I agree in that I've had more lag this year than last, but it could certainly be worse. It could be Iron Banner tier lag.
Because the more filters you have when matchmaking, the longer it will take to find players and the average connection will be worse. Trials in year 1 worked nicely because all it was searching, afaik, is connection.
I'm pretty sure most people wouldn't mind the extra 10-15 seconds wait to find a better match with a better system.
And of course they'd have a timer for each priority:
1) Find match with similar avg flawless + good connection (15 seconds)
2) increase range of average. [from +- 5 to +- 10] (10 seconds)
3) Look for good connection and similar card
4) good connection
Can always have another thread running to keep checking #1. A lot of the Calcs can maybe be done before hand and saved in a cache after each match to enhance consecutive games (such as avg team flawless, some trend numbers on matches). Not sure how it's all done but just some suggestions. All numbers of course aren't set, just something to give an idea.
Maybe if there are a lot within 1-2 flawless playing currently the range is decreased.
I'm guessing they can use these stats but idk how much longer it'll take. Personally I'll wait an extra minute or so to get better matchmaking. Not sure what everyone's sweet spot is in terms of waiting.