Your dreams are really small

Just from the top of my head:
- let me stack materials and stuff higher than 200, at least in the vault
- add diablo 3 style rerolling. They can keep the gunsmith stuff, but change the rng on how he sells guns
- weekly/bi-weekly rerolling of vendor gear & weapons
- remove useless shit I can buy from rank up packages (class items from variks?!)
- smart(er) loot
- less useless perks
- rework nightfall modifiers
- add modifiers to daily story missions
- optional matchmaking for nightfalls, story missions
- some kind of punishment for pvp and pve quitters
- don't forget about all the old content, continue reworking&adding old strikes/raids/story missions
- less than 6 months between content drops
- more rotating events like iron banner/srl
- pve events
- lighthouse style pve activity
- separate pve and pvp balancing
- stop nerfing everything
- make good raid weapons
- rework how we obtain exotics. keep stuff like the spindle/NTTE, bring back specific boss drops (like the mythoclast), but also let me get stuff out of engrams (no 3 of coins, just random drops), exotic raid chests and raid boss drops