Shweaties means "no fun allowed"
NO Heavy Weapon Ammunition(s) of any sort; They shall NOT be used at any time!
Exotic Weapons WILL BE ALLOWED
Only one sub-class for each shall be used during the entirety of each game: For example if a team is using 3 hunters they must use one blade-dancer, one gunslinger, and one nightstalker
The Ram, The Stag and Other Exotic Armor that increases a players Armor, WILL NOT BE ALLOWED
All other exotic armor WILL BE ALLOWED (Including the VoidFang Vestments, Lucky Raspberries, Graviton Forfeit etc. etc.)
Titans may NOT have 100% maxed armor at anytime.
NO jumping off the map or killing yourself intentionally at anytime.
No class specific weapons including and especially the Exotic TLALOC scout rifle are NOT to be used at anytime.
IMPORTANT: Please note that rules are subject to change. Teams & Players are responsible to review these rules prior to the Tournament for any updates. Rules will be finalized on Thursday, January 7th, 2016 (USA - EST)