but Lumi's shooting at him
So how's IB on rift? Worth playing? Complete garbage? Kappa
They are woefully slow at subclass balancing unfortunately. This really should be addressed quickly though because it is a straight up glitch. We just need to get lots of people to complain about it and send in videos and hopefully they'll at least take note of it.
They are woefully slow at subclass balancing unfortunately. This really should be addressed quickly though because it is a straight up glitch. We just need to get lots of people to complain about it and send in videos and hopefully they'll at least take note of it.
Damn. My lightning was still going.Well, here's the video:
Like, share, subscribe, comment.))))
For reals, this is nasty, IMHO. :/
Well, here's the video:
Like, share, subscribe, comment.))))
For reals, this is nasty, IMHO. :/
What is this about? I must have missed something.
I'm sorry about that Johnny, I had porn playing in the background....i think that caused it.
What is this about? I must have missed something.
Meh, maybe it's because I've become accustomed to the widely prevalent use of animation cancels and other glitches in shooters over the past decade, but the Shadestep cancel doesn't bother me, I see it as an acceptable advantage for those who take the time to master it to have, since those people tend to be among the best players anyway.
If you ever find yourself taking part in a ranked playlist of any shooter and you're matched up against the higher echelon of players I would advise that you learn all these animation cancels and other "glitches", because everyone you'll be facing will be using them.
You can glitch while shadesteping so that it appears you are still rolling but you are able to start firing without any delay.
Edit: 100% agree Kor, lots of perks seem completely useless and I'd like to see tweaks to all the classes.
Its hard to get how broken it is from this
But it really is, miles worse than the tether spam
IB Spot.
Its hard to get how broken it is from this
But it really is, miles worse than the tether spam
Its hard to get how broken it is from this
But it really is, miles worse than the tether spam
I am also pro-canceling. However, Bungie isn't. The system they put in place specifically to hose reload canceling screws me up to this day. The fix for shadestep canceling is going to be incredibly annoying.Meh, maybe it's because I've become accustomed to the widely prevalent use of animation cancels and other glitches in shooters over the past decade, but the Shadestep cancel doesn't bother me, I see it as an acceptable advantage for those who take the time to master it to have, since those people tend to be among the best players anyway.
If you ever find yourself taking part in a ranked playlist of any shooter and you're matched up against the higher echelon of players I would advise that you learn all these animation cancels and other "glitches", because everyone you'll be facing will be using them.
Three IB spots.