i only need a 335 chest piece to get one of my characters to 335. since i can't run raid because the people i usually play with have largely moved to other stuff (can't really blame them. still love you guys!) i have been farming strikes for exotic engrams.
i've been using from 20 to 40 3oc a week since the past 4 weeks... and not a single exotic chest engram has dropped.
i mostly got gloves and secondary weapons... probably around 10 or 12 secondary weapons engrams and none has been Zen Meteor. 90% of those decrypted to Hereafter :\
i'm also after some Y1 legendaries like TDYK or LDR but all the engrams i find or buy from the cryptarch always decrypt to either 1000 yard stare or some crappy vanguard auto rifle :|
on the other hand i got this the other day:
ah! complaining worked! finally got a 335 chest piece yesterday. now i have 1 character at 335 and 2 at 334