The dream team
Edit: man posting this really made me want to watch you guys playing trials together. Stabie and twilight gotta come back first though ;_;
The dream team
Edit: man posting this really made me want to watch you guys playing trials together. Stabie and twilight gotta come back first though ;_;
It's a random chance every time. There is no weekly lockout.
So I picked this up recently at the behest of this girl I am seeing so we could play together, which is awesome in its own right.
I played the Alpha/beta whatever and thought it was so terrible, I never even considered picking it up.
The range of content in Destiny, even today, is unbelievable. I can understand why they give the boosts to 25 when you get the TTK bundle, because vanilla stuff is terrible, like TERRIBLE, Dark Below is a little better, House of Wolves is actually interesting, and TTK is really, really good.
Like, it completely blows my mind how different the content is. When we first started playing I was like, this? Really? Ugh.
But the more I played, it became way more enjoyable. Now, for the most part, I really like it and am glad I picked it up.
But to you guys that have played since launch, and paid so much more money for me over time, I respect you guys. A lot!
I got 10 3oC has a drop. Not using them stacked 😊You do know that 3oC don't affect legendary drops, right.....?
Also, stacking them are kind of pointless.....?
Honestly with a good group and a little loot luck you could jump right into Hard Mode. Although it'd be more fun to start with Normal if you don't mind getting lower light gear.
6v6 is a nightmare to play solo. Don't even attempt now if you get aggravated easily.What is it about The Crucible dropping me in a match, on the losing team, that's half-way over? It happened 4 times last night. On top of that, I couldn't find a decent team in Rift.
Well, the other problem is we don't know all the data that is being used. It can be scary to only rely on data if the picture is incomplete. Feedback is what gives you insight into some of the things that aren't being tracked.
I remember playing with some people who had real addiction issues with it. I humbly suggest to anyone playing this game to just be aware of this.
One of the moments that comes to mind was when I was playing with two other guys and one guy was complaining that he might have to stop playing because it was his daughter's birthday and she was cutting the cake. He didn't stop playing though. Running into folks like that was not uncommon...
Is this the delayed reset raid scrubtacular?
As a very casual player who picked up the original with season pass on PS4 at launch, and who has only played a handful of hours, I have a question:
If I want to start to play the game a bit more now (mostly solo) is it important that I grab Taken King while it's on sale?
Anyone doing a HM KF run? Or just Oryx?
As a very casual player who picked up the original with season pass on PS4 at launch, and who has only played a handful of hours, I have a question:
If I want to start to play the game a bit more now (mostly solo) is it important that I grab Taken King while it's on sale?
I could do daughters and Oryx.
I could do daughters and Oryx.
I could do Daughters/Oryx too if a group forms. I have the CP.
I could do Daughters/Oryx too if a group forms. I have the CP.
It's a good idea to do so, yes. Without TTK you can't progress beyond level 34. There is a lot of good solo content in TTK. And you might change your mind about only playing solo later on too.
If you buy ttk on its own it's 40 bucks. I believe you can get the whole thing now for 35 bucks on sale at retail.
I could do daughters and Oryx.
Think it's full, but if not I am in.Sounds like we have 3 people down right now, just need 3 more for HM Daughters/Oryx
I would say it's almost crucial. The legendary mark economy is crippled without TKK.As a very casual player who picked up the original with season pass on PS4 at launch, and who has only played a handful of hours, I have a question:
If I want to start to play the game a bit more now (mostly solo) is it important that I grab Taken King while it's on sale?
Sounds like we have 3 people down right now, just need 3 more for HM Daughters/Oryx
Sounds like we have 3 people down right now, just need 3 more for HM Daughters/Oryx
Getting there...
Sounds like we have 3 people down right now, just need 3 more for HM Daughters/Oryx
6v6 is a nightmare to play solo. Don't even attempt now if you get aggravated easily.
So how likely is it to get an Imago Loop with outlaw/firefly right now? Do any of you guys have it?
IF you can get one to drop, there's a 0.7% chance of it having those two perks.
IF you can get one to drop, there's a 0.7% chance of it having those two perks.
Don't you mean a .07 chance?
Nice. Christmas present I presume?Getting there...
Nice. Christmas present I presume?
Getting a 320 helmet at the bottom of the leader board feels dirty.
Yep. So many garbage perk possibilities.1/130 chance right?
Yep, thanks to a bunch of DGaffers. Too many to name. I did alright last night until I hit Golgoroth, Had three alcolytes hit me with boomer shots at the same time. Squish.
Still need a ghost! Sitting on a 278, you know when you want NF to give you something good it gives you a ghost. When you want it to give you a ghost it give you an SRL Horn kit instead. Working as intended.
Doll House Savannah is NO JOKE!
My daughter will LOVE it!
Let's start right now, based on the people who commented the HM Daughter/Oryx run will include
1. Darryl M R
2. Macello
3. Deku
4. Rasengan
5. D_psipher
6. Mindlog
Let's start now, I'm online and will be in orbit soon