Anyone dor trials, just to complete bounties? No stress, just for practice
Fake top of the page edit: I got nothing
Fake top of the page edit: I got nothing
Yeah I'll run a card.Anyone dor trials, just to complete bounties? No stress, just for practice
Fake top of the page edit: I got nothing
Cool, send a fr, psn same as gafYeah I'll run a card.
Anyone dor trials, just to complete bounties? No stress, just for practice
Fake top of the page edit: I got nothing
Anyone feel like the challenge of my 7-0 card with the mercy used?
Want to finish it (win or lose)before reset and also before the beer starts flowing more freely.likely lose
We do. Join on me or churGot space for 1 more?
Highwind, whats your psnGot space for 1 more?
Highwind, whats your psn
Holy shit! 5 for 5 on Counterbalance rolls today.
The train resumes in 2 minutes! 5/5 CB is beyond crazy.
I wanna hop on that train.
I'm gonna laugh my ass off when you guys inadvertantly get that gun nerfed in a couple of weeks.
Yo, ape. Tell me when you get on. Seems Igor and Xplicit will keep on trucking together.
You're giving Bungie too much credit.
Does it have rifled barrel? If not then it's not better, but if you do then it's mainly personal preferenceParty Crasher with full auto and danger close... better than Conspiracy Theory with range finder and performance bonus?
Does it have rifled barrel? If not then it's not better, but if you do then it's mainly personal preference
Yea, it has rifled barrel, high caliber rounds, and hand-laid stock.Does it have rifled barrel? If not then it's not better, but if you do then it's mainly personal preference
Meanwhile I still haven't gotten a single good shotgun since that conspiracy theory quest reward. Gonna go buy that patch A from dead orbit right now, it has rangefinder, rifled barrel and accurised ballistics. Looks pretty good.I have an AgBall, full auto, Rifled PC +1 and like it more and suspect, yeah, it's personal preference. I like being able to take on multiple targets more quickly thanks to the increased RoF, but it does one shot a little less consistently it seems.
With rifled barrel it might have a little bit less range than conspiracy because of rangefinder but you'll have the faster rate of fire so it should be pretty goodYea, it has rifled barrel, high caliber rounds, and hand-laid stock.
1000 apologizes, had to pick my son up because he wanted to be a car rider instead of a bus rider. Just hectic few hours. Sorry I'll be back on in a few. Even if you just need a checkpoint.Kal_El you there?
Final Boss for Nico.
Updated List:
Xerobiade - XeRoBlaDe
Psn spaaaaaaaaace___
sturgboski (won't be on till 8PM EST)
PSN Felyx (won't be on till after 5PM CST
You took me off the list?
I think this list is just for people for their first run for the doctrine. Once everyone on the list had a chance you may get your second chance.
You took me off the list?
I'm home and available now. Felyx
Oops, I copied another one haha yea i put you back on
Final Boss for Nico.
Updated List:
Xerobiade - XeRoBlaDe
Psn spaaaaaaaaace___
sturgboski (won't be on till 8PM EST)
PSN Felyx (won't be on till after 5PM CST
As someone pointed out, I do have one but not with CB. If you want to prioritize and leave me off, that's more than fair. I don't mind really.
I just want a CB and they seem to be dropping like stink!
As someone pointed out, I do have one but not with CB. If you want to prioritize and leave me off, that's more than fair. I don't mind really.
I just want a CB and they seem to be dropping like stink!
VadernoooooooTheUndertaker'sCounterbalance streak is over
TheUndertaker'sCounterbalance streak is over
Streak is broken :/ Nico got Rodeo.
Running Felyx now.
Updated List:
Xerobiade - XeRoBlaDe
Psn spaaaaaaaaace___
killerbee40; PSN: J-squared77
sturgboski (won't be on till 8PM EST)
No problem Tyler, we'll get you