I saw you on the Rainbow Six thread. . .I'm thinking of picking up the game. Can you give me your honest opinion on it and if it is worth full price
A true hidden gem with a group only IMO. Its really fun playing with a group using communication and planning how to defend or attack. Setting up breaching charges on windows and blowing them up while breaching in from another entrances with your team is awesome.
Had a match with another DGAF and I, were we randomly breached a window and the objective was there. Took the opfors by surprised. Welp each sides were both surprised ha. Saw the gun fire as I enter and manage to save him since the opfors was too busy trying to kill him else.
Its alot slower pace for the most part. You tend to ADS, lean around corners and try to fire in bursts. Defense is pretty fun, setting up barricades, electric disruption, setting up reinforces walls while making it possible for attackers to come in one way. Attacking is fun since you can literally blow up majority of walls. You need a specific character to breach reinforced barricades. I enjoy breaching from walls since that tend to throw the defenders off. or making a small hole in a wall to see them. Its not really "grindy" You earn credits and spend 500 per 1st character for a spec op groups with a 500 increase for the next character in that spec op group. Every weapon attachments is available from the beginning just cost credit to buy it.
It sucks with randoms however :| I can only play the game with a group.
Its pretty addicting playing with a group and can get intense being one of the last survivors since there is one life per round.
Its alot different from destiny and most FPS release these days, its a lot "slower" but not as tactic as ARMA depth combat. IMO pretty much just a cool tactic stuff just a repelling from rope, breaching, setting up barricades. Its a good mix.
edit: might have repeated myself a little bit but hey holidays and only way I can deal with some family is a few drinks