Adding. I am 97% through the update right now. Shouldn't be long.
Alrighty! I'm in a party with a buddy just chatting, feel free to join if you want to bs as we do this. Still need a third for fast farming, but 2 can do it as well, I think.
Adding. I am 97% through the update right now. Shouldn't be long.
Nothing good so far. Just passable and a lot of terrible.Get a good roll? My best so far is ORS, Counterbalance/Perfect Balance and Last Resort.
He did steal them, seemed like nearly every run he got one!
My grasp has range finder, perfect balance and third eye. Happy with that.
The rest that dropped were ass.
So, while farming Omingul this dropped from a primary engram...
Hawksaw with Perfect Balance, Headseeker, and Rifled Barrel. The need for a God roll Grasp just disappeared.
If CB is that good shouldn't they buff the other permutations/nerf CB so it isn't a be-all, end-all whether you get CB?
I'm assuming they're taking the latter approachYes, they should make more perks valuable, not make everything mediocre.
What made you wanna skip Deus Ex? And yeah I'm not a big FF guy but the demo for XV unsold me almost immediately after playing it, yikes.
It didn't look fluid to me for some odd reason.
Also I did not get the last quest for Shaxx long quest line after turning in my quest to Banshee for getting kills with all 4 weapons types. .is this a glitch?
Alrighty! I'm in a party with a buddy just chatting, feel free to join if you want to bs as we do this. Still need a third for fast farming, but 2 can do it as well, I think.
The Mountaintop? I just finished the 4 weapons types the other day, turned it in to Banshee and got it, sounds like a glitch - I'd post about it on or Reddit.
Sure! Sub is still updating at the moment thoughyou guys still need a third?
Good to know, thanks.No Counterbalance makes them decent rolls, but not good rolls.
CB makes that much of a difference.
What you want is CB + Rifled Barrel. The rest are secondary after those 2.
If my memory does not fail me, yes it does.Does Trials count for the elimation part of the crucible quest?
Sure! Sub is still updating at the moment though![]()
No Counterbalance makes them decent rolls, but not good rolls.
CB makes that much of a difference.
What you want is CB + Rifled Barrel. The rest are secondary after those 2.
Counterbalance isn't that big of a deal if you can control your recoil.
Counterbalance makes the bullet spread strictly vertical.
The Grasp has a very horizontal spread, and we have tested one with CB vs non CB.
It isn't about how much it kicks, because I do have one with Rifled Barrel, but no CB. The CB one is way more accurate.
Counterbalance makes the bullet spread strictly vertical.
The Grasp has a very horizontal spread, and we have tested one with CB vs non CB.
It isn't about how much it kicks, because I do have one with Rifled Barrel, but no CB. The CB one is way more accurate at medium distance, which is roughly the majority of encounters in crucible.
You don't think braced frame is a better partner to go with CB?
I have CB and perfect balance and still get vertical recoil.
Shiet, I messed up.
Edited to Braced Frame. Yes.
I know that. It's all about preference. I prefer headseeker because I can control my recoil even if it is slightly to the right instead of vertical.
lol - ok. World is now spinning correctly.
Yea The Mountaintop isn't popping. I searched and found other threads on reddit and and there are no responses. Anyway to check if some how I glitched and got it earlier? Like if I am done with Shaxx quest line would I be able to get a special bounty or something?
My Braced Frame non-CB Grasp has Headseeker and Glass Half Full.
anyone care to take a 320ish Warlock for some grasp farming? much appreciated
PSN: Beholder-Y
Tried the Zhalo Supercell in Crucible today and it wasn't terrible....
Couldn't kill anything with the Jade Rabbit (too slow) and did very mediocre with the Mida Multi Tool.
Grasp of Malok is good, but I don't like using the same weapon as everyone else.... just seems boring.... I want some variety.
Hearing good things about Hawksaw, Suros PDX (need a good roll), and certain handguns (which ones?).
Can anyone recommend some other good weapons I can use competitively in crucible?
Going to run strikes. If anyone of my 'regular' grasp farmers want to farm, just shoot me a message in game.![]()
Farmer Tyler
Just starting join on us. psn desgrafx
Xbone people, want to grind for grasp?
If you don't like using the same weapon as everyone else, you shouldn't be asking about competitive weapons like the Hawksaw or PDX.
I hope you want to farm this weekend. Need that god roll.
Looking for a third for Grasp farming. We are at the boss. Need another hunter
PSN: desgrafx
LightsaberutNeed a third for grasp farming. We too, are at the boss. Gunslinger with nighthawk preferred, but we'll take whoever asks nicely first![]()
Right now Rise of Iron is on the outside looking in.Did E3 convince people NOT to buy some games this Fall? I now might skip on Deus Ex and FF15
Anybody want to skirm and eliminate?
Where's my regular grasp hunters?
Right now Rise of Iron is on the outside looking in.
Why the fuck do people even bother playing the game if they are going to idle. Two straight games with idling teammates.
Back to the game for the first time in a long while (beat HM King's Fall and stopped a bit after). I'm 314 light, what should I be doing activity wise to gear up? KF Normal mode? 320 Light for NF and new PoE...