where are you seeing this?
Fucks sake, if PvE takes a backseat in this expansion, I think I'm going to be done with Destiny. And no, PvP isn't the only way you can make a game have longevity. See-Diablo 3, World of Warcraft.
From Xbox.com.
Only one new strike? Lol.
The new enemy type is "Plagued Fallen" or w/e. No real new enemy time? Seems like a small expansion.
two strikes on playstation and a couple of campaign missions (just by process of the past)
1-2 weapons gear sets etc
Another thing that got glossed over is that the Xbox page shows the DLC as rated M for mature instead of the previous expansions and the base game, which were all rated T.
Another thing that got glossed over is that the Xbox page shows the DLC as rated M for mature instead of the previous expansions and the base game, which were all rated T.
Destiny is about to go full anime on us (and a little bit of Game of Thrones).
I fully support that.
Same. Yeah it sucks that there's only one strike, but I'd loved to have the Year 1 strikes that never got pushed forward back, Devil's Lair, The Summoning Pit, and The Nexus. Loved to have them back.
Same. Yeah it sucks that there's only one strike, but I'd loved to have the Year 1 strikes that never got pushed forward back, Devil's Lair, The Summoning Pit, and The Nexus. Loved to have them back.
That would be nice. I ain't hopeful though.Bungie might go all out and make everything relevant and just let us run loose.
Bungie might go all out and make everything relevant and just let us run loose.
I will NOT feel bad for last gen. 2.5 years is PLENTY of time to drop that support. It's holding the obviously bigger fanbase of current gen, back.
Give me that year 3 VoG and CE, Bungie. Please.Bungie might go all out and make everything relevant and just let us run loose.
It would make no sense to drop them now.
That would be nice. I ain't hopeful though.
Eh...naaaah. I don't want to be paying nearly what is a games full price for stuff we already have, with just some new units 'mixed' into it.
I kinda blindly brought TTK, but right now I'm just going to be more critical of what they're offering than before. And if it's just a bunch of old strikes 'brought forward' , then I'm not going to condone that kind of gouging.
Give me that year 3 VoG and CE, Bungie. Please.
It would make no sense to drop them now.
We need more space!!!!
The money isn't an issue as long as they make the content replayable and player friendly. No grindy bullshit and I'll pay $60 without question.
Don't know about you guys, but I will miss the Taken. One of my favorite enemies in the game.
100% agreeWhen there's a bunch of games taking them up to task(In the other thread someone mentioned Battlefield 1/Gears coming out in the similar timeframe) that offer completely new experiences, then it does become an issue on 'is it worth retreading the same stuff.'
And grindy BS is Bungies thing...thats how they're going to keep you until next may or whenever they release the new game/expansion.
The question for me is, will they offer a PvE mode that is replayable and fun. PvP isn't enjoyable to me because it's so homogeneous.
Another thing that got glossed over is that the Xbox page shows the DLC as rated M for mature instead of the previous expansions and the base game, which were all rated T.
the loss is far too much for such a little gain really.
It's all super dependant on if and how long the reshuffle for D2 will take to produce D2
This would be very smart for Bungie have the base game come out as T for teen but all DLC is rated M for mature.
Are there numbers on accounts active during TTK for last gen and current gen?
I'd really like to know if it's like 90%/10% current to last. I mean pleasing the majority should be the priority now.
Also, things like loading times and buffering between spaces while on patrol/strikes, etc... I'd have to think that stuff would benefit from dropping last gen.
I'm glad they are focusing more on PVE here with a raid and strike, but it said there would be new maps and modes for crucible, which interests me, since we haven't gotten either of those since TTK released. Also hope that the sandbox changes will actually change the way the game plays. However, I won't start getting too hyped until they've told us, or shown us, everything that they're doing, except the raid, of course.Didn't they have to give away USB sticks to 360 owners so they could play TTK
Colour me not impressed by one strike, a raid and "mutant fallen" now I've broken the cult of Destiny I know how it will play out
Wait, the new expansion will require you to own both Vanilla and Taken King? Forcing people to buy Taken King...