Flashbacks to nightmare cycles argumentDepends, are you talking about normal cycles or breezy cycles?
So in a week where I did a fair bit of Iron Banner, averaging a 1.75 kd/r in the 30+ matches I played, and generally playing very well I jumped into Trials.
Nope. Nope. Nope.
Every single match had me put against massively sweaty teams. Looking through Guardian.gg it is no wonder that we only managed to win 2 matches whilst completing one full set of bounties. 2-3 matches were against teams with similar ELO and came down to 5-4 wins or defeats more often than not. The rest however saw us matched against MLG pro's who gave us no chance. With average team ELO differences of ~500 points.
Normally in Trials, my team are able to battle through to 7 wins consistently. On our day we can go flawless but it requires a lot of luck in the matches we're drawn against. We are no where near the top tier individuals but we play together enough that we can put in a team performance. But this weekend was ridiculous, and in my opinion it is just another example of how Destiny is currently dead. The player pool is now so small that all you have left are sweat filled matches, because the only people remaining are new to the game and catching up or the hardcore of the hardcore.
As much as I enjoy trials I am not touching it with a barge pole until the next DLC drops. Getting stomped repeatedly is not fun, and there is no learning that takes place because the skill divide is so great.
Anyone getting profound god awful lag despite everyone 'being green?'
In our very first (and only) game Monday night, we matched the #18 ranked Trials player. I'd had enough sweat for the week by that point so it was a clear sign for me to shut it down until next weekend. It really gets draining when virtually every game is like that, considering Trials takes so much energy and focus.
Obviously more and more people are having your same experience and drawing the same conclusion to hang it up until an expansion boosts the player population. Unless some E3 news really livens things up, I'll eventually have to dial down my own Trials-time to preserve some sanity for Rise of Iron.
It is becoming way to common to get matched up against top 50 Trials players. Y1 I didn't encounter any of them. Y2 it seems to be an every week occurence.
I need a cure for insomnia. Not even Gods of Egypt and X-Men A could do it.
Would anyone with the totems cp be so kind as to let me grab it?
Does anyone have a HM Totems or Oryx checkpoints?
I have totems if you're still looking.
Try Transformers 4.
Anyone wanna do NF, Raid or COE ?
PSN : Jssom
I've been playing casually on Xbox One with a friend, and haven't really kept up with the community. We've slowly been able to scrape our way up to 321 Light thanks to this last Iron Banner.
Other than doing Hard Mode raids and Iron Banner once a month, is there any reliable way for us to raise our Light any further? I am guessing it might finally be time for us to hang up our hats.
I've been playing casually on Xbox One with a friend, and haven't really kept up with the community. We've slowly been able to scrape our way up to 321 Light thanks to this last Iron Banner.
Other than doing Hard Mode raids and Iron Banner once a month, is there any reliable way for us to raise our Light any further? I am guessing it might finally be time for us to hang up our hats.
I've been playing casually on Xbox One with a friend, and haven't really kept up with the community. We've slowly been able to scrape our way up to 321 Light thanks to this last Iron Banner.
Other than doing Hard Mode raids and Iron Banner once a month, is there any reliable way for us to raise our Light any further? I am guessing it might finally be time for us to hang up our hats.
Tons of ways. Definitely CoE is the most reliable and easy way.
I forgot about CoE. I really dislike that activity though. It feels like such a transparent attempt to stretch a thin amount of content into something significant. You have to run it like 3 times just to get a single drop.
If it were based around speedy boss kills that might be one thing, but to rack up a high score you have to sit around killing waves of useless adds for no apparent reason. And then do it 2 more times. Does 3 of Coins work in there? That might make it seem a little more interesting. I only have 1 character on Xbox One, so it's not like I can really get 3 drops per week out of it.
Out of curiosity, what has the community's reaction to CoE been?
You only have to do it twice if your group knows what it's doing, but yeah, it can be boring. 3oC do work. No idea what the larger community thinks, but I'm not bothering with it any more.I forgot about CoE. I really dislike that activity though. It feels like such a transparent attempt to stretch a thin amount of content into something significant. You have to run it like 3 times just to get a single drop.
If it were based around speedy boss kills that might be one thing, but to rack up a high score you have to sit around killing waves of useless adds for no apparent reason. And then do it 2 more times. Does 3 of Coins work in there? That might make it seem a little more interesting. I only have 1 character on Xbox One, so it's not like I can really get 3 drops per week out of it.
Out of curiosity, what has the community's reaction to CoE been?
You can do CoE in 2 runs every week; 3 is not required.
Sorry, but this thing is just too good not to post.
Last Resort
Rifled Barrel
Hidden Hand
Jokes on you. No weapon parts.Sorry, but this thing is just too good not to post.
Last Resort
Rifled Barrel
Hidden Hand
Sorry, but this thing is just too good not to post.
Last Resort
Rifled Barrel
Hidden Hand
Sorry, but this thing is just too good not to post.
Last Resort
Rifled Barrel
Hidden Hand
It is becoming way to common to get matched up against top 50 Trials players. Y1 I didn't encounter any of them. Y2 it seems to be an every week occurence.
Cash for carries/ELO farming is massive at the moment
Sorry, but this thing is just too good not to post.
Last Resort
Rifled Barrel
Hidden Hand
Control is a terrible game type BTW.
Sorry, but this thing is just too good not to post.
Last Resort
Rifled Barrel
Hidden Hand
I forgot about CoE. [...] You have to run it like 3 times just to get a single drop.
What the actual fuck man. Thats literally the GOD god roll. Like, the one with <1% chance to drop so perfectly like that.