Igor nice run yesterday! Please forgive me playing like an idiot the first couple of matches Lol.I if i had seen this when you posted it i would have had time to play a full card but now its too late for me.

Igor nice run yesterday! Please forgive me playing like an idiot the first couple of matches Lol.I if i had seen this when you posted it i would have had time to play a full card but now its too late for me.
Igor nice run yesterday! Please forgive me playing like an idiot the first couple of matches Lol.
Ape, I'll be up for trials later. Still need to get my hunter to mercury.
I've noticed marked stability with a powerline ethernet setup for my PS4, especially when playing PVP or Raids with DGAF groups that are spread over 4 continents.
I've only had a chance to play a bit of SRL and one game of 6's since installing the adapters, but they seem like a huge improvement.Like Id said I saw a big stability boost when I switched to wired. When I moved a few months back I changed my PS4 setup from wireless on a big TV to wired on a monitor in my office. Huge improvement, never going back now.
An hour huh? Yep, I can make it.Sounds good. I am free until 2PM CST today
I am going to get breakfast with my GF now and be on after that. Should be ready in about an hour if you can make it. Otherwise late tonight I can run!
Edit: going to run my hunger too which is my weakest :/
Our hunger does indeed make us all weakSounds good. I am free until 2PM CST today
I am going to get breakfast with my GF now and be on after that. Should be ready in about an hour if you can make it. Otherwise late tonight I can run!
Edit: going to run my hunger too which is my weakest :/
I knew I forgot something last night.Should have bought more ToCs when I had the chance.
Hey Macello just saw your message now! Looks like you are in a match tho!
Need a third for Trials. Nami also needs to plug in his controller.
Can i join. I understand if not
Lol Ikr such scrubs!dat 4-1 doe
Haha. Aww Rob
Are you still trying to finish gold?
Yes. But if you guys are playing for keeps. And cant carry a scrub. i totally understand
Join up. Nami and I will help you get the gold![]()
Nami had to split. Can anyone help me get Rob 2 matches for his gold pack?
Nami had to split. Can anyone help me get Rob 2 matches for his gold pack?
Question about the Exotic swords quest line...
On my Titan, I have completed up though the 25 PvP kills part; not turned into Shaxx yet.
I know I can skip this part for the other two ledgendary swords from my other characters if I transfer the swords to my Titan and then upgrade the last node on the 280+ light level sword.
However, my question is, do I need to do the original exotic quest all the way through on my Titan first? Or can I transfer at the point I'm at now? I'd like to triple dip the overlapping parts. I know each element has different requirements. thx
Question about the Exotic swords quest line...
On my Titan, I have completed up though the 25 PvP kills part; not turned into Shaxx yet.
I know I can skip this part for the other two ledgendary swords from my other characters if I transfer the swords to my Titan and then upgrade the last node on the 280+ light level sword.
However, my question is, do I need to do the original exotic quest all the way through on my Titan first? Or can I transfer at the point I'm at now? I'd like to triple dip the overlapping parts. I know each element has different requirements. thx
Watching Murdaro on Twitch. Most rounds last like 20 seconds lol. MIDA-shotty
Complete the mission after the 25 pvp kills, then you can skip that as well for the other two sword.
Transfer the other legendary swords to your titan, level them up and infuse them to 280+ to receive the exotic quests. Don'r infuse or level them up on your alts.
Just leaves you with the grinding for elemental kills, materials and the darkblade strike. You can do all 3 swords in the same strike, but it's quite tough.
Cool, yeah that's in line with what most people on reddit are also saying. Thanks.I'm nearly positive I didn't have a finished exotic sword when I changed the other two over to the first character. I think you just need the multiplayer part completed and then as you said the last node on the other two will skip MP.
I just read up on details of the last strike. Haha. Yeah, I can see how doing all 3 at once would be very difficult. Seems like it would be better to play it safe with one at a time.
People that play against him are the shittiest of the shit though. Like holy shit all three guys ran towards him without even shooting once. He just threw a firebolt and punched one and killed the other with the shotgun.
I guess you could call that an amazing play but it was more the enemies sucking.
Nah it was very easy. Just get two people from GAF to help you out and that shit is done easy. We got it done very easily on the first try.
A special level 42 Sunless Cell strike on the Dreadnaught will unlock in which you must defeat a Warden Knight and then Alak-Hul, the Darkblade, within 30 seconds to seal your Sol Edge. This was easier than I thought it was going to be, however there are some caveats.
When you get to the end of the strike with the Darkblade boss, there will be 3 warden knights as well running around trying to kill you. Depending on what sword you chose is the knight that must be killed and then immediately after killing that knight you must kill Darkblade within 30 seconds.
Well, 1 out of 4 Taken Assaults on Venus produced a commander, the others just subsided even after killing lieutenants. -______-
Thing is, for two of the duds there was two other guardians with me. Is that still not enough of a fire team? Do we all actually need to get a shot in on the lieutenant for it to count as "killing lieutenants with a fire team"?
Either way I'm taking a good break now.
I killed lieutenants so fucking fast and no zealot. I wonder if there was some other lieutenant around the corner or something that my team didn't get? It's so much easier on earth with that one big open area separated by a building and always like 4 guardians in it.you have to kill the lieutenants fast enough for the zealot to appear and have enough time to be killed
I'm going through some story mode missions. Does anyone want to help me complete them on a higher difficulty so I can haz more XP?
I killed lieutenants so fucking fast and no zealot. I wonder if there was some other lieutenant around the corner or something that my team didn't get? It's so much easier on earth with that one big open area separated by a building and always like 4 guardians in it.
Yes. But if you guys are playing for keeps. And cant carry a scrub. i totally understand