Just make sure you don't talk.., erm sing, to yourself, its creepy
So what does SniperGAF think, raid sniper or 1k stare for PVP? I'll take whatever has the most AA. Does Hot Swap do anything for snipers? I have a raid sniper with that perk. Also have it with Firefly.
Spamikaze isn't worth the ban bruh.
Also, I wasn't joking about my sniper post. Halp pls. Shotguns are too unreliable in this meta.
I have over 60 marks now. Should I get some chest armor from the engram guy (I'm rank 3) or would it be better to get a guaranteed 280 piece from somewhere else?
Yeah please stop the personal negative posts. Send people PMs or contact them some other way if you must. It makes this place seem toxic and unfriendly to new players. I don't like it.
High five for the Tree Guy
Was I right on the armor engrams? I'm sure I bought one once and got something completely not what I was looking for
I know I say this stuff all the time but let's please keep the personal negativity off the forum. This is the Destiny OT, it's not appropriate to hash out personal grievances on the board.
The 1000 Yard Stare quest reward from the Taken War Earth quest is the best PvP sniper that's available from a guaranteed drop. Raid sniper is good but too low impact for anything outside 6v6. Give it a spin in Banner if you want but be sure to use the Hot Swap version since the bonus accuracy is noticeable.
Unless you get lucky w a God roll 1kYS from the Cryptarch Lottery then the Taken War Earth is your best bet, especially for Trials/3v3.
DGAF being its usual over dramatic self.Uhhh. What the hell happened today?
Yeah please stop the personal negative posts. Send people PMs or contact them some other way if you must. It makes this place seem toxic and unfriendly to new players. I don't like it.
The lack of loot has turned fellow guardians into malicious beings, could say its slowly creeping up on everyoneUhhh. What the hell happened today?
Taking a break from this community. Not a fan of folks posting private info (real name + location via tweet) here or the name calling. This...whatever this is ended for me on Friday morning. Not sure why bring it up again when I personally moved past from it. Rather than risk a ban, I'm just gonna take a break from posting here.
Ape, Igor, and Todd, if you need me for trials, send me a message via PSN.
Taking a break from this community. Not a fan of folks posting private info (real name + location via tweet) here or the name calling. This...whatever this is ended for me on Friday morning. Not sure why bring it up again when I personally moved past from it. Rather than risk a ban, I'm just gonna take a break from posting here.
Ape, Igor, and Todd, if you need me for trials, send me a message via PSN.
It's a Boston vs UK thing. They have hated each other since the revolutionary war. Braveheart is one of my favorite movies. Can never forget the theme.
This Chef Salad is lovely.
I... I couldn't if I wanted to.Oh Frenden...never change.
I can do this. (looks for Frenden)
8 races since I've been home. 8.
I've gotten a 320, 319, 318, and a 315 helmet.
I've gotten zero class items.
All 8 races have been on MARS. I DONT NEED WINS ON MARS.
Stay classy DGAF. Everyone is to blame. Let's just move on.
Nami...we're gonna miss you. Be sure to join the IB trains with us though. Good times with the X-mas eve drunk raid with swords and SRL gear.Taking a break from this community. Not a fan of folks posting private info (real name + location via tweet) here or the name calling. This...whatever this is ended for me on Friday morning. Not sure why bring it up again when I personally moved past from it. Rather than risk a ban, I'm just gonna take a break from posting here.
Ape, Igor, and Todd, if you need me for trials, send me a message via PSN.
Wait, who the fuck did that? What the fuck at those people who did that. Those people need to get the fuck out of this community.
Yeah please stop the personal negative posts. Send people PMs or contact them some other way if you must. It makes this place seem toxic and unfriendly to new players. I don't like it.
I have a shitload of wins on Mars and only six on Venus. It's all I have left. Anecodtally, I feel like I get Mars more than Venus in the map rotation.
Stay classy DGAF. Everyone is to blame. Let's just move on.
No one did, he's been called out on his nonsense that he posted on here and twitter (which he's since deleted as it was slagging of other gaffers)
See ya Nami
I didn't do it but I'd like to do:
Preferably in a few hours.
- Raid from Totems - Oryx
- Raid just Oryx
When racing is gone in a few hours, can I still buy the sparrow packages?
It's not his fault some people don't know how to read post order. But alas, the blind leading the blind and harassing people who can actually see.
How pitiful of you, really.
It's not his fault some people don't know how to read post order. But alas, the blind leading the blind and harassing people who can actually see.
How pitiful of you, really.
Please stop Breezy. You're making it worse and doing what we're all trying to avoid by posting personal insults.
Everyone move on. Let's get back to posting about the actual game, what little there is to say about it currently. Stuff like this:
I know it's a long shot but...is anyone up for a HM raid?
This is what I'm talking about!![]()
Yo drizz. This friday is my birthday. I havnt been to mercury in year 2.
Wink wink
Nudge nudge
Remind me again what the perks are on that 1KYS?
If you do go with the raid sniper, Hot Swap is better for PvP than Firefly. I don't remember if there are better perks it can roll with than Hot Swap.
I tend to go for the throat when it comes to utter bullshit. But I'll do it for you, Bogue.
I know it's a long shot but...is anyone up for a HM raid?
Haha for sure dude, I should be around next weekend afaik. Or did you want to do a run tonight? As always I just need to find another helper
Lets talk about the game and the podcast from Crucible Radio.
Some points:
- Teams with Void titans tend to do better
- Current meta is very balanced right now
- Sage wants to fucking NERF my Stormcaller WARLOCK.
- Auto Rifles stat are still so confusing...so apparently they're very sensitive.
- Shotguns were intially nerfed during their internal test as people kept complaining about the range then Newsk sneakily DeNerfed it and people didn't complain. So we are actually on a sweet spot
- Bungle is working on New Stuff
- Trying to get quarterly balancing updates
- There are 3 weapons in the game that only 200 people use and are an outlier in the stats as their K/D improved significantlly
---Tounella SR4, Plan C and Super Good Advice
New Destiny PS4 player here. Played the demo two weeks ago, bought the game as soon as it ended. Haven't played much else since.
Tried the Vault of Glass with a coworker and a random. Obviously had no idea what we were getting into.
I checked the clans in the OP but didn't seem as if they were still active (will check again when not on phone). I'm just looking to play with some good folks, learn some things, and collect better gear. I'd rather not have all of the raid mechanics completely spoon fed (will see how long that lasts). Open to joining up with anyone. Won't say no to a ride to the lighthouse.
PSN: frailimb
Timezone: EST (late night)
Level 40 Hunter, ~290 light
But then i wont get a run on my birthday...
It will be my birthday. The big 3-4
Ill ask the mrs. Monday is usually no destiny night. But this is important stuff