I was that Stormcaller. :3Dark with the clutch win. Being behind all game and then bam, I tether and someone storm call and we won.
One spot for IB.
Trying to live up to Todd's legacy.
I was that Stormcaller. :3Dark with the clutch win. Being behind all game and then bam, I tether and someone storm call and we won.
One spot for IB.
I use that darkblade helm, it's kewl lol
Agreed on both counts hi5.High five! 2nd best titan helmet, after the Ib helmet that is.
I haven't seen one drop in all the PvP I've played and weekly nightfalls I've turned in since Taken King.Thought I'd finally lucked out with a party crasher drop, rangefinder and final round, go to inspect and zero range perks, again. Hopefully the next one to drop in another six weeks or so will have range perks
Psn kadabThree IB spots.
I haven't seen one drop in all the PvP I've played and weekly nightfalls I've turned in since Taken King.
Still open? Psn V1ctIm.Three IB spots.
Haha. Two opposite ends of the spectrum that's for sureI've been playing R6 Siege the past few weeks and am jumping back into Destiny for IB. This will not end well.
Hive been kissed by a rose?Darkblade helm looks like a Hive version of Seal.
First IB match of this IB.
Got dumped into a match with two premade teams of 5 & 6.
Carried the team to victory LOL.
If they can drop in crucible matches, they can drop from the weekly PVP nightfall. I've gotten Ash Factory, Red Spectre, In Times of Need, Spare Change tons of NLX Shadows with frickin Icarus, and an Eyasluna from the weeklies. It seems like they tweaked the drop rate though because I've gotten a ghost or strange coins out of the last fifteen I've done, besides two exotics.I've had 3 drop, I used to get that many a week in HoWs. Afaik they can only drop from crucible matches
Where do you live, I see you got matched with Australian players? I've played with/agaist AusG clan before...
Also, nice work showing that the lust for k/dr is meaningless in a mode like rift.
If they can drop in crucible matches, they can drop from the weekly PVP nightfal. I've gotten Ash Factory, Red Spectre, In Times of Need, Spare Change tons of NLX Shadows with frickin Icarus, and an Eyasluna from the weeklies. It seems like they tweaked the drop rate though because I've gotten a ghost or strange coins out of the last fifteen I've done, besides two exotics.
I'm in Singapore so yeah I get matched up with Aussies occasionally. Unfortunately you guys still lag though. =P
How's the matchmaking today?
How's the matchmaking today?
/start rant
Last night was a joke. We played 7 matches last night with a group of 5 and only managed to win once.
If anything, IB Rift has shown me just how HORRIBLE this game mode is. Heavy ammo drops. Getting Spawn killed. Spawning right next to the other team.
Good grief. Rift has been universally loathed since TTK release. Please Bungie, accept that and stop trying to make people play it.
/end rant
Looks like Reddit finally realized what a circle jerk guardian radio is.
Looks like Reddit finally realized what a circle jerk guardian radio is.
If they can drop in crucible matches, they can drop from the weekly PVP nightfall. I've gotten Ash Factory, Red Spectre, In Times of Need, Spare Change tons of NLX Shadows with frickin Icarus, and an Eyasluna from the weeklies. It seems like they tweaked the drop rate though because I've gotten a ghost or strange coins out of the last fifteen I've done, besides two exotics.
Shaxx only gives me ghosts. This is a game about ghost shell collection right? It's not a shooter. Why would I want to get guns as a reward in my shooter?
Between Nightfall rewards, busted Crucible rewards and Oryx glitches, I've never felt worse about Destiny. Just can't get interested in Iron Banner either.
It felt like Bungie abandoned Destiny after House of Wolves. It really feels like that now. If there are no Quality of Life changes for the Feb event then I might just despair.
Oh? Can you link that? I would like to read the salt later.
I've stopped listening a while ago. Too shill for me.
Zarinea-D w/ Persistance & Rifled Barrel worth picking up? Or keep waiting. Realistically, I'll probably never use it over Haaken's Hatchet though.
Completed 2 out of 3 of the daily bounties in a single match. Is it bad I have a better k/d ratio with melee/shoulder charge attacks than I do with using guns?
Rift is a good idea, but it's the perfect example of something being half baked so it entirely ruins the experience. The game quickly becomes a camp fest with half the map being under utilized. There are countless ways they could improve this game mode:
-Randomize the ball spawn locations
-Randomize the goal locations
-Add multiple dunking options for various points (like a '3 pointer' equivalent that is deeper in the enemy spawn)
-Allow passing of the ball.
-Include the really really large scale maps that I never fucking play.
-Give more points to players that genuinely assist the rift runner (ie, big points for being close to a dunker when he dunks). This incentivizes people to work together with the rift runner.
and specifically for IB, honestly, how fucking difficult would it be to slightly tweak the bounties so they make sense for Rift? This feels like the most 'get off your ass and do something Live Team' thing.
Yeah it's a good roll but Z-D is not a pvp AR.
Looks like Reddit finally realized what a circle jerk guardian radio is.
I've stopped listening a while ago. Too shill for me.
I've stopped listening a while ago. Too shill for me.
YOU'RE not a good PVP auto rifle.
I've stopped listening a while ago. Too shill for me.
Shaxx only gives me ghosts. This is a game about ghost shell collection right? It's not a shooter. Why would I want to get guns as a reward in my shooter?
I hate using AR's in pvp, have a bunch with great rolls but just can't seem to enjoy using them.
The age of ARs was during alpha/beta and SUROS REGIME. Doctrine is pretty legit tho