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Destiny |OT41| Don't Worry, Leave Happy


Needle in the gums. Had to numb it a lot, cause the infection is so bad. They couldn't even stitch it up. Gotta let the infection drain out. Good thing half my face is numb right now, cause that would probably taste nasty.

Feel so much better tho. I was having a hard time playing video games(or doing much of anything) even tho I'v gotten the pain under control. I got dizzy/light headed really quick from movement. Couldn't even drive to the dentist Tuesday I was so light headed had to drag my Mom to help.

What lesson have I learned from this? Don't put problems off.

Oh and I got my apartment this week! Can't move in tell July 1st tho. Hope I can get internet going relatively quick.

Yep, I put off 3 bad teeth forever. Luckily a big contract came in and I was able to pay to have them all taken out at once under sedation. The back lower wisdoms were so bad I could smell them even right after brushing. The forward molar was half a tooth.

I think the end cost was something like 2.5k out of pocket, but holy shit it was fucking worth it. The first thing you're gonna realize is what normal life is like without that constant tooth pain pulse or having to think "how much is this going to hurt" when eating certain foods.
Needle in the gums. Had to numb it a lot, cause the infection is so bad. They couldn't even stitch it up. Gotta let the infection drain out. Good thing half my face is numb right now, cause that would probably taste nasty.

Feel so much better tho. I was having a hard time playing video games(or doing much of anything) even tho I'v gotten the pain under control. I got dizzy/light headed really quick from movement. Couldn't even drive to the dentist Tuesday I was so light headed had to drag my Mom to help.

What lesson have I learned from this? Don't put problems off.

Oh and I got my apartment this week! Can't move in tell July 1st tho. Hope I can get internet going relatively quick.

ah yes

When I had my face numb, I had the habit of mashing down on the spot they worked on. It was not fun. I should...really go to the dentist soon....

...grats on your apartment! You should be able to go in and set up the internet before hand no? Good luck tho @_@


If anyone wants to run VoG or Crota, we're running a few later tonight and may have a spot or 2 open. Let me know here or add me.

PSN: Homeboyd


I don't want to take the thread too far off topic, but I even met GhaleonEB at PAX while I had those fucked up teeth and he said I looked like I wanted to die when I brought up the topic of said teeth later on while we were playing Halo.

Either way.. it looks like the new chase on DTR is getting high tier gear according to one of the gear apps? I can't keep up with the kids anymore.
I don't want to take the thread too far off topic, but I even met GhaleonEB at PAX while I had those fucked up teeth and he said I looked like I wanted to die when I brought up the topic of said teeth later on while we were playing Halo.

Either way.. it looks like the new chase on DTR is getting high tier gear according to one of the gear apps? I can't keep up with the kids anymore.

I am kinda passively chasing high tier gear. I have T11 builds for all characters. T12 would be cool but only if I get the right armour pieces with the right perks.
Is it possible with glass needles to roll int/disc on the Feedback Fence gauntlets for Titans?

I know there was a reddit page somewhere that discussed this sort of thing, but can't find it. I'm trying to work out a t12 build and think I have a lot of good rolls to help, but I really like the utility and look of these babies. So I'd like to include them.
Is it possible with glass needles to roll int/disc on the Feedback Fence gauntlets for Titans?

I know there was a reddit page somewhere that discussed this sort of thing, but can't find it. I'm trying to work out a t12 build and think I have a lot of good rolls to help, but I really like the utility and look of these babies. So I'd like to include them.

Nope mandatory STR


Today marks a big day for me.... 7 days clean of my Destiny addiction


Shaxx finally let me have a Longbow. He must have run out of armour.


Triple Tap and Mulligan, not that great. Longview SLR10 and Rifled Barrel though, so at least I've got something to work with.
Shaxx finally let me have a Longbow. He must have run out of armour.


Triple Tap and Mulligan, not that great. Longview SLR10 and Rifled Barrel though, so at least I've got something to work with.

It's a half decent PVE roll. I had a brilliant Longbow drop today. Ambush and shortgaze scopes, snapshot and quickdraw and final perk is hidden hand.


It's a half decent PVE roll. I had a brilliant Longbow drop today. Ambush and shortgaze scopes, snapshot and quickdraw and final perk is hidden hand.

Damn, nice roll. As for mine, I'm just surprised a Longbow dropped for me at all, but with sniper ammo armour, it'll be OK.


A reveal stream ahead of E3? Makes me think it's not big enough for the Sony stage. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Or maybe they're getting it out of the way to show Destiny 2 at E3.
"The purpose of the Trials is to hone the right weapon for the right moment."

— Brother Vance​

This weekend, for our final boss, my team and I went up against a Trials streamer, Thwek, ranked 136, with an ELO of 2100+. This was my first time playing against a streamer, and after the match concluded I eagerly found our match in his twitch archive. And here it is:

I got called out specifically:

"Can that guy even snipe? Every time he tries to challenges me with a sniper, he just pulls out his Doctrine. Like bro, get some f---ing skill."​

Later after the match ended:

"I'd rather go against 3 Thorns [than 2 Doctrines]. At least with Thorn you have to have some skill with aiming it and shooting it fast to get kills."​


"Did they even use their secondary?"

"I didn't get shot by one secondary.... After the first round, just Doctrines & supers."​

Not that that was true. Xplicit put work in with his Hawksaw & Igor got 3 sniper precision kills. All tolled it was 5 Doctrine kills, 4 Hawksaw & 3 sniper. So not that exactly the Doctrine-Domination they were complaining about. But we sure made an impression, didn't we? LOL.

But back to that's guys point about me and sniping. You know what? That guy is right. I am not a sniper god or even that great. I can't drag snipe, and even normal dome sniping is sometimes a challenge for me. But I use the right tool for me, a Glass Promontory. Glass Prom a low impact sniper (so I can double body if I scrub it up) that has high AA boosted with Hidden Hand. It's something I'm working on improving, but I'm not at the level of Igor, Xplicit or DrDrizzay.

I still carry a sniper in my loadout, mind you. The ability to get long-range picks or even body shots on a fleeing enemy is a great pairing with Doctrine. It's just that I don't get my hits as often as they do, especially when I'm getting challenged rather than getting the drop on someone. I do pull out my sniper a lot, but don't rely on it. I'll post up on a lane, then I move with my primary, not trusting my quick scope skills or my ability to win sniper duels.

TrueVanguard has a great YouTube series on how to snipe, but not when to snipe. TrueVanguard may be able to get away with sniping as his main source of kills. But if you're not a thumb skill God, you need to chose the right weapon for the right time. And that's why I so often use my trusty Counterbalance Doctrine of Passing. Consistently my teammates get 2/3rds of their kills from secondaries, where as I only get 1/3rd. And as a result, I've gotten really good with using primaries.

Bungie has spent all of Year 2 moving people away from specials by nerfing them directly and in the last two updates, hitting their ammo with nerfs. So as a result, my (over?)reliance on primaries has actually turned into an asset. TrueVanguard anticipated this change back in November and put up a video on Winning with your Primary that covers how I use my Doctrine.

- Lead with a grenade.
- Use the effective range of the gun.
- Compensate for the weaknesses of the gun.
- Stay mobile (& always utilize vertical space).
- Limit the engagement, by limiting sight lines

Watch the whole video for some great clips to really show what he's talking about in action.

I would also add to additional tips for Trials, as a team-based game:

- Maximize team-shooting. If you think one Doctrine melts, you have no idea how quickly two does.
- Utilize flanking and teammate aggro to shoot at distracted enemies.

Exodus Blue is a map made for Doctrine. It's a small map with broken up by lots of ground clutter that prevent long sight-lines. As a result, a team that doesn't control orbs or move together gets punished severely. Igor and I each had 3 assists, so about 40% of our kills were aided by teamshooting. It's not "OMG, I'm dead from a Doctrine", it's "OMG, I'm dead from TWO Doctrines." That's how you win with primaries. You win as a team.

Exodus Blue is also a map made to counter Doctrine. Doctrine requires constant time on target. Other primaries can benefit from pacing shots, especially lower-ROF weapons. If you're using a gun that requires 3/4 shots, then take a shot or two strafe behind cover, then pop out and get the remaining shots. Doctrine is weakest when it starts up, so if you force me to keep starting it up, it's going to be harder for me to get the kill. Additionally, Doctrine requires that I stay in the open and focused entirely on my target. I can't strafe into cover periodically, so a Doctrine user is incredibly vulnerable to teamshooting.

And also, I gotta single out this moment in the final round. Xplicit blinks past the opening (which is a dope play when you're going up against an ace sniper), but Thwek keeps focus on him because he knows that Xplicit is probably going to pop blade. So Thwek goes golden gun, but I was anticipating him:


Figure 1: A Golden Gun instantly destroyed with a Lightning Grenade and Doctrine.


So yeah, P R I M A R Y S C R U B B O Y Z went to the Lighthouse that day. :sunglasses: (Get it? We need sunglasses because it's so bright on Mercury. Please Like, Share & Subscribe! j/k.)

By the way, if you want to see the same match from Xplicit's perspective, check it out.
It's a half decent PVE roll. I had a brilliant Longbow drop today. Ambush and shortgaze scopes, snapshot and quickdraw and final perk is hidden hand.
That is very nice
I have 2 longbow
1 with long view and tacsys, underdog, perfect balance, snapshot or oiled frame, unflinching

The other has short gaze and ambush, army of one, perfect balance, injection mold, casket mag and firefly.

My LDR has long view and ambush, grenadier, armor piercing, injection mold, reinforced barrel, spray and play.


Mrs. Harvey
With certain snipers already having high AA I find Hidden Hand useless. For me firefly is more useful and is the main reason why I get so many double and triple snipes. Between my hidden hand LB and firefly LB I use the latter 99% of the time. And Bungie thought they actually nerfed scopes but they are much better for mid to long range than ever.
Hyped for the stream, however I am not going to see it as I am on holiday that week. It will have to wait until the Sunday when I am back home and have access to the internet! Yay for booking a holiday at a remote Italian location. It is odd that they are not waiting for E3 to do the reveal.

With certain snipers already having high AA I find Hidden Hand useless. For me firefly is more useful and is the main reason why I get so many double and triple snipes. Between my hidden hand LB and firefly LB I use the latter 99% of the time. And Bungie thought they actually nerfed scopes but they are much better for mid to long range than ever.

Firefly on my quest 1KYS has got me some lucky double kills, but my sniping skills are average at best so I need all the AA I can get!

So I'm looking to get back into this after not playing awhile. My max possible light level is 308,what should I focus on to progress?

Rank up factions, you will get items up to 330 light from them. Strikes can drop strike specific loot that will help boost you up. Use Three of Coins. Exotic engrams can decrypt up to 6 light levels higher than your current light level.

One of the easiest ways to level up quickly is to run the Kings Fall raid. It rains loot and should see you jump up a fair bit quite quickly. You can also run Challenge of Elders. Pretty much any end game activity will be useful for you. Once you get closer to 330 you will be limited in what will increase you to 335. But there are still plenty of ways to achieve it.
Ok, here's my situation. I really like the ACD/0 Feedback gauntlets, but would like a better roll.

I can get a new set for one exotic shard and 2500 glimmer.


I can get glass needles that cost 3 motes plus exotic shard (coins as well?) etc . Then when you use them, you consume armour parts.

Doesn't it make sense to just keep buying a new pair of these and hope for a good roll? If I delete them, I get my exotic shard back (plus 3 armour parts) so the true cost of a new roll is just 2500 glimmer.

Am I crazy, or what am I missing here?


Ok, here's my situation. I really like the ACD/0 Feedback gauntlets, but would like a better roll.

I can get a new set for one exotic shard and 2500 glimmer.


I can get glass needles that cost 3 motes plus exotic shard (coins as well?) etc . Then when you use them, you consume armour parts.

Doesn't it make sense to just keep buying a new pair of these and hope for a good roll? If I delete them, I get my exotic shard back so the true cost of a new roll is just 2500 glimmer.

Am I crazy, or what am I missing here?

needles buy in bulk
Ok, here's my situation. I really like the ACD/0 Feedback gauntlets, but would like a better roll.

I can get a new set for one exotic shard and 2500 glimmer.


I can get glass needles that cost 3 motes plus exotic shard (coins as well?) etc . Then when you use them, you consume armour parts.

Doesn't it make sense to just keep buying a new pair of these and hope for a good roll? If I delete them, I get my exotic shard back so the true cost of a new roll is just 2500 glimmer.

Am I crazy, or what am I missing here?

I think the iPad versions have a set roll. So you would be wasting glimmer and shards purchasing from there repeatedly.


A reveal stream ahead of E3? Makes me think it's not big enough for the Sony stage. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Or maybe they're getting it out of the way to show Destiny 2 at E3.

Reveal next week will be Rise of Iron, which will be partially playable at E3, and they will have a Destiny 2 trailer, maybe?
Rank up factions, you will get items up to 330 light from them. Strikes can drop strike specific loot that will help boost you up. Use Three of Coins. Exotic engrams can decrypt up to 6 light levels higher than your current light level.

One of the easiest ways to level up quickly is to run the Kings Fall raid. It rains loot and should see you jump up a fair bit quite quickly. You can also run Challenge of Elders. Pretty much any end game activity will be useful for you. Once you get closer to 330 you will be limited in what will increase you to 335. But there are still plenty of ways to achieve it.
335 the max light?

Are nightfalls worthwhile? I remember around when I took a break I was starting to think they weren't.
335 the max light?

Are nightfalls worthwhile? I remember around when I took a break I was starting to think they weren't.

For your current light level they will be very worthwhile. If it drops gear for you, it will be at a higher light level than you currently are. Once you are over 330 running the nightfall becomes more about grinding out specific strike specific loot items.


335 the max light?

Are nightfalls worthwhile? I remember around when I took a break I was starting to think they weren't.

Nightfalls are good atm, all legendary loot drops up to 330 and exotics up to 335, plus you have a higher chance at strike exclusive drops (also drop at LL 335) than other playlists (lots of people just farm the nightfall for the specific drops). There is also a chance at E-verse (microtransaction stuff) packages, if you can much about that.


A reveal stream ahead of E3? Makes me think it's not big enough for the Sony stage. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Or maybe they're getting it out of the way to show Destiny 2 at E3.

Also means that the Sony is going nothing but Hype. Which also means that Bungle didn't make the hype meter.
Also means that the Sony is going nothing but Hype. Which also means that Bungle didn't make the hype meter.

That is where I'm sitting on this. Either they don't think it's hype enough for mainstream so they want to target us all early to get us hyped and then have playable aspects at E3. Or, as you say it didn't make the cut. I can't imagine it being the latter, I reckon it will get a mention and a showcase of the latest PS Exclusive stuff.
If we're talking about the reveal being before E3 as some sort of guage for how big it will be, hasn't it been a trend going back into last gen that a lot of new games would get revealed just shy of E3 so that they can hog at least a full day of gaming news headlines as opposed to waiting for E3 and sharing the headlines with everything else?

Reveal before E3 -> People about it because there's nothing else to talk about -> share bigger details at E3
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