When they nerfed the MIDA and 1,000 Yard Stare, which they characterized as balanced. Rather than ask, why are these balanced weapons popular? What lessons can we take from them to make these other not-balanced weapons also be popular? They nerf them for their popularity.
You cannot simultaneously argue you want players to be powerful and have your balancing methodology be, beat down whatever class or weapon is popular. (Though in the case of the Hunter classes, they did appear to have a higher K/D than the others, so it's understandable.)
Hit the nail on the head. If a single subclass is super popular, then find out why and give the other classes something comparable.There is no other grenade in the game comparable to the tripmine, so make something that other subclasses can use (replaces that completely useless spike grenade plz). It's more difficult than a simple blanket nerf, but that's why we paid $60 for the game +$80 for the expansions so far, not including collectors editions or Eververse stuff.
Definitely agreed on the hunter/tripmine thing. I mentioned tripmine because it combines the best part of two of the other greatest PvP grenades in the game: you can stick people and pretty much one-shot them like you can with a sticky grenade, or you can put it on a wall for area control like you can with a shock grenade. It's completely OP and trivializes the other grenades, I'm surprised it took this long to change it.Do you want a thesis or something? How about a documentary following this team for the past six months as they gather feedback and player preference data? Admittedly, that second one would be kind of cool.
You guys had a point for the 1000 yrd stare and MIDA. 1kys was most used because it was literally the only high impact legendary sniper. Hunters though? They are the go-to PVP class. And that trip mine "nerf" doesn't mean shit. Stop kidding yourselves. Throw it on a wall like it's meant to be used, or use the incendiary (assuming they fix the burn damage bug they introduced).