Destiny |OT40| Killed by the Architects

All I need is 2x335 chest for all characters to be 335 and of course I am out of town when the CM will be golgi again -.-

Back on the weekend but far too much effort to get raids going past reset day.


could never
Hospital?! What were you doing in the hospital?

I'll msg you on psn to avoid lengthy de-rail my lovely friend haha :D

But alas yes I am back on Destiny! since last night, boy did I have fun.

Welcome back Assassio. Yeah the update has been great in terms of progression, light on content though.

Thx bud, no doubt we'll bump into each other soon. Yeah content wise a little light but a needed tiny boost in the drought.


Help me GAF.

I have some guns I do not know what to do with them, so I need a second oppinion.

I have to clean some space in the Vault and I would need to erase something.

What would be your opinion on the following - keep or delete?

Thanx in advance!

Suros PDX-41

Suros PDX-45 #1

Suros PDX-45 #2

Hawksaw #1

Hawksaw #2

Hawksaw #3

Hawksaw #4

Help me GAF.

I have some guns I do not know what to do with them, so I need a second oppinion.

I have to clean some space in the Vault and I would need to erase something.

What would be your opinion on the following - keep or delete?

Thanx in advance!

Keep the PDX41. Ditch the deal-breaker since the vendor is selling a better one. Choose whatever you like of the remaining and keep one. Hawksaw and PDX 45 are almost the same. Of those I'd probably go with the Hawksaw with counterbalance and Reinforced Barrel, though the full auto one could be good too. Keep in mind too that the vendor Hawksaw is pretty good as well.


Ot 41| we're done with destiny

Edit: speaking of wall of shame, is there a way to view the top posters besides on mobile gaf?


Help me GAF.

I have some guns I do not know what to do with them, so I need a second oppinion.

I have to clean some space in the Vault and I would need to erase something.

What would be your opinion on the following - keep or delete?

Thanx in advance!

Keep Hawksaw #3 and 4. I have #3, I love it. (it's got the body shots gain bonusprecision bonus perk right?)

Surons #0 and #2 are okay too. Full auto is not supernecessary, but I like those guns as it ups the fire rate a bit.

I wonder how tweaks to the melee will pan out.

They've done the "melee-fix" before, so yeah, don't get your hopes up.
Help me GAF.

I have some guns I do not know what to do with them, so I need a second oppinion.

I have to clean some space in the Vault and I would need to erase something.

What would be your opinion on the following - keep or delete?

Thanx in advance!

Keep what you use.

That was a sweet, nostalgic IB Crucibulldozer there. That Plan C hype. I'm amazed by how much fun I had complaining about 6v6 with friends. All those M E D I U M P L A Y Z.

GG team, gg.
Help me GAF.

I have some guns I do not know what to do with them, so I need a second oppinion.

I have to clean some space in the Vault and I would need to erase something.

What would be your opinion on the following - keep or delete?

Thanx in advance!

You want Range + Stability to be succesful with pulse rifles.

The first PDX is darn good, but you loose longer fights against snipers and scouts. Good for maps with lots of hallways/tight spaces, and good if you can close the gap successfully.

Hawksaw #1 is a pretty good roll. I have a similar one except I have Perfect Balance(51 Range 86 Stability) instead of Hammer Forged. It kicks slightly to the left but that's ok because you're usually shooting moving targets in PvP anyways.

Hawksaw #2 is similar to the first PDX.

Hawksaw #3 might be the best but I haven't had any practice with headseeker. I've heard mixed reports. On the one hand some people say it doesn't do much and then on the other a guy like Murdaro can use a PDX with one and destroy.

Deal Breaker - LOL - shard ASAP


Damn, why isn't game of thrones a netflix show? I need to binge!

I hope we don't get super kills + trickle tomorrow. That would be... urghs. Guess we need to bring along a nightstalker to make orbs to make it easier. Probably gonna run Bad juju.

Any other exotics that boost super energy generation?

Zhalo supercell (only on double kills, so not really useful)
Bad juju (probably the most useful weapon)

The stag (pretty much useless, I think)
Damn, why isn't game of thrones a netflix show? I need to binge!

I hope we don't get super kills + trickle tomorrow. That would be... urghs. Guess we need to bring along a nightstalker to make orbs to make it easier. Probably gonna run Bad juju.

Any other exotics that boost super energy generation?

Zhalo supercell (only on double kills, so not really useful)
Bad juju (probably the most useful weapon)

The stag (pretty much useless, I think)

Obsidian mind can give a lot of super back if you hit a good one initially. Not so sure on other classes as there is only one true ramlock!


Anyone down for some trials bounties? I've been to the lighthouse plenty of times but with this map I'm just looking for bounties and to increase my passage coins. But if we go, we go.

Guess it would help if I put my PSN Clark_Kent


Obsidian mind can give a lot of super back if you hit a good one initially. Not so sure on other classes as there is only one true ramlock!
Hmm, good idea with the voidwalker and obsidian mind... Could be fun with bad juju.

Netflix can't afford to make a show like game of thrones.
That's too bad. I love binge watching stuff, don't like waiting week to week. Same reason I always wait till all episodes are out with episodic games before I even start.
HBO Now, best thing since slice bread.

I'm from europe.
The stag (pretty much useless, I think)

I think any helmet with Inverse Shadow would be good.

Obsidian mind can give a lot of super back if you hit a good one initially. Not so sure on other classes as there is only one true ramlock!

Does anyone know the delay on Obsidian Mind re-procing? There's a few places where you can murder ten+ trash mobs multiple times in quick sucession and it only recharges after the first nova bomb.

Dire Ahamkara might be OK since you basically get The Hunger perk for free so you can choose Annihilate instead for bigger Nova Bombs.
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