I'll join.Until you have a sidekick ala Dan you are not his rival. You have a long ways to go. Tacoz is equal to the general.
Train anyone?
I'll join.Until you have a sidekick ala Dan you are not his rival. You have a long ways to go. Tacoz is equal to the general.
Train anyone?
Do the tower and reef have different ones?Yup. Get the bounties!
Do the tower and reef have different ones?
Do the tower and reef have different ones?
Anyone down to run CoE sigils x3? Let's get this done in 6 runs.
Just join up. I'll go when full or close to.
Anyone for CoE, 2 sigils left, or whatever
Bottom left corner of the director shows the daily and weekly playlists.Where can I check what the daily crucible Playlist is?
Sorry I'm unfamiliar with that,is it in the crucible menu orBottom left corner of the director shows the daily and weekly playlists.
How do you buy RoI on Xbox? I see it in the store. Man, X360 UI was much more simpler.
Would anybody like to run some COE? I'd like to start and complete a card if possible.
Sure, I'm down for some pvp if there's a spot open. I'm be online for another hour before I have to go, though.On a PVP train .. Would have helped. Might have a spot open if your down with crucible
Am I missing anything by not doing the strikes as soon as they show up? I'm already super over leveled so I figured I'd just wait until 40 to do them.
Striker may kinda blow in PVE but man is Lightning Grenades fun in mp
Am I missing anything by not doing the strikes as soon as they show up? I'm already super over leveled so I figured I'd just wait until 40 to do them.
Do the taken king playlists include all maps or just maps that were part of the taken king?
I meant crucible actually, but the strike one sounds confusing as hell.If you're talking about Strikes, the Heroic playlist doesn't contain all of them. It's missing a couple of the Year 1 strikes. Same with the 36 (I think?) The Legacy playlist has all the year 1 strikes but no TTK.
Crucible has all map in every playlist minus the two special ones (I think?) that are on the top left and right.
I meant crucible actually, but the strike one sounds confusing as hell.
Why doesn't the heroic Playlist have all of them?
Hello everyone! I've never really touched endgame stuff in Destiny, kind of had a really bad RNG experience back during the first DLC and stopped playing. With the new expansion coming in soon, and the positive impressions I'd been hearing from the content past the first DLC (plus a sale on the Taken King expansion on PSN), I've started getting back in to play the SP content and get a character or 2 ready for Rise of Iron.
I'm pretty sure there hasn't been official confirmation yet, but is RoI a digital-only expansion, or does anybody know if there may be another physical "Legendary" release like was done with Taken King?
The TTK Crucible playlists (as in not Classic) technically feature all the maps but they're heavily weighted towards TTK maps. Which is a shame because they're some of the worst in the game.I meant crucible actually, but the strike one sounds confusing as hell.
Why doesn't the heroic Playlist have all of them?
Good games boys. Like 99% win streak.
I'm actually sick as a dog. Need some rest.
Lag is the ultimate No Fun Allowed.
I really can't wait for the meaty information for Rise of Iron and update 2.3
So where has dgaf migrated to? This place is extremely dead especially for trials weekend. Activision and Bingo can't be too happy with the player base drop.
edit: ^ also Mr Gutz sir, let me know if you would like a Discord invite so we don't have to keep talking about you behind your back (Kappa)
Welcome back! So far it is only confirmed as a standalone digital expansion, but if a physical release is occurring it will probably be discussed during E3 at some stage.
edit: ^ also Mr Gutz sir, let me know if you would like a Discord invite so we don't have to keep talking about you behind your back (Kappa)
People have been hanging out in the Discord. Just let me know if you want an invite for that. As for gaming, most people have been playing Overwatch. Personally I've still been playing some Destiny but also playing a little backlog/not gaming. The population drop is pretty rough and still has a ways to go before it'll bottom out. I imagine people will start trickling back a little in advance of RoI but otherwise it's gonna be a real ghost town for the next 3 months.
There's essentially been no brand new PvE content for 9 months now It's amazing people still do reset raids and stuff. Stream numbers showed there's still high interest in the franchise just Bungie can't get the content out the door fast enough. Wonder if they've sorted their inefficient tools out yet.